Alright, lets see about getting my second diary entry here posted. I hope I don’t let you people down. Now just think back and tell me about the craziest thing you have heard in the last six years. After all the Malkin, Coulter, and Billy Boy spewing forth from Faux, what would you say if I told you that I can top that? What would you say if I told you that I ran across someone that makes each of those look sane? After the fold, I will prove that there is no need to call for the padded wagon for me.

There is someone out there that is more insane and out of touch than anyone on Faux News put together! I know, you think I have lost my mind with that statement. I hope no one has posted here on it yet, as I don’t have the time to check first. Time to check your gag reflex!

So after the fold, I give you the latest cross post from The Katrinacrat Blog
Before I even tell you about this, I must first say that you must not wait for a punch line to come at the end of this post! Anyone remember the song to “The best lil’ whorehouse in Texas”? Well sing the song with these lyrics: “Texass has a nutjob in it!”

I went to check out Cliff Schecter’s blog this morning after I got off work. Cliff posted something that still has me shocked! He links to a Kos diary that will blow your mind!

Texas Republicans are anti-Copernicus

Wow. Just when you think Republicans can’t get any crazier, we find out that the powerful chairman of the Texas House Appropriations Committee, Warren Chisum, doesn’t even believe that the earth revolves around the sun.

Still, it’s enough to set the world a-spinning that the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, the most powerful committee in the House, distributed to legislators a memo pitching crazed wingers who believe the earth stands still — doesn’t spin on its axis or revolve around the Sun —  that Copernicus was part of a Jewish conspiracy to undermine the Old Testament.


What the hell are they putting in the Kool-Aid these days?