Senator Obama,
Your name first came to my attention during the 2004 election. I saw your speech at the Democratic National Convention. I listened to that speech without knowing who the heck you were. After I watched it, I queued it up on my DVR, sat my girlfriend down on the couch and played it back. I told her, “that man will be President someday”.
Please make that dream a reality. Please continue with the themes you introduced in that speech.
You have the power and the will to take our country back to the basic freedoms that have been lost in this “Post 9/11 World”
Iraq? Yes, it’s very important. But you know, as do I, (even though nobody in the media cares to address that position) that the USA will be in Iraq for a very long time. In the meantime, why not concentrate on issues that resonate at home? Let the Bush Administration stumble and falter over every foreign-policy failure. They broke it; they own it.
Veteran’s health care seems pretty straight-forward. . . The heroes that return from Iraq may need care. Give it to them! Introduce a bill in the Senate to provide full healthcare for veterans AND their families. And this includes Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome and psychological treatment. Veterans Health Care. . . Lots of stories about Walter Reed lately; take the lead!
And while Veteran’s healthcare is paramount for many families, standard healthcare for every family in this great country should be a no-brainer. How about this frame? “Every person in America deserves the best health-care in the world. We are the greatest country in the world, so why shouldn’t we have the best health-care? I propose that every man, woman, and child will have access to the best medical care in the world. And if you disagree, then you intentionally degrade the rights of every American.”
Iraq will be an issue from now until somebody with the poltical will makes it stop. In my opinion, no Democrat can stop the nightmare until they are elected President. However, you can take the lead on this and demand that the troops ALL come home within the year. The Republican Party enabled this war, and you can stop it. Again, over 60% of the American Public supports bringing our troops home within the year. No mainstream candidate has embraced this position. Grasp it, make it yours, and you will have the electorate.
Dick Cheney says we’re doing great in Iraq, while the rest of the country lives in a land called realism. When 60%+ of the country says “bring our troops home,” isn’t that a winning position?
Please point out Dick Cheney’s foreign policy failures every chance you get. This will be an issue in the news for the next couple of weeks, as he is tied in to the Scooter Libby trial. Yes, he will come on TV and accuse the rest of the country of “validating Al-Qaeda’s” strategy, but honestly. . . the man has been wrong on every single foreign policy position he has ever taken. It is not that difficult to point this fact out. Challenge him to champion a foreign policy success. . .and then hit his deep-voiced fantasy with cold hard facts.
A Progressive Realist
My main concern with your “realism” is that while we are waiting for someone with the political will to stop the war, hundreds or thousands more “heroes” will either die or need help from the VA. Thousands of Iraqis will die. Perhaps thousands of Iranis, too.
We will continue to create jihadists. We will continue to ignore real terrorists.
We, all of us, have a responisiblity to stop the madness as soon as possible.
In 2004 we were told we had to vote for the electable “anybody but Bush” candidate rather than one of the two who opposed the war.
From 2004-2006 we were told the Democrats were “keeping their powder dry” but once they gained control of congress all would be well.
Now we are being warned not to rock the boat because it might cost us the 2008 Presidential run. After that we will have to protect the 2010 Congress.
I am familiar with Senator Obama, having lived in Illinois and having worked on his Sentate campaign.
Opposition to the war was a large part of what got him the primary nomination. It is the one progressive idea he has been true to throughout.
Dealing with the war and our other foreign policy messes is one of our highest priorities and does not preclude working on domestic issues as well.
I believe your intentions are good, but if Obama or any other Presidential follows your suggestion to punt on the war, he or she is very unlikely to get either my support or my vote.
Hmm punting. . . I’m not sure I can agree with your statement that I’m punting on the war.
Pelosi, Murtha, Feingold, etc., have been trying but the GWB administration seems intent on taking the fight to any convenient enemy, without a real threat, that they can confront.
I don’t think anybody can stop the progression of the “War on Terror” until the presidency changes to a Democratic Party candidate. The Republicans are too involved in this debacle to change positions now.
Our troops will be in Iraq until somebody tells them to come home. GWB has repeatedly equated leaving with losing. The majority of the American people need to speak out and insist upon leaving. Not as an admission of failure, but as a realistic policy fact. We cannot continue to support Dick Cheney’s War.
Well I guess we agree to disagree.
I’m still of the opinion that the Democrats need to put up the fight of their lives on this issue. I think they should use every tactic available including impeachment hearings.
This is not an issue that can wait. Of course, politicians seldom lead anymore. It is up to us to push them and the tactics you are calling for let them off the hook in my opinion.