The NPI stands for a new American business paradigm. It stands for negative productivity intitiative.

Sarbanes-Oxley is one of the most prominent ones.  Passed in response to Enron it’s objective was to prevent the scams ran by Enron.  What is has done to my company has been no less than a halving of what could be accomplished pre Sarbanes-Oxley.  I have worked there for twenty years and it’s almost official that I won’t make it to retirement age.  Part of it comes from Sarbanes but more and more of it comes from the newest and most destructive memes ever to come out of some unknown business think tank.

Sarbanes-Oxley also comes with a most offensive “compliance course”, the one I took clearly outlines the government’s galactic non-enforcement of every business law on the books plus has the added benefit of spewing forth yet more “terra, terra, terra” propaganda in a most Faux News type of way.  I felt like I was in some gulag re-education camp.
When I get fired I will build my own website and post the entire thing with comments.  It really is very Hannityesque.

What it does is prevent any significant investment in anything by making the decision to spend the money far more monumental than the actual project itself.  By the time the approvals come in the computer controller I speced out is obsolete and fifty seven Chinese in a sweatshop have already flooded Wal-Mart with finished products at a cost lower than the raw materials.

So what is left in America to make that 12% ROI?  You have to scam somebody, and if you are really good at it the investment community will reward you with yet more money!

Should I write the book when I get laid off?  It would parallel the work of Charolette Iserbyte’s The Dumbing Down of America.
The Deconstruction of American Industry.

Words of Mass Destruction
Superpower to Super Rust Belt in 15 short years!
And yes, it’s a global company.