With Congress preparing for renewed debate over President Bush’s Iraq policies, a majority of Americans now support setting a deadline for withdrawing U.S. forces from the war-torn nation and support putting new conditions on the military that could limit the number of personnel available for duty there, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Opposition to Bush’s plan to send an additional 21,500 troops to Iraq remained strong. Two in three Americans registered their disapproval, with 56 percent saying they strongly object. The House recently passed a nonbinding resolution opposing the new deployments, but Republicans have blocked consideration of such a measure in the Senate.
I want to know why there aren’t more politicians ON BOTH SIDES putting an end to the Iraq follies. Clearly, there is bipartisan support among the American people for ending the war.
“Though it will bring together American, Syrian and Iranian representatives, the Baghdad meeting doesn’t signal a direct U.S. diplomatic engagement with Iran and Syria. A senior State Department official said Monday night that it wasn’t likely there would be separate bilateral meetings with Iran or Syria. Rather, the planned Baghdad meeting is an extension of the administration’s current policy of using the Iraqi government as the channel for discussions with Iran and Syria about Iraqi security.”
perhaps they could whisper to each other during coffee break.
David Bradshaw has endured countless stings during his life as a beekeeper, but he got the shock of his career when he opened his boxes last month and found half of his 100 million bees missing.
In 24 states throughout the country, beekeepers have gone through similar shocks as their bees have been disappearing inexplicably at an alarming rate, threatening not only their livelihoods but also the production of numerous crops, including California almonds, one of the nation’s most profitable.
“I have never seen anything like it,” Mr. Bradshaw, 50, said from an almond orchard here beginning to bloom. “Box after box after box are just empty. There’s nobody home.”
The sudden mysterious losses are highlighting the critical link that honeybees play in the long chain that gets fruit and vegetables to supermarkets and dinner tables across the country.
Beekeepers have fought regional bee crises before, but this is the first national affliction.
Now, in a mystery worthy of Agatha Christie, bees are flying off in search of pollen and nectar and simply never returning to their colonies. And nobody knows why. Researchers say the bees are presumably dying in the fields, perhaps becoming exhausted or simply disoriented and eventually falling victim to the cold.
As researchers scramble to find answers to the syndrome they have decided to call “colony collapse disorder,” growers are becoming openly nervous about the capability of the commercial bee industry to meet the growing demand for bees to pollinate dozens of crops, from almonds to avocados to kiwis.
It’s Oscar time, so we asked some of the 2008 presidential candidates the question of the moment: what’s your favorite movie?
The following are their choices and the corresponding plot outlines as described by the Internet Movie Database. Do any of the movies offer new insights into the candidates?
Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona: “Viva Zapata” (1952) — “The story of Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, who led a rebellion against the corrupt, oppressive dictatorship of president Porfirio Diaz in the early 20th century.”
Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-New York: “Casablanca” (1942) — “An American expatriate meets a former lover, with unforeseen complications.”
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, R-New York: “The Godfather” (1972) — “The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son.”
Former Sen. John Edwards, D-North Carolina: “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb” (1964) — “An insane general starts a process to nuclear holocaust that a war room of politicians and generals frantically try to stop.”
Gov. Bill Richardson, D-New Mexico: “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” (1969) — “Two Western bank/train robbers flee to Bolivia when the law gets too close.”
Former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Massachusetts: “Raiders of the lost Ark” (1981) — “Renowned archeologist and expert in the occult, Dr. Indiana Jones, is hired by the U.S. Government to find the Ark of the Covenant, which is believed to still hold the Ten Commandments.”
Interesting that the most recent movie any of them picked is 26 years old…
They overlooked Obama? And my man, Al Gore who some are pointing out does not have a rapid response team just to rebut the likes of Drudge!
But… Go check this Zogby Poll Early reading and too many months to go:
Hillary Holds On; Giuliani Expands Lead in National Primary Tests
Obama advances, but McCain fades in partisan contests; Obama, Giuliani do best in general election match-ups
New York Sen. Hillary Clinton clings to a shrinking lead over Illinois Senator Barack Obama in a national test of Democratic primary voter preference, while Republican Rudy Giuliani is expanding his edge over John McCain, the maverick senator from Arizona, a new Zogby International telephone poll shows.
The survey was the first since last week’s very public spat between the Clinton and Obama campaigns over Hollywood fund-raising and the conduct of the first Clinton administration.[.]
They’re thinking he (Gore) has a rapid response team for reasons other than global warming…I think he looks happy doing what he’s doing and wonder why anybody would trade that to run for president.
Have you seen the OpenCongress blog yet? I think it looks like a great way to keep track of what are reps are actually doing (or not doing) every week.
“The Supreme Court announced a general rule against taxpayer standing to challenge federal expenditures in 1923 in Frothingham v. Mellon, 262 U.S. 447. But the Warren Court created an exception to the general rule with Flast, a challenge to congressional appropriation of funds for the purchase of textbooks for parochial schools.” [PFAW has more.]
Feb. 27, 2007 – It was supposed to be a surprise trip. And it was, in more ways than Vice President Dick Cheney could have imagined.
He had plane trouble that nearly aborted the journey. He made unannounced trips to Pakistan and Afghanistan, rerouting on his way back to Washington to meet with the countries’ top leaders amid signs the Taliban and Al Qaeda have regrouped in the region. Then, the suicide bomber hit.[.]
No Verdict in Day 5 of Scooter Libby Deliberations but at end of today, there’s a note containing a question from the jury
“Lots of people have asked me what’s taking so long. I don’t think this is a particularly long time yet.
I thought a very fast verdict would mean an acquittal, indicating the jury just didn’t buy the Government’s theory. Anything past that shows a serious deliberation of all of the evidence, which includes 8 hours of Libby grand jury testimony as well as a review of all of the trial testimony and exhibits, the jury instructions and verdict forms, and their application to the five separate charges against Libby.
Libby doesn’t dispute that he misspoke to the grand jury….[.]
I have learned you can never predict how a jury will decide a case. If deliberations go into next week, I think a fair reading is that at least one juror has a differing view from that of other jurors. But again, that doesn’t signal anything about which view, guilty or not guilty, is prevailing. Also, there may be unanimity on some counts but not others.”
woo-hoo? WashPo
I want to know why there aren’t more politicians ON BOTH SIDES putting an end to the Iraq follies. Clearly, there is bipartisan support among the American people for ending the war.
Where there’s hope…
via Laura Rozen citing a David Ignatius piece
U.S. Agrees to Meeting with Iran and Syria during Baghdad conference.
“Though it will bring together American, Syrian and Iranian representatives, the Baghdad meeting doesn’t signal a direct U.S. diplomatic engagement with Iran and Syria. A senior State Department official said Monday night that it wasn’t likely there would be separate bilateral meetings with Iran or Syria. Rather, the planned Baghdad meeting is an extension of the administration’s current policy of using the Iraqi government as the channel for discussions with Iran and Syria about Iraqi security.”
perhaps they could whisper to each other during coffee break.
Where have all the bees gone? NYT
Very worrying.
GMO, pesticides and playing with nature. Quite a build-up imo
from CNN
Interesting that the most recent movie any of them picked is 26 years old…
They overlooked Obama? And my man, Al Gore who some are pointing out does not have a rapid response team just to rebut the likes of Drudge!
But… Go check this Zogby Poll Early reading and too many months to go:
Hillary Holds On; Giuliani Expands Lead in National Primary Tests
Obama advances, but McCain fades in partisan contests; Obama, Giuliani do best in general election match-ups
For those who hold Obama does not have the experience, Here’s a clip. I agree with Andrew Sullivan – very impressive.
Tennesse Guerilla Women on the Gore-Drudge crap from yesterday.
They’re thinking he (Gore) has a rapid response team for reasons other than global warming…I think he looks happy doing what he’s doing and wonder why anybody would trade that to run for president.
What do you all think?
His response team is amazing.
I think it’s time to think about a “draft”. Worked for Ike supporters in 1950, they only had snail-mail and telephones.
Have you seen the OpenCongress blog yet? I think it looks like a great way to keep track of what are reps are actually doing (or not doing) every week.
Marcia Coyle/NLJ: Justices Enter Church-State Fray [27 Feb ’07].
“The Supreme Court announced a general rule against taxpayer standing to challenge federal expenditures in 1923 in Frothingham v. Mellon, 262 U.S. 447. But the Warren Court created an exception to the general rule with Flast, a challenge to congressional appropriation of funds for the purchase of textbooks for parochial schools.” [PFAW has more.]
Newsweek: Air Force Two encounters turbulence
‘A Rough Ride on Air Force Two’
Electrical problems. Unexpected stops. And a suicide bomber’s strike. Inside Cheney’s troubled Asia trip.
What’s that line from MacBeth?
“Trouble trouble, boil and bubble”
I need a Bard refresher.
I think Dick is running out of places to visit while he’s avoiding being at home for the return of the Libby verdict.
Of course, the longer the jury is out, the more I wonder if there will even be a verdict…
My thought exactly. Bet Dick thought the jury deliberations would be quick.
Jeralyn at Talkleft gives a primer:
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