Crossposted from Town Called Dobson

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I  hope the lesson is patience. Patience to wait for the time to be right for Al Gore to announce.

He couldn’t do it at the Academy Awards because that would be just tacky. And I can hear the cries from the Limbaughs of the world “he is the Hollywood candidate!”

He probably won’t before or during the concerts coming up later this year. If he did, the concerts would be seen as being for the campaign, not for the environment.

And why is it so damn important for Al to declare NOW? RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!!!??? It isn’t. He can continue running around, gaining exposure, appearing mature in the face of Bush’s stupidity all the while letting Hillary and Obama kill each other. Let them drain their resources and their public good-will while Al can achieve the same PR without the cost or restrictions of a campaign.

Let the field dwindle and let the public get sick and tired of the current crop of candidates – then Al can declare and appear to save the day.