I don’t know what better evidence there could be that Dick Cheney has come unhinged than this:
Who was the mystery official on Vice President
Dick Cheney’s plane? There were plenty of clues about his identity if you read a transcript of his remarks.The rules were simple. The official who briefed reporters on Cheney’s plane could be identified only as a senior administration official. But the high-ranking official wasn’t very careful about concealing his identity as Cheney wrapped up his round-the-world trip with surprise stops in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pay attention to the pronouns — me and I — that the official uses in describing the vice president’s mission.
“The reason the president wanted me to come, obviously, is because of the continuing threat that exists in this part of the world on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistan border,” the senior administration official said Tuesday.
OK, it was apparent the briefer was Cheney himself and that he gave himself away. White House press secretary Tony Snow encouraged the vice president’s office Wednesday to identify the briefer by name but he was turned down. “The vice president’s office made its feelings known,” he said with a grin that suggested a very senior official was behind the decision.
The White House distributed a text of the official’s comments on Air Force Two as Cheney flew from Afghanistan to Oman before beginning his flight back to Washington. The transcript did not spell out why the official on Cheney’s plane would not be quoted by name.
We’ve all laughed about the ‘undisclosed locations’ and all that. But Cheney is losing his grip on sanity. He won’t admit that he was the one that talked to the press? He can’t even phrase his ‘senior administration official’ remarks in a way the hides his identity? Man. He really needs Scooter back. The man can’t do anything right without him. At least he didn’t tell the press to quote him as a ‘former hill staffer’.
I hope Cheney is being pressured by some prominent Republicans who can play politics – such as James Baker – to resign or just maybe Cheney was told he is now Fitzgerald’s target. Definitely, Cheney is looney and this latest episode proves his instability.
people keep talking about how smirky is medicated– but cheney has had, what? two heart attacks? how much dope is this guy on to keep from having the Big One, as Fred Sanford used to say?
Thats a good point. I’d like to get a look in his medicine cabinet. No wonder he is a sociopath. He probably can’t feel any emotion at all.
Can you imagine the scary blank stare Harry Whittington got after Cheney shot him. Scary few seconds trying to figure out if another round was coming or Cheney was going to pass out or maybe shoot at someone else. Beads of sweat while you trying to read the eyes of the super medicated sociopath who just shot you. Man thats scary.
LOL – although I realise I probably shouldn’t! You paint a very vivid word picture…
Leave Cheney alone, he had to be thinking he was talking to Tim Russert. The reporter who bends the information any way you want and everything is background or off the record..so long as you buy him a fancy dinner.