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Question for everyone:
who is your favorite orator (living or deceased)?
who is your favorite orator (living or deceased)?
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May the 4’s be with you
has to be Martin Luther King Jr. hands down. He spoke to the soul and heart of the world. I still get chills listening to his speeches and cry for all the pain and suffering that has happened and is still happening as we struggle for Equal Rights for All People.
My second would be Senfronia Thompson and her fabulous speech in the House of Representatives in 2005 opposing the anti-gay marriage amendment. I was there and heard it live.
saying MLK but figured that others would highlight his awesome ability to inspire. How cool that you were able to hear Senfronia Thompson speak out for human rights. We need more voices of sanity getting through the thick fog of Congressional groupthink.
If you’re new to the site, here’s the thread to jump headfirst into the pond!
My answer to the question: Señor Octavio Paz of Mexico.
Your turn!
Paz is amazing with deeply keen insight.
There are a lot of good orators out there, from Plato and Cicero on down to JFK and MLK. I’m not naming a choice; I’ve never really thought about it, and as soon as I named someone and hit “Post” I’d slap my forehead, go “D’oh!” and immediately wish I’d named someone else.
Do they even teach oratory any more? In this age of sound-byte journalism, there might just be a market for a politician who can put together a real stemwinder.
They still teach it at toastmasters and in some public speaking courses. Too bad so many of the politicians only take lessons from the media and paid political gurus.
nice to see ya, have you been lurking, crazy busy or am I in opposite threads? Anywho, know what you mean about choosing a favorite. As for politicos, I’m most impressed with the people who write their own speeches instead of having a staffer do the heavy lifting for them.
Busy mostly. I’ve been doing a lot of reading but not a lot of talking lately. Hopefully I’ll have a little bit more slack time soon. Thanks for thinking of me, amigo.
I think MLK Jr. is the most moving orator I’ve ever heard. I can’t really compare anyone to him.
orator’s, eh. have to give that some thought. other than the obvious contemporary, loosely defined, examples such as MLK, Winston Churchill, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton [who can deliver what Omir calls a stem winder], I would have to consider Sen. Robert Byrd a contender.
but in honour of the launching of Latino Politico v3.0…you can be the first recipient of the latest in home entertainment technology…Bierkatapult
march on the pentagon: 3.17.07
Draft Al Gore: 2008
Bless you, dada! Bless you richly!
ROTFLMAO!!!!! Now that is a true armchair, couch potato, quaterback.
Keith Olbermann just showed the last 20 secs of that video. Scary what couch potatoes can come up with.
(psst…you have mail)
That’s great!
Mah favorit ‘tater iz frahed. Oh wait, you said orator…
we can always count on snark from the tater tot 😉
but a great listen.
If you’ve got 87 minutes to listen to this Douglas Adams talk as UC Santa Barbara on endangered species, you will be thoroughly amused, in addition to educated.
Go here and scroll down to the link to “Streaming Video.”
were headlines today in Southern AZ regarding the Sonoran pygmy owl declines. The evironmental lobby is trying to get them back under protection here so they don’t go extinct. I’ve seen a couple before, they are tiny and cute.
Such a wonderful combination of passion and intelligence.
Andi, what a great speaker and fabulous woman your reminded me of yet again.
Her voice was so wonderful — I feel like I can hear it my head.
OMG, yes!!! and thinking of her also brings to mind other great women speakers who all has very different styles but were unique and fantastic in their own right. Molly Ivins, Ann Richards, Shirley Chisum, Maya Angelou and the list just goes on and on.
And his voice? I don’t think we’ll ever hear anything like it again! A few quotes:
the last quote the most, northcountry (wonder why? hehe)
Thanks for the linkage to the audio, I’m listening to “It Ain’t Necessarily So” at the moment.
And I’m not an artist! But its very powerful, especially since so many people went to so many lengths to try and silence him.
Glad you’re enjoying the link.
For long speeches, MLK…for packing a lot in a small space, Keith Olbermann (just watched his latest “special comment” over at Crooks and Liars, neither of which describes him).
Refi — it was a shock for me to see snow, because (a) I rarely see it in the Bay Area — last time it snowed there IIRC was in 1977 when I was a junior in high school, and (b) I’m in freakin’ LAS VEGAS where it’s even less likely.
Actually clear now, though still a bit blustery…but decided not to worry about the show tonight — I’m going to hang out and relax and pack up for the trip home tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to getting back home and getting back on track with all the projects I have going…guess I’m just a little more homesick this time than usual. shrug
snow in Las Vegas, eh? I guess anything’s possible with global climate change. Have a safe trip tomorrow, you’ll get back into a groove in no time. paz
hey Manny! oh dear…always late to the party, and all of my favorite orators have been mentioned in a far more eloquent fashion than my own.
What you neglected to ask is who is the best diary host. Hands down Manny, no question about it! Thanks for your countless efforts in supporting a peaceful atmosphere at BT, through thick and thin … and creating an environment of warmth and security for those of us who lean toward the land of lurk.
Yes, admittedly, obvious commentary, but I felt it should be noted…ya know…on your permanent record and all. :^)
good night,
always a pleasure to read your comments. You should do more of that instead of lurking, imnsho 🙂
Yesterday showered me with extra special treats, topped off by a couple unexpected scathing notes from the banshee sis in law. She’s one of “those” people, the pseudo-fundamentalist homophobes who firmly believes that this “great president” (ewww) was…you got it!…hand selected by God.
Funny thing about all her self-righteous preaching about my alleged secular lifestyle … I’ve been inside of churches far more often than she has. (sigh)
Let’s just say I really needed a happy zone before I logged out last night, and I thank you very much for providing it. (I didn’t think I’d be able to find such a zone at your own site, so I was delighted to see that you had hosted a thread over here)
good day! :^)
to hear about the banshee. And doubly sorry about the lack of good news over at Latino Politico. The news has been terrible lately wrt immigration. I’ll see what I can do to mix things up, tho. Have a great day!
Not to carry this conversation into oblivion, but it’s certainly not your fault about the immigration issues, and I’ve learned a helluva lot from your site and many others. (God bless the KKK and those wacky college kids with their immigration games) </snark>
Yesterday I just crashed and burned from all the wretched awfulness. The breaking point took place after reading a NYT article about citizens from Thailand being tricked into giving up their land and belongings based on lies about work in the U.S. Yet another group of humble humans risking everything for a better life, with dreams of sending their children to college. Now they have nothing.
okay, time to grab into thin air for a silver lining. Perhaps we should all invest in Kleenex stock… heaven knows the market need is limitless. In the meantime, I’ll just do what I always do and count the days until Friday Bud Blogging. (or… gasp!… perhaps a return of….the annihilated sunset.) ;^)
Even though it’s Thursday now, feel free to keep this thread alive. Any lurkers out there? Anyone reading this that hasn’t signed up for the site? It’s easy and free
Not going there with “favorite” because there are just too many possibilities (by several orders of magnitude) but another one who hasn’t been mentioned: Archbishop Romero.
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