Progress Pond Updates!

I kind of suck at technical stuff so I’m just going to cut and paste directly from the updated portion of the site.

The SPP is meant to:
Coordinate our security efforts to better protect U.S. citizens from terrorist threats and transnational crime and promote the safe and efficient movement of legitimate people and goods;
Expand economic opportunity for all our people by making our businesses more competitive in the global marketplace, cutting red tape, and providing consumers with safe, less expensive, and innovative products; and
Enhance our common efforts to combat infectious diseases, develop responses to man-made or natural disasters to enhance our citizens’ quality of life, protect our people and our environment, and improve consumer safety.

OK, terrorist threats and transnational crime.  Well, OK America, truely how many of you have personally lost a loved one to a turban wearing, AK47 toting gin-u-wine terrorist?  Is the US government not the premier mafia Don of transnational crime?
And, who gets to determine “legitimate” people as I distinctly remember Senator Ted Kennedy himself had his own personal run in with Homeboy Security.

Oh, and this “enhanced” global economic competitiveness business crap?  Pal-eeze, I work for a global Illuminati company, poised to snuff any of this nonsense into oblivion with cheaper Chinese labor plus the addition of good ol German automation engineering.
We can build an entire factory over there for the price of one yuppie asshole!

It then goes on further to inject some other mindless bullshit drivel about enhancing the governments response to natural disasters.
Well Katrina victims?  How would you rate our government’s response?

To add the the horse manure pile and by horse manure I mean think of Carl Sagan, galactic proportions of it.
Scroll on down to the myth vs fact section.  

They then go on to say it’s a consumer benefit to import this Chinese crap.  I did the WalMart electrical butt splice thing.  Those electric brakes would have shorted out the battery when my entire family was on their way to camp in the new RV.  Only my 20 years of electical wiring experience caught the fact that good electrical butt splices are made with two layers of metal instead of one.  Yes, after the wires pulled out of the connector I did a post mortem.
“Enhanced consumer benenfit”.

Lord, can I tack up the Apocalyptic horse now?

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