Promoted by Steven D.
While speaking at CPAC, Newt Gingrich had the gall to say, among other things, that residents of New Orleans’ 9th Ward were “so uneducated and so unprepared, they literally couldn’t get out of the way of a hurricane.” Nicole Belle at Crooks and Liars relates how “this CPAC convention really highlights the humanity of these conservatives.” The CPAC has dished out some pretty ugly things with this hate convention. Ann Coulter threw a hate grenade when refering to Democratic Presidential contender, John Edwards, as a “faggot.” Nicole gives the whole Quote:
How can you have the mess we have in New Orleans, and not have had deep investigations of the federal government, the state government, the city government, and the failure of citizenship in the Ninth Ward, where 22,000 people were so uneducated and so unprepared, they literally couldn’t get out of the way of a hurricane. (emphasis original)
She also links to the audio at Liberal Oasis. I fail to see the claimed compassion that they are supposed to have. Anyone that blames the victims like that, really needs to be put away in an institution for evaluation! Max Blumenthal with The Nation, gives us “seven minutes of raw, unexpurgated right-wing action courtesy of VideoNation:”
Michelle Malkin goes unhinged and launches a hysterical tirade into the lens of my camera. I ask Ann “John Edwards is a Faggot” Coulter why she isn’t the same person on Sunday morning as on Saturday night. Tom Tancredo fanatics lose their cool when asked about connection between race and immigration, then try to conceal their neo-Confederate paraphenalia.(Emphasis Mine)
CPAC, taking hate to a whole new level! I would really hate to see what they would do without that so-called compassion.
Cross posted from The Katrinacrat Blog
Bush’s and Gingrich’s Republican Party has become the party of the Confederacy so how could they possibly act any different. Hate and cheap labor is the cement that holds it together.
Too bad we have an administration that is so “uneducated and unprepared” that they can’t get out of the way of a civil war.
…the failure of citizenship in the Ninth Ward, where 22,000 people were so uneducated and so unprepared, they literally couldn’t get out of the way of a hurricane.
In other words, STUPID n-gg-rs, they ruined it for us again…
Um, Newt. Haven’t you got a few ex-wives to mess over on their hospital beds?
You and Guiliani oughta take some notes, mano e mano. He needs help after his kids, now grown, refuse to go with him on the campaign trail. Must be memories of how he skunked their mama time and again, even bringing the b*tch home.
I guess black folks should have kept their four-wheel drive vehicles at the ready in case Ray “I’m only a token Dem with Repub friends like Jindal” Nagin came up short with the buses.
You notice how Bush ran over to the tornado stricken areas after his call for charitable donations to rebuild fell on stunned ears.
blksista, LOL! Spot on! I actually should have called the convention a “Klan Meeting.” How someone can still back those idiots is beyond me.