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Question for everyone:
what gives you hope and inspiration?
what gives you hope and inspiration?
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May the 4’s be with you
The latest member of the frog pond:
My answer to the question: Lately, mi abuelita. She is the last remaining grandparent alive for me and, while busier than all of us combined, is starting to take the time to tell stories of her life so we’ll remember them after she’s gone. This past weekend, she told me that every year for her mother’s birthday (also George Washington’s), they would enjoy an apple pie together instead of cake. The topic came up because she gave up sweets for Lent and was craving one of those packaged mini-apple turnovers that ensnare shoppers at checkout lines everywhere. Ahhhh, multiculturalism.
Your turn!
Welocme lucitana!
What gives me hope?
Little things. Good people working to make the world a better place.
Little victories. Getting rid of Guckert. Getting the media to cover the Downing Street Minutes. Defeating Republicans in elections all over the country. Seeing people like Frist, DeLay, Santorum, Cunningham, Burns, Allen, Hayworth…go down.
Convicting Libby.
What takes away hope? Today’s WP and WSJ.
are you going to the march on the Pentagon? I hate living so far away.
I am not planning on going. I don’t have the money right now. But I hope it draws huge crowds.
I wish you didn’t live so far away too. It’d be good to see you more often.
Home-made tortillas and reading “about the Court Jester” below. scroll down to Court Jester.
I wrote this as a short diary over at big Orange, but it fits this request perfectly
Who makes you proud?
Proud of what? Proud of being human. Name some heroes, and try to tell us WHY they make you proud or ashamed. And try to pick some people who won’t be on EVERYONE’S list unless you have some special thing to say – soem special bit of knowledge.
So….in no particular order….and I am NOT saying these are the greatest people in history….just some who I think aren’t that well known
S. Michael Gelber
My father – who not only led a life that would fit into a Horatio Alger story (except Alger didn’t write about Jews) but is totally committed to giving back to the community, and who may be the least prejudiced person I know (certainly less prejudiced than I am).
Paul Farmer – for his stunning work in bringing free health care to some of the most impoverished places on Earth – most especially Haiti.
Wayne Inman – In Billings, MT, in 1993, the KKK and other groups were vandalizing the homes of the few Jews who live there, who they identified because they were displaying menorahs in their windows. Cemeteries were desecrated, swastikas painted….etc. Inman, the police chief at the time, reacted brilliantly. He publicized the incidents, got religious groups to sponsor marches against hate, and, in what I regard as the most brilliant move, got 10,000 menorahs printed up and urged residents to place them in their windows. Kudos to word is bond for helping me find the info, and posting it here
David Smith of Whitwell, TN, a teacher and assistant principal who came up with the idea that led to a great film. The basic story: He decided that the kids in this nearly-all-White, all-Christian town needed to learn about the Holocaust. Then he had the idea to collect a paper clip for each Jew killed by the Nazis. It really is a great film, and a testament to what ordinary people can do, and how ordinary people can grow.
Most of my heroes are back in my childhood. My grandparents taught me about love and caring in all their actions. One grandfather was a teacher who had grown up on a farm. He gave me an appreciation for the outdoors, how to identify trees by the leaves and bark, what creatures made which footprints in the snow, what kind of bird we heard singing, a thousand other bits of knowledge.
Another was my first real boss in the little mom & pop grocery where I worked as a high school kid and learned to interact with all kinds of people.
There are many, many more; just everyday people but they all had some special gift to share.
BTW, in looking at the poll, it appears I’m not the only geezer around here today.
You may want to mention that the number of paper clips that started snowballing in to that little town, inspired more & more people to become involved. Some supporters donated an actual boxcar used in the transport of Jews, which is set up as a museum of sorts in the town. The paper clips numbering in the millions & millions are in the boxcar. The school brought in some actual survivors to meet with the students & many of the townspeople were brought to tears listening to these survivors`stories.
A great choice for your “Heroes”
Most people in the town didn`t know what a “Jew” looked like, before the project.
They were surprised that they looked like “jews” also.
Answer to what gives me hope and inspiration: My children.
Hard to say. Maybe I’m just an optimist. Certainly the thought that maybe I can make things better for my grandkids — and if I’m lucky, for my kids, my wife and me — keep me going, but I guess at heart I’m just an optimist.
What is the point of this story?
What information pertains?
The thought that life could be better
Is woven indelibly into our hearts and our brains.
— Paul Simon, “Train In The Distance”
what gives me hope and inspiration (in no particular order)
. the fine minds and even finer efforts of the activists who try to make the world better for all
. stepping outside and being endlessly amazed at all the beauty free for the looking
. the abundance of creativity in people
In no particular order:
Family and friends
The unconditional love of my goofy dogs, even though they drive me crazy
The people who work to change things and make the world a better place
That occasional warm sunny day in the middle of winter that reminds you spring is coming (and we’re due for one more of those, btw)
People who don’t give up in the face of adversity
Spending time outdoors with my kids
A certain 8 year old.
Inspiration and hope….
My daughters
Good beer
Spring training
Books, many, many books
welcome to the site, pilgrim99! Are you able to attend any spring training games? I may go see the DBacks soon, the weather is perfect here in southern AZ. paz
No spring training games for me. Doesn’t work out so well here in Cleveland. We just hope it won’t snow on opening day.