Priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit

The Associated Press
Friday, March 9, 2007; 12:20 AM

GUATEMALA CITY — Mayan priests will purify a sacred archaeological site to eliminate “bad spirits” after President Bush visits next week, an official with close ties to the group said Thursday.

“That a person like (Bush), with the persecution of our migrant brothers in the United States, with the wars he has provoked, is going to walk in our sacred lands, is an offense for the Mayan people and their culture,” Juan Tiney, the director of a Mayan nongovernmental organization with close ties to Mayan religious and political leaders, said Thursday.


Tiney said the “spirit guides of the Mayan community” decided it would be necessary to cleanse the sacred site of “bad spirits” after Bush’s visit so that their ancestors could rest in peace. He also said the rites _ which entail chanting and burning incense, herbs and candles _ would prepare the site for the third summit of Latin American Indians March 26-30.


The tour is aimed at challenging a widespread perception that the United States has neglected the region and at combatting the rising influence of Venezuelan leftist President Hugo Chavez, who has called Bush “history’s greatest killer” and “the devil.”

Read on.
So…tell me again. Who are the people who are most successfully opposing U.S. economic imperialism at present?

The people of the ISLAMIC world.

Emphasis in the word ISLAM, folks.

A religion.

A belief system

NOT a race.

And where is the next most effective resistance beginning to take place?

In South/Central/Caribbean America.

The last stronghold of the old Catholic religion. YOU know…the one that actually believes in a just God? Not the devolved one that is represented by fascists in priest’s robes.

In South/Central/Caribbean America.

Also the last stronghold of the world’s older religions. (Save poor, fucked Africa, which is so broke that it’s hard enough just to survive, let alone do much in the way of thinking or feeling. When the white world stole a large percentage of the best…the strongest, the most “valuable” …of its people away [thereby irreparably harming the African gene pool in that act] its current troubles were guaranteed. 300 to 400 years ago. Guaranteed.)

South/Central/Caribbean American tribal religions made even greater by their contact with OTHER religions.

Ever hear of Santeria?




Not much?

Wake the fuck up.

And read this.

“Santeria is a third-world religion,” explained Dr. Mercedes Cros Sandoval who teaches anthropology at the Interamerican campus of Miami-Dade Community College and is writing a book on the subject. With its magical and spiritual dimensions, Santeria attracts those who are facing health, job, family or other problems or those who are in “risky” professions such as politicians or artists, she said. “It is a mental health and crisis intervention system and attracts those who are in a crisis over values,” Dr. Sandoval said.

The religious practice was easily able to take root in the Roman Catholic cultures of Latin America, especially Cuba and Brazil, where the Catholic church venerated a multitude of saints with whom the African deities could be equated, she explained.

In countries such as Brazil, spiritist religions such as Santeria are reported to be widespread inside and outside of the dominant Roman Catholic Church. “If anybody makes the statement that Brazil is a Catholic country, he is completely out of the game,” states Dinho Pereira, an LAM missionary in the interior city of Tres Ranchos. “Brazil is a Spiritist country, not a Catholic country. If you ask people, they say they are Catholic. But, if you really start to analyze, they are Spiritists but they are ashamed to say that, so they say they are Catholic.”

Sandoval estimates that there are several-hundred places of Santeria worship in Miami, mostly among Cuban immigrants.

“I think that Santeria is as widespread in Miami as it is in Cuba–affecting up to sixty percent of the Cuban population,” estimates Rev. Tom Willey who was raised as the child of missionaries in Cuba and has worked extensively with Cuban and Haitian refugees through his position as Miami director for World Relief. “Now it’s spreading in the United States attracting “gringos” who want to experiment with it,” he said.

Make that up to 60% of the entire population of South/Central/Caribbean America, if my life-long immersion in those cultures is any indication.

MORE than 60%, probably.

I can hear it now.

OOooooo, them brownskin people sho’ is superstitious!!!


Think again.

THINK, folks!!!

It has only been since the middle of the 20th Century…say after W.W. II…that ANY appreciable number of the human beings who live on this pretty little planet have not in one sense or another believed in something greater than themselves and have actually stopped trying to live within religious precepts handed down through centuries by the best and brightest of us all.

“We” are a drop in the bucket of human history.

And “we” are LOSING!!!

To people of faith.

To people of enough faith that they are willing to die for their beliefs.

I can hear this, too.

Dumb motherfuckers!!!

I can hear it from the troops and mercs in Iraq and Afghanistan who are mostly only fighting for personal survival and/or personal gain.

And I can hear it from the people who run this country as well.

Dumb motherfuckers!!! We will KICK THEIR ASSES!!!

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Only…it ain’t quite working out that way, is it Mr. Cheney?

How’s the old leg feeling, Dickie Boy? I hear Fidel is recovering quite nicely. Foiled again, eh? No justice in this world is there, Dick? That 80+ year old motherfucker up and about while your sorry 60-ish ass can’t even manage to pump sufficient blood through your uptight, constricted, always angry arteries to keep your spindly white legs up underneath your sorry body.

Ever read Faust, Dick?

Pick up a copy.

Instructive, if you have the sense to understand it.

Which sense…sadly, especially to the 100s of thousands whose blood presently resides on your hands…you do not possess.

Too bad.

Does it not begin to dawn on you that you may have chosen the wrong side in this competition, you old shooter, you?

Three quarters of the population of the world is seeing the truth of that ever more clearly, as is a working majority of those in your own country.

Yes, “God”, “Satan”, “the Spirits”, etc. are just temporary constructs to help us get some idea of the breadth and shape of the illimitable universe and how it works.


On the evidence.

The idea of “One nation, under God” actually prevailed for several centuries.

Perfect, were we?

No more than any of the humans of which this country was comprised.

But it was going somewhere.



“One nation, under TV?”

Going nowhere.


Wake up, folks.

Before it is too late.

There is more.

I am a Judeo-Christian Celtic Muslim, myself. What’s in YOUR spiritual wallet?

You got yer choice.

As always.


or just


Your choice.

Bet on it.

You bet your life.

You bet your soul, too.

Bet on THAT, if you have the courage.

Bet on that.
