McClatchy has the scoop:
Presidential advisor Karl Rove and at least one other member of the White House political team were urged by the New Mexico Republican party chairman to fire the state’s U.S. attorney because of dissatisfaction in part with his failure to indict Democrats in a voter fraud investigation in the battleground election state.
In an interview Saturday with McClatchy Newspapers, Allen Weh, the party chairman, said he complained in 2005 about then-U.S. Attorney David Iglesias to a White House liaison who worked for Rove and asked that he be removed. Weh said he followed up with Rove personally in late 2006 during a visit to the White House.
“Is anything ever going to happen to that guy?” Weh said he asked Rove at a White House holiday event that month.
“He’s gone,” Rove said, according to Weh.
“I probably said something close to ‘Hallelujah,'” said Weh.
The bad news for the White House seems to be piling up faster than we can document the atrocities. Gail Collins attempts to document the atrocities of Alberto Gonzales’s Justice Department, but no brief essay can complete the job. Next week Valerie Plame Wilson will finally put to rest all the Toensing talking points about whether or not she was covert or served overseas in the five years prior to her outing.
Gonzales’ assistants will be testifying within the next two weeks. The Walter Reed scandal continues to grow. Iraq is as violent as ever. How much more of this can this administration endure. There are so many holes in the dyke it seems like a Katrina-like deluge is inevitable.
Not since 1952 have we faced an election where the incumbent administration did not field a candidate. The GOP has little incentive to stick with this catastrophic failure of a presidency.
I hope they soon start to put the nation and its laws and their own self-interest before any misplaced loyalty to a lawbreaker. Who will be out the door first? Cheney, Rove, or Gonzales?
Cheney, Rove, or Gonzales?
How about the trifecta?
C’mon Steve, put your neck out there…
I should Mueller in there. He might be the fall guy for Abu.
How much more of this can this administration endure.
Pretty much it would seem. As evidenced by the fact that they have endured so much. Bush could be at 10% approval, with front page coverage of its crimes every day, and Beltway Dems would still be saying they just don’t have the votes to do anything. And the nice folks at Daily Kos will still be accusing people who care about little things like the rule of law of spouting “impeachment porn.”
There are at least 40 crooks in the Senate in bed with the Republican Mafia. We’ve just had a demo in that one of the “moderates”, Domenici, got caught getting a US District Attorney fired because he wasn’t willing to make up charges against a Democrat for political purposes. These people aren’t honest and don’t care about the welfare of the country. Nothing will make them vote to impeach Bush barring something ridiculous like gay porn tapes made in the Oval Office.
This is boring, already. The Democratic Party has no one to blame but itself for its sorry status. They have totally embraced their omega dog role, and their self-pity adds nothing. They’re victimized by the right. They’re undermined by the left. Please. They’re appeasers and they share a lot of the responsibility for where we are.
“All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.” — Edmund Burke
and you can’t do much against the popular will. The Republicans have gotten as far as they have through media manipulation. You’re not going to have many more progressive Congressmen than the current Progressive Caucus until American views are radically changed, and if that were all we had in the Dem party we wouldn’t even be able to sustain a veto. Now that would be omega dog.
The popular will is influenced by what the highly visible say. It’s the responsibility of those in power to articulate a vision. The Democrats have failed miserably at that, and instead, aped GOP talking points.
In spite of that, and in a virtual media blackout on opposition voices, the American public has figured out, that this Administration is vile. Bush is polling at 29%. He’s polling worse than Satan and Osama bin Laden. He was dissed in a diner in Peoria. It’s unprecedented how hated this President is. The popular will is not the problem. It’s the total failure of political will that has failed the people.
/ It’s the total failure of political will that has failed the people.
DING!…we have a winner!
short, sharp and to the point….right the fuck on!
/march on the pentagon: 3.17.07
Draft Al Gore: 2008
Gonzales. Totally expendable.
We won’t be able to get the other two out without surgical intervention… and that’s after we impeach them!
Cheney for health reasons allowing the cabal to appoint a VP – maybe Rice making it difficult for the Senate to vote against both a woman & a minority – who would then become their new puppet and run for the Oval Office in 2008.