Progress Pond

Karl “The Conduit” Rove

I can’t think of a better nickname for Presidential advisor, Karl Rove (with the possible exception of Bush’s sobriquet for him: “turd blossom”), than the one inadvertently given him yesterday in the lede to this story by Ron Hutcheson, Marisa Taylor and Margaret Talev of McClatchy Newspapers:

WASHINGTON – The White House acknowledged on Sunday that presidential adviser Karl Rove served as a conduit for complaints about federal prosecutors as House investigators declared their intention to question him about any role he may have played in the firing of eight U.S. attorneys.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said Rove relayed complaints from Republican officials and others to the Justice Department and the White House counsel’s office. She said Rove, the chief White House political operative, specifically recalled passing along complaints about former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias and may have mentioned the grumblings about Iglesias to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Iglesias says he lost his job as the top federal prosecutor in New Mexico after rebuffing Republican pressure to speed his investigation of Democratic officials in the state.

Rove said he did not suggest that any of the U.S. attorneys be forced to resign, Perino said.

Karl has always been a “conduit” for Bush, a conduit of garbage and filth, lies and deceits, propaganda and vengeance. He never “suggests” anything, but my how he dishes the crap out when called upon. He is the ultimate conveyor. You can rest assured that anything that coming out of the White House or the RNC which emanates the aroma of a slaughterhouse or a pigsty has been handled personally by him at some point in its travails. The outing of Valerie Plame, the Swift Boating of John Kerry, the attacks on Democrats as traitors/terrorist appeasers/girly men, the voter suppression efforts in 2000, 2002 and 2004, the continuing disinformation campaign regarding Iraq (and now Iran), etc. All have been blessed by Karl’s personal tender loving care. I’m certain of it.

So it should come as no surprise that Rove was “involved” up to his double chins in the latest scandal to come down the Bush Turnpike: the December 7th firings of eight US Attorneys. Settling scores, obstructing justice for political gains, passing our favors; it’s all in a day’s work for Mr. Conduit. Or as I prefer to think of him Mr. Sewer Pipe. What slimy behavior by this administration doesn’t pass through Rove at some point?

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