None of this is News to us ‘Nam Vets nor Korean Vets or any of the other conflicts/actions after WWII.

There were a series of reports today on NPR, All are eyeopeners and some of the facts known, but Listen to the first half hour of the ‘Fresh Air’ show and visit the link to the reports by these two Real Journalists.

They Deserve the Award they are going to receive, it’s talked about in the interview.

This Is What Reporting Is ALL About, and it seems to be Finally Breaking Out ALL OVER!!

{And here I was, an old fart, thinking that Investigative Reporting was a dying art, and wondering what they were teaching aspiring Journalists in Colleges! Still wondering what The Hell They Are Teaching About Business!}
Paperwork Slows Treatment for Wounded Soldier
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by Fred Thys
Morning Edition, March 12, 2007 · Army Sgt. Chase Gean spent months at a Boston Veterans Administration hospital after he was shot and paralyzed during fighting in Afghanistan. But he hasn’t had a therapy session since Thanksgiving.
That’s because Gean hasn’t been officially discharged from the Army. The holdup is at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
Fred Thys of member station WBUR in Boston reports.


County Agencies Rescue Veterans from Bureaucracy
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by John McChesney
Morning Edition, March 12, 2007 · Many veterans are turning to county agencies to help them navigate the often-dense government bureaucracy that stands between them and their benefits.


Journalists Document Military Mental-Health Failings
Listen to this story – Mentally Unfit Soldiers
Fresh Air from WHYY, March 12, 2007 · Journalists Lisa Chedekel and Matthew Kauffman of The Hartford Courant have been awarded the George Polk Award for their series from May on flaws in the military’s mental health system: Mentally Unfit, Forced to Fight.
Their reporting found that troops sent on deployment are, for the most part, not getting mental health evaluations, even though they are mandated by Congress.
Chedekel and Kauffman reported that the military is relying on psychotropic medications to keep service members in combat, and that soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are being sent back into battle for multiple tours of duty.


Report: Unfit Set Back to Fight in Iraq
Story aired: Monday, March 12, 2007
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The online magazine Salon is reporting that several soldiers at Fort Benning have been sent back to Iraq even though they were previously classified as “medically unfit” to fight. We speak to Salon’s national correspondent Mark Benjamin who wrote the piece for the magazine.
Mark Benjamin, national correspondent for  

Related Links:
The Army is ordering injured troops to go to Iraq By Mark Benjamin



Army’s Top Doctor Steps Down Amid Hospital Crisis
by Guy Raz
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All Things Considered, March 12, 2007 · The scandal over the Army’s failure to properly look after wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Medical Center has claimed the job of another senior officer. Lt. Gen. Kevin Kiley, the Army’s top medical officer, is taking early retirement.
But Kiley’s exit seems to have been forced; Pentagon officials tell NPR that he was fired.
SNIP: Rest at Link


Those who take some sort of relief in the “We are fighting them over there so we won’t be fighting them here!”, Better Rethink their Future, or rather their Childrens Future!!

The Failed Policies will Haunt Us and the World for Decades!!