Progress Pond

Open Thread

One of the more revealing things about watching ProsecutorGate on me teevee is seeing how confused the Republican talking heads are about the concept of non-politicized justice. Pat Buchanan brought up JFK appointing RFK as his Attorney General. Sorry Pat. Just because JFK had the almost inhumanly bad judgment to appoint his brother AG doesn’t mean we have to apologize for it 46 years later. It was an atrocity of justice back then, and what the Bush administration has done to our Justice Department is an atrocity right now. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson is confused about why it would matter if Domenici called a U.S. attorney to ask that they hurry up an investigation and then hung up on him and had him fired for refusing to do so. I don’t even think these clowns are spewing talking points. They’re genuinely confused to learn that there are ethical standards for the Department of Justice.

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