Hello to all, and hope everyone has a great day.
Just pass’n through this morn’n, and waiting on class to begin today…geeesh, an ol’ geezer like me still go’n to school….hmmmmm, I wonder what the teacher looks like…should I take an apple ; )
Birds are singing, and it feels like a summer morning here. 50 degrees already!
I went walking yesterday, and even ran part of it – I’m so excited, becaus that’s the first time I could run since I got this stupid whooping cough in January.
I love the nice weather, but it makes it hard to sit still and work during the day.
Our own refinish69 has made the blog roundup at johnedwards.com for this comment:
Refinish69 at Dailykos blogs about the Senator’s San Antonio appearance and how the experience moved him to tears:
I am talking about Sen. John Edwards. No politician has moved me to tears in decades but John Edwards did. If we as Americans work together, we can make a difference and with John Edwards at the helm, America can once again become the Great Nation it is meant to be. I was an Edwards supporter before going to San Antonio to hear him speak. I am now an Edwards Disciple. I truly believe John Edwards can help Americans turn our country into a Great America and release the potential for greatness in all.
Shhhh…don’t wonder why it’s over there and not here. 😉
ROTFLMAO!!! I am still waiting for parvum opus podcast with tips on taking beautiful flower pictures with a link to your blog and also you shop at Imagekind when you set it up so people can buy your wonderful prints fr4amed and ready to hang on their walls..HINT HINT
Great pic, always enjoy the scenery.
Hello to all, and hope everyone has a great day.
Just pass’n through this morn’n, and waiting on class to begin today…geeesh, an ol’ geezer like me still go’n to school….hmmmmm, I wonder what the teacher looks like…should I take an apple ; )
LOL….peace to all
Apples are good but I know my teacher husband would rather get enthusiastic participation.
LOL..I’m sure, and I will be that…after the next cup of coffee…or maybe two ; )
Morning Andi and IP!
Birds are singing, and it feels like a summer morning here. 50 degrees already!
I went walking yesterday, and even ran part of it – I’m so excited, becaus that’s the first time I could run since I got this stupid whooping cough in January.
I love the nice weather, but it makes it hard to sit still and work during the day.
Well be prepared to get a lot of work done because it’s 39 and pouring rain here.
Yeah, we’ve been warned to keep our snowshovels handy for tomorrow night.
Oh well, at least the warm weather is fun while it lasts.
Well no snow here and none predicted — it’s staying in the 40s and 50s.
They’re not swallow and it’s not Capistrano, but the buzzards return to Hinckley, OH every year on March 15th.
Hey, any reason to drink alone in a field at dawn is fine if it’s still winter in Cleveland. So buzzards are ugly – who really cares?
Well that explains where all the buzzards were yesterday — on their way to Ohio.
That’s because they weren’t properly toasted in Indiana.
what — with cream cheese and a schmear of jelly?
If that sounds good to me does it mean I should make some breakfast?
If it’s going to influence what you have for breakfast, I think it means you should wait.
I could eat anything with cream cheese and jelly, though.
Our own refinish69 has made the blog roundup at johnedwards.com for this comment:
Refinish69 at Dailykos blogs about the Senator’s San Antonio appearance and how the experience moved him to tears:
I am talking about Sen. John Edwards. No politician has moved me to tears in decades but John Edwards did. If we as Americans work together, we can make a difference and with John Edwards at the helm, America can once again become the Great Nation it is meant to be. I was an Edwards supporter before going to San Antonio to hear him speak. I am now an Edwards Disciple. I truly believe John Edwards can help Americans turn our country into a Great America and release the potential for greatness in all.
Shhhh…don’t wonder why it’s over there and not here. 😉
It was here and got very little attention. LOL John Edwards in San Antonio my experience
But thanks for noticing. LOL
I noticed it – but I think THEY only look at bigger blogs. DK is a particular (and obvious) fave with a much bigger audience.
LOL well it was a front pager at Edwards blog also as I posted it there.
Man, when do you sleep? Are you feeling better now?
I am getting there. still not at work but will be soon.
hope everyone is doing well!!!I know Miss Andi is looking forward to her trip. LOL
I expect to be completely unproductive today.
And a good morning to you.
I hope you have a fabulous trip!!! I will keep busy for the both of us. LOL
Morning All.
ROTFLMAO!!! I am still waiting for parvum opus podcast with tips on taking beautiful flower pictures with a link to your blog and also you shop at Imagekind when you set it up so people can buy your wonderful prints fr4amed and ready to hang on their walls..HINT HINT
I’m tired just reading that … hehe 😉
It all sounds really good though!
uhm…what am I going to do with you young lady? You have been taking too many lessons from FamilyMan. LOL
FM will be so proud. 🙂
I better get going … Have a good day everyone!
Looks like the sky is on fire.
When I was little my mother said a red sky meant that Mrs. Claus was baking Christmas cookies. Children are gullible little creatures. 😉
since she clearly got the heat up way too high.
My mother was never much of a baker. 🙂
My mom wasn’t either — she was a good cook but not bake. Maybe that’s why I don’t care about deserts.
I don’t care about desserts either. I don’t care what they are, I’ll eat them.
See that’s why you should hang out with me more often — you can eat all my deserts.
I thought it was to make you look normal.
If I don’t see you (ok, see isn’t the right word) have a fun trip and give Manny a hug from me.
Is short normal?
Thanks and I will.
We’re supposed to have wifi where we are staying; if we do, I’ll try to drop by a cafe or two and post some pics.
My Mom was a great baker and I grew up to exceed her. LOL
Morning SN.
zipping along on a speedy ‘puter this morning?
Wish I was too … still dragging w/ the time change. :/
Yeah, I’m get up early but I usually really wake about 3:15 (and at 3:20 I start getting sleepy again).
That’s when I’m getting to bed some nights. 🙂
And on that note … have a great day — and I have every confidence that you will.
wake up: 3:15 p.m.
get sleepy: 3:20 p.m.
wide awake time: 5 minutes
okay, okay, it was a pathetic joke anyway.
I thought you were going for a FamilyMan comparison. LOL
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour here