Smokin’ Joe Lieberman continues his uncanny impersonation of ‘Swinging’ Dick Cheney:

MS. O’DONNELL: Senator, you have broken with your former party, the Democratic Party specifically, on the Iraq war. There have been questions. Can you rule out that you may switch to the Republican Party?

SEN. LIEBERMAN: I wouldn’t rule it out, but it’s certainly not my intention, it’s not my desire —

MS. O’DONNELL: What would cause you to switch to the Republican Party?

SEN. LIEBERMAN: Well, I’m not going to set any conditions. But, you know, my real hope here is to stay and fight for the kind of Democratic Party I joined when John F. Kennedy was president, which was progressive on domestic policy and very strong and muscular on foreign and defense policy. I —

MS. O’DONNELL: But, Senator, arguably, there’s not one Democratic presidential candidate that is espousing that particular position, right?

SEN. LIEBERMAN: So far, right. I mean, obviously, it’ll be more than Iraq. It’ll be how do they feel about Iran and the rest of the threats that we face.

He’s definitely a ‘serious player’. Flush with a new six-year term, he’s willing to go down with the ship. I can’t wait for Lieberman to leave the party. It can’t come too soon.