CNN is reporting that Elizabeth and John Edwards will be having a press conference tomorrow. It sounds like they have some negative medical news to report about Elizabeth. CNN has no further details to report.
Update [2007-3-22 6:33:41 by Steven D]:
Yesterday, John Edwards rushed home to be with his wife for a doctor’s visit, cutting short his campaign appearance in Iowa. He has scheduled a news conference for 12 Noon today, presumably to discuss her health and it’s effect on his continued candidacy.
Yet, on the same day of that press conference to address the most personal and potentially tragic news regarding his beloved wife, this is the commentary by Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post Writer’s Group that I found in various online editions of newspapers who carry her syndicated column:
At least he’s still got good hair.
Otherwise, it may be over for John Edwards, thanks to a resurrected video of him primping, too lovingly, his hair.
The video, set to the song “I Feel Pretty,” has been airing on television, posted on YouTube and circulating on the Internet the past few days with potentially devastating effect for the man unflatteringly referred to as the “Breck Girl.” It also illustrates the enormous power of YouTube in politics forevermore. […]
Now, thanks to the omnipresent and unforgiving YouTube–and the incessant linkage of Web sites–John Edwards isn’t just associated with hair. He is hair.
He’s also a stand-in for Narcissus, mesmerized by his own beauty reflected in the small mirror he holds up to appraise himself. I feel pretty, oh so pretty. I feel pretty and witty and … oh never mind.
I won’t excerpt anymore from this ridiculous column, but if you have the stomach for it, read the whole thing. It really is nauseating how Ms. Parker glories in skewering John Edwards because a video showing him preparing his hair for an appearance on a national news show has been posted on YouTube. The unmitigated glee and scorn she expresses in her “hit piece” of Edwards and his hair woes really has to be read in total to be fully appreciated.
A man who has had the life John Edwards has led, who has suffered the loss of a child and the breast cancer of his beloved wife, Elisabeth, deserves better than this. Edwards has devoted his current presidential campaign promoting the most progressive agenda of any current candidate (save perhaps only Dennis Kucinich). His campaign, which includes proposals for universal health care, labor reforms, and vigorous action on global warming, deserves to be praised or criticized for his stands on those issues which are so vitally important to our nation’s future. Instead we get Kathleen Parker’s column, one filled with so much juvenile snark you would normally assume it had appeared in one of the more obnoxious wingnut blogs (Powerline, say or Michelle Malkin), rather than on the Op-Ed pages of our nation’s newspapers.
I realize that Ms. Parker, and the newspapers who run her column, couldn’t have known that the Edwards’ would be facing a health crisis in their family the very day they chose to publish this tripe. Still, this is a damning example of what all too often passes for legitimate political opinion and analysis in our mainstream media. An entire column devoted to John Edwards hair? Rather sad and disgusting, isn’t it?
First my Governor announces she is not running and ending her political career, and now John Edwards will announce something about which we can only speculate. Why is my world falling apart?
Of the “Media Candidates,” Edwards certainly is the rational choice for the Dems. I hope the family can have the strength to allow John to continue to campaign. I think it’s important he push forward. Hiliary is no alternative. Left of the Left though I am, I’d vote Edwards over Hil or Obama any day. Charisma and DLC money just don’t get my vote.
…but if Edwards has to withdraw, I’m formally joining the “Draft Gore” camp…
Jesus, hasn’t that family been through enough? Elizabeth Edwards is my role model and I pray her cancer isn’t back. No doubt in my mind that he’ll end the campaign if it is.
There are no events listed on his campaign website after a local (raleigh) event on 3/31. Usually they are a couple of weeks out.
how depressing. i pray elizabeth is alright, but i fear for the worst and will not be surprised at all if John ends his campaign to be by her side. their relationship is so strong, it comes across clearly whenever i see them together or hear them talk about one another.
about John Edwards’ hair ‘primping.’
Don’t some of you greying Boomers remember this show on ABC?
It was 77 Sunset Strip. With Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Roger Smith, and the ubiquitous–to females of that time–Edd “Kookie” Byrnes.
Kookie was perennially combing his “wet-look,” Brylcreamed hair. Women thought that this was behavior–in the sexless Fifties–leading up to some heavy breathing.
The Fonz was like this, too on Happy Days–checking out his pompadour faithfully before he scored some chick.
I’ve seen guys from junior high on check themselves and even primp before they went out on some important errand, interview, date, whathaveyou, whether it is before men or women. It didn’t matter if they were straight or gay.
Guys wanna look good, period. Hence the variety of hair styles, bearded or shaven looks that they present. And it doesn’t matter if they are fat or slim, short or tall.
AND THIS IS CALLED ‘FAG’ BEHAVIOR that John Edwards wants to look his best and show his best side before thousands of people?
So ‘real men’ don’t think about how they look?
I’m on the fence now as far as supporting a particular candidate. I once supported Edwards until I read about his AIPAC foray in Israel. It was a difference in tactics and opinion, not a personal qualm about him or the way he conducts himself.
Compared to Wolfowitz using his own saliva to wet comb his hair before a video interview during Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 911, this isn’t half so off-putting.
But, swear to gods below and above, the MSM are a bunch of GOP enablers. They don’t know what else to do with themselves except to be propagandists or echo chambers for the very worst haters in this country.
Evil, evil bitches.
I am really sorry to hear about this. I am not a Supporter but, I like the Edwards family. I really liked Elizabeth. she seems so special.
By the way, I set up one of those “light a virtual candle” pages for Elizabeth Edwards.
Gee Booman, go back to bed! It’s too early to be posting π π
Yeah, but remember. no matter how early it is on the East Coast, it’s three hours earlier out here in Seattle to be reading stuff like this.
I will not assume this is bad news. Perhaps, his campaign is using morbid interest to get some media coverage. Let’s call this my denial phase. I do not want to accept that MY choice for President may drop out. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I do not want to accept that Elizabeth Edwards — that shining special antithesis of a politico’s wife — may not be there when her small children become teenagers. NOOOOOOO!!!!! Please NOOOOOO!!!!
My thoughts exactly, sjct. I’m beyond sad about this given that I’ve never met them. But he was my choice too and Elizabeth is the most amazing woman…
Kathleen Parker is vermin.
My best wishes and hope for an anticlimactic announcement today as well. I have to admit that, even as a godless anti-church wedding bastard, their wedding pic still gives me a smile.
but Al Gore is fat.
Al Gore is fat.
And a serial exaggerator, to boot.
But he has to be smart, right? You have to be smart to invent the Internet.
I’m hoping for the best, but I guess we’d better be ready for the worst.
If there’s a silver lining to this, I suppose it would be that there are really two camps in the Democratic Presidential race: Hilary, and Everybody Else. If Edwards does have to drop out I hope it’ll put some strength behind another of the non-Hilary candidates. But it’s a hell of a way for it to happen.
Update: 11:29 am ct
Edwards news conference.
Elizabeth has bone cancer but it is confined to a small area. Campaign will go forward with no changes.
I found out about this last night and will update the dairy as soon as the news conference is over. Please think good thoughts for Elizabeth and John Edwards.
Time to order the bumper stickers and make a contribution to the Edwards campaign. π
Hell YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How about some designs featuring Elizabeth, with proceeds going to the fight against cancer!
Maybe an “Elizabeth Fights For Me” motif…
Will do and also will be doing some elizabrg as first lady designs.