Oh the irony (and the chutzpah):
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said in Nashville that the personal lives of White House hopefuls shouldn’t become an issue in the 2008 campaign.
Earlier this month Gingrich said he was seeking forgiveness for his own extramarital affair committed while he pursued President Clinton’s impeachment in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
The difference between Democrats and Republicans? They don’t turn in their wives for a new model when wife #1 gets cancer. They stand by their woman. Just ask John Edwards.
That ought to be the basis for a question some enterprising reporter could ask Newt: John Edwards’ wife has cancer; do you think he ought to follow your example and divorce her?
That might be a little harsh. But Newt started it.
Up next: John McCain asks conservatives not to ask him questions about campaign finance regulation.
Hypocrite, thy name is politician.
The fact that Gingrich is declaring his tawdry, narcissistic personal life “off limits”?
Or the fact that the mainstream media will respect his wishes.
Gingrich can have an orgy with a dozen junior high school cheerleaders and the mainstream media will cover it up. Because…well, every President since McKinley has slept with underaged girls (yes, even Carter) and the voters don’t really care about that kind of thing.
Hillary Clinton better hope she never, ever cheated on Bill, though. Because her affair from the summer of 1983 is SO relevant to her qualifications for the office of President. I mean, if she lied about that, can we really trust her to keep her promises to give every American a cute puppy if she’s elected?
What’s the French word for “double standard”? Oh yes, hypocrisy.
And then Newt dumped his second wife when she was diagnosed with MS. He’s a serial coward.