Are we there yet? John Nichols at The Nation (vis CBS News online) says — almost:
Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough had me on his MSNBC show Monday night to talk about impeachment.
It was smart, civil discussion that treated the prospect of impeaching the president as a serious matter. […]
No, Scarborough is not jumping on the impeachment bandwagon.
He is simply treating the prospect seriously, as did CNN’s Wolf Blitzer earlier in the day.
What I told Scarborough is what I have been saying in public forums for the past several weeks: We are nearing an impeachment moment. The Alberto Gonzales scandal, the under-covered but very real controversy involving abuses of the Patriot Act and the president’s increasingly belligerent refusals to treat Congress as a co-equal branch of government are putting the discussion of presidential accountability onto the table from which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tried to remove it.
Can’t come soon enough for me. How about you?
Right now would be good.
For me too.
Better get them quick; very shortly we’ll be at war with Iran and the entire middle east will be involved… and then we’ll be looking at Martial Law here, and anyone raising the question will just go away.
And then, Darth Cheney ascendant?
I would assume that Cheney would be impeached at the same time if we’re going to do this at all. After all, even among Republicans, Cheney is almost unbelievably unpopular for someone who isn’t named Clinton.
Nobody wants Cheney as President. Well other than his family and various sadists.
David Lindorff has addressed this canard recently:
I read that also. They like Cheney at fundraisers, but they don’t want him as the primary face of the GOP. He’s their red meat to the base guy.
So far to date, since Reagan, every single time someone’s said “The GOP would NEVER do that; it’d be political suicide” it’s turned out to be their PLAN EFFIN’ A.
You’ll forgive me if I’m a little unconvinced that there’s anything at all they won’t do, right up to and including nuclear war and/or martial law (for which they’ve snuck in legal clearance). I tend to think, based on what we’re finding about 2006, that the D’s won that one simply because enough people turned out to overwhelm the planned and executed election theft, and that’s a mistake they won’t repeat.
These are the bastards who think “setting off Armageddon so Jeebus will come back” is a high level foreign policy plan.
If they decide to muscle Cheney out, it won’t be until AFTER the Constitution is officially replaced with either the KJV or the PNAC Manifesto.
I don’t think we could survive the next incarnation of this bunch.
it’s nice of comcast to give me back my internet access.
So that’s where you went. Frustrating isn’t it?
kinda puts a crimp on my style…
Bring It On! As someone once said.
when I see this…
© doodabides
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bring it on indeed
“it will be BLOGGED!”
I am so there I am almost convinced we’ve done it already!
You have to line them all, up against the wall!