This is another installment of my write-up of the talk by Tanya Erzen (author of Straight to Jesus: Sexual and Christian Conversions in the Ex-Gay Movement) I attended Sunday evening. Click here for the earlier post, which centered around the way the religious right uses the ex-gay movement to advance their political agenda. Here I will share more of what she told us about Exodus International in general, as well as New Hope Ministry, which is the residential program where she did her research.
According to their web site, “Exodus is a worldwide interdenominational Christian organization called to encourage, strengthen, unify and equip Christians to minister the transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ to those affected by homosexuality.
And it is an international movement–they are all over the world at this point–of local ministries who attempt to convert gay men and lesbians into what they call non-homosexual Christian lives. They use psychological, counseling, self-help, twelve-step type approaches, biblical approaches, and therapeutic approaches.
Dr. Erzen noted that, while the ex-gay movement started as a Christian movement, it has branched out and there is a Jewish group called Jonah, a Mormon group called Evergreen, a Catholic group called Courage, and there’s a counseling and therapy center based in California called NARTH: the National Association for the Research and Treatment of Homosexuality.
The movement understands homosexuality as a developmental disorder, a choice, and an addiction, and they believe that it can be healed through a religious process. They really make a distinction in their literature and speeches between being gay and being homosexual, defining being gay as a “false lifestyle” or a misguided choice. They use the term homosexual to emphasize that it isn’t part of your identity, but is something that can be changed.
They believe that it is the result of some kind of emotional deficit in early childhood. It is in some ways Freudian because the assumption is that there was a problem with the relationship with the same-sex parent.
The program where Dr. Erzen did her research was a live-in program, so it had men from all over the U.S. and Europe who had left their jobs, houses, and families to move to California to spend a year at that ministry. And the idea behind these ministries is that by all of these men living together and having a healthy nonsexual relationship with someone of the same sex, that that will cure their homosexuality. Because according to this model, the men didn’t bond properly with their fathers. So you have all of these men who are dealing with the same issue, wanting to change their sexuality, are living in really close quarters. In some cases, 3 or 4 to a room.
Because this set-up is likely to involve temptation, there are elaborate rules set up. They can’t go anywhere by themselves for too long, can’t smoke cigarettes (somehow that is seen as a potentially sexual act). Tanya described a dinner she attended there early on where someone had made spaghetti and meatballs with canned peaches. Somebody made some joke, and the person who cooked said, “Well, I’m sorry–Betty Crocker was busy tonight!” That person was then reminded that he’d broken one of the rules, because using “camp” or any kind of sarcastic humor is forbidden, because they believe that links them somehow to their previous life.
In addition to failing to identify with the parent of the same sex, the people running the program also believe that gays and lesbians have a deficit in their masculinity or femininity. So a lot of the workshops they run are about trying to acquire proper masculine or feminine characteristics. So there’s an assumption that all men are masculine in a very particular way, and all women are feminine in a very particular way. Some of the workshops Dr. Erzen attended were Developing a Secure Gender Identity, Finding Femininity etc. Some workshops for women addressed how to apply makeup and match your accessories to your outfit, because becoming more feminine was supposed to help lead to the conversion in your sexuality.
Along those lines, Tanya described something called “Straight Man Night”. New Hope Ministry is affiliated with a local nondenominational church, and men will come in and talk about what it’s like to be a straight man. (Here, I imagined how odd it would be to try to “talk about what it’s like to be a straight woman”. Really, how does one do that?) She said that she initially thought this sounded absurd, but it was actually powerful for many of the men, who told her that they had never had any sort of relationship with a heterosexual man, and many of them thought of heterosexual men as almost a “different species”.
The men in the program had to fill out a questionnaire about the people who visited–what they thought of them, and whether they would invite them back. She related that in these feedback comments, one participant wrote several things that he’d learned, but then added, “but there’s a lot of things could teach these straight men–like how to dress!”
Uh-oh…that sounded like some of that “camp” humor/sarcasm, didn’t it? Really, that was a new one to me. Sarcasm is somehow a gay thing?
Throughout her talk, those in attendance would laugh from time to time–for example at the point where she explained that smoking a cigaratte was seen as a “sexual act”. Dr. Erzen was careful to say that the people she encountered in this program were very sincere in their beliefs, and that she didn’t want to make fun of them. But she also added that even they would laugh at some of these things.
And it’s hard not to laugh, but, at the same time, there’s something really sad about all of this idea that there is one narrowly defined “right” way to be masculine or feminine. It’s hard for me to imagine that the God who created the universe in all its spectacular diversity wants us to squeeze ourselves into such rigidly defined categories.
I think matching accessories are “out” this year. Ooops. Sarcasm.
I guess I should just stop commenting and go back to my sarcastic, mismatched straight life.
I suppose these people are sincere, but cripe, their ideas make no sense.
The people in these programs really do seem to be sincere, and I’m guessing many or the people working with them directly are as well. But there are higher-ups in the religious right who are pretty clearly using them to advance a political agenda.
The sad thing (one of the many sad things) is that the men in this program really believe this is the “only way”. Based on their past experiences, often in conservative/fundamentalist type churches, they were convinced that a positive gay identity and a relationship with God were mutually exclusive. (More on that here.)
But, yeah, I’m personally glad I didn’t have to pass Straight Woman 101.
No sarcasm? Yeah, right…
I know this appeared online some time ago, but I’m just now getting around to posting this. I hadn’t even heard of Tim Hardaway before the flurry of headlines about some anti-gay remarks he had made. But I thought this response by George Takei was beautiful, and I grabbed some screen captures because I wanted to be able to share it with people who couldn’t watch videos online for whatever reason. And yeah, it actually took me over a month to actually get around to posting it. But if you haven’t seen this before, enjoy…
OMG, they are still running these things? I guess it is a good sign that now I get some huge out loud laughing over some of these descriptions.
This one was especially uproarious!
See, that’s what happens when “straight” people try to mess with things they don’t have the first understanding about. Big news flash. Women who are lesbians tend to be attracted to other women. . .LOL! So gussy up and show me who you are, girlfriend. I can’t quit laughing about that and the amazing lack of understanding it contains.
The quickest way to see how absolutely mind bogglingly idiotic their ideas are, and how totally unsuccessful at affecting anything other than driving gay people and lesbians into a deep depression and neurotic state of being, just take the word “homosexuality or homosexual” and replace it with heterosexual. Now go stand in front of a group of totally hetero folks and drum this stuff into their heads. Tell them they Chose to be Hetero, and it is very sinful that they made that choice and that God and everyone else condemns them and for sure they are going to burn in Hell forever. Let them spend a year at it and let’s see how many of them turn out to be homosexual at the end of it. Just for fun, imagine someone putting you (if you’re hetero) through this type of brain washing. . .guess what the outcome might be. Do you become gay? Nope, not unless you already were and were lying to yourself. You just become a deeply depressed, suicidal, miserable heterosexual.
Next thing you know they will be having treatment centers so you can stop choosing to be black or latino, or asian, or native american. They would be just as successful as these brainwashing centers are.
I talked to a gay man many years ago now that went through a whole series of therapies, including aversion therapy. Aversion therapy is a prettied up word for torture. They would show them gay pron movies and attach electrodes to their genitals. Everytime they had a physical response to the porn, they got a shock of increasing degrees of voltage. Then they would also give them full electric shock treatments (remember the good old days?) The outcome of this? The guy still knew he was gay but he was now incapable of any sexual feelings and his brain was so scrambled from the shock treatments that he often would find himself wandering around the streets somewhere unsure of where he was, why he was there and even who he was. Great cure, eh?
It is bad enough that adult gay or lesbian persons voluntarily put themselves in these awful programs, but parents of gay children who do this to their own kids should be put in prison for child abuse.
I hope I live long enough in the physical to see some light come through to humans about this. I can barely believe that in 2007 we still have the: “You are different than I am. Therefore you are less than I am. Therefore you are not favored by God or society and you should suffer for that here as well as burn in eternity.”
I’ll bet that “god Persona” gets pretty tired of the lies told about it.
For Christian Gays and Lesbians there are several Christian Churches that will welcome them into their community with open arms. Unitarian Universal Churches, Metropolitan Community Churches, many Episcopal Churches, and many, many others. For those who feel the need for a church community, one would hope they would be directed to one of these instead of brainwashing torture chambers.
Thanks for sharing this info with the greater community here. Although it is very amusing to me in most of its ridiculous assumptions, it is very sad for the misguided gays and lesbians that put themselves through such a place.
Hugs and Loves to all
It is shockingly sad to note that I have known quite a number of gays and lesbians that came up during my era, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s who as teens (under 18) told their families or were somehow found out by their families that were committed to mental hospitals because they were/are gay. That has a pretty devastating affect on young gay people. No wonder so many had problems coming out of the closet, the possible serious outcomes were overwhelming.
It appears there may be a great demand for deprogrammers at some point in the future. How sad for these people.