Your really have to watch today’s Senate Judiciary hearings to believe them. Kyle Sampson said he couldn’t remember 122 times. He admitted that his boss, Alberto Gonzales, gave inaccurate testimony to Congress. He revealed that Karl Rove and Harriet Miers were intimately involved in the plot to fire the 8 federal prosecutors. He described a process whereby he was delegated the authority to identify prosecutors for firing, but could not explain why he chose to fire any of them or demonstrate any coherent process for making the decision. He admitted that he gave ‘special consideration to circumventing the Senate’s ability to confirm US Attorneys’ by using a provision of the Patriot Act.
But, perhaps most incredibly, he confessed to suggesting that Patrick Fitzgerald be fired in 2006.
SEN. DURBIN: Were you ever party to any conversation about the removal of Patrick Fitzgerald from his position as Northern District U.S. attorney?
MR. SAMPSON (former chief of staff to Alberto Gonzales): I remember on one occasion in 2006 in discussing the removal of U.S. attorneys — or the process of considering some U.S. attorneys that might be asked to resign, that I was speaking with Harriet Miers and Bill Kelley and I raised Pat Fitzgerald. And immediately after I did it, I regretted it. I thought, I knew that it was the wrong thing to do. I knew that it was inappropriate. And I remember at the time that Ms. Miers and Bill Kelley said nothing; they just looked at me. And I immediately regretted it and I withdrew it at the time, and I regret it now.
SEN. DURBIN: Do you recall what you said at the time about Patrick Fitzgerald?
MR. SAMPSON: I said Patrick Fitzgerald could be added to this list.
Here’s the video.
And then Chuck Schumer really got to the point.
SEN. SCHUMER: Right. And you realize that if he were fired as U.S. attorney, the general consensus is he couldn’t continue as special prosecutor?
MR. SAMPSON: I don’t know that as a matter of protocol.
SEN. SCHUMER: That is.
MR. SAMPSON: But I’m not sure.
SEN. SCHUMER: That is what I’ve inquired in a number of places about that issue, and that’s what most people think.
Now, it’s a little confounding to hear that you suggested that, and as I said, I respect your coming here and coming here voluntarily. But it’s really a hair-brained scheme that would have just blown up even more than the firing of the U.S. attorneys has in the administration’s face. I guess you see that now.
MR. SAMPSON: Frankly, Senator, I saw that the second the words crossed my head.
SEN. SCHUMER: Who did you suggest it to?
MR. SAMPSON: Harriet Miers and Bill Kelley.
SEN. SCHUMER: Okay. Anyone else?
SEN. SCHUMER: And despite that, they kept you in charge or put you — did Attorney General Gonzales ever know that you suggested that?
MR. SAMPSON: No, I don’t think so.
SEN. SCHUMER: Okay. Did Harriet Miers remain comfortable with your supervising the firing of U.S. attorneys after you made such a suggestion?
MR. SAMPSON: I don’t know.
SEN. SCHUMER: Did anyone suggest that maybe after that suggestion you shouldn’t be in charge of firing U.S. attorneys?
MR. SAMPSON: I don’t remember anyone raising that.
SEN. SCHUMER: Yeah, because I have to tell you — and it relates to the issue we’re talking about — here is a man doing an investigation. Karl Rove had been before the grand jury, I guess, the previous — in October of 2004. This is a major investigation, and you’re suggesting that the chief prosecutor be fired. It leads me to think — first, it makes you think, well, if it’s okay to fire Fitzgerald, who’s in the middle of a major investigation, maybe it’s okay to fire some of these others. But, second, it does make me question your suitability for this job.
Is that an absurd conclusion?
MR. SAMPSON: As I stated previously, Senator, it was a lapse, and I regretted the moment I said it. And to my recollection, I even said, I withdraw that; that was inappropriate.
How much more of this crap do we have to put up with?
How much more of this crap do we have to put up with?
Here are the choices:
A-Approximately 1 year and 9 months more. Until ButchCo is no longer in office and an administration is in place that will actually begin an inevitable retreat from the long-term strategic policy of economic imperialism that has driven this country for 60+ years if not longer.
B-Until the United States collapses. Months? Years? Never? It depends entirely upon how long the forces that are now in power REMAIN in power.
And I do not mean just Republcans. Plan A OR Plan A Lite will both get us in ultimate trouble with the other 9/10s of the world. Plan A Lite will simply take a little longer.
C-However long it takes to impeach Bush and Cheney.
I vote for C.
Gosh – you mean we get a vote?
We do.
ALLof us.
If we all stood up right now…all 300 million of us..and said “OK.
That’s it. We are not going to take this shit anymore.” it would be over.
Our problem is tthat we do NOT vote.
He couldn’t remember details 122 times yesterday, but he miraculously remembers saying “I withdraw that” after suggesting Patrick Fitzgerald be fired?
These people have to go. And soon.
O/T, but when is the reconciliation on the supplemental due to take place?
I thought his response when asked if Monica Golding asked applicants for career attorney positions how they voted in particular elections was very curious.
“I do not remember” … “No, allow me to be more precise. I do not recall if I remember…”
That was precious.
And notice Douane, or the Administrator before Waxman yesterday utilized the same phrases when equivocating before the committee.
Poor republicans. To a single person they have to have the worst memories on record. Please, donate a box of ginkgo balboa to the republican you think needs it most.
Seriously, do you think if we started a campaign of sending them this stuff that republican memories would become a laughingstock? Could we make this a meme?
Please, donate a box of ginkgo balboa to the republican you think needs it most.
Thanks for making me laugh this morning – I needed it.
I think a highly puclicized delivery of thousands of boxes of gingko biloba to some key GOP’ers would be hilarious.
P.S. I am actually beginning to believe that we are rapidly approaching an impeachment/resignation/covert coup position. This situation cannot continue much longer. The patient is about to go into crisis state. Watch.
As Andrew Sullivan said on Keith Olbermann’s show last night (I paraphrase…and yes, I DO own a TV. I keep a dustrag right near the screen just in case something interesting might be on.) “Bush appears brittle to me. And brittle things BREAK.”
There was a resonance of truth when he said that.
We are close…I can smell it.
Har. Bless you Arthur, I couldn’t get through this without you.
You make it all so exciting.
Me neither.
I can’t imagine anyone who has watched this hiring this buffoon for anything with responsibility.
The daunting ailment that has plagued those in the service of the White House continued to take its toll on the President’s minions. Today, members of a congressional investigative committee continued their efforts to find the source of the ailment as it seems to be highly contagious. The most recent strains seem to be far more pervasive yet determining its origin continues to remain elusive. Senator Chuck Schumer closed his questioning by offering the hypothesis that the ailment was a virulent form of lying.
Many within the media stepped in to immediately offer the public a layman’s interpretation of the symptoms as well as analysis of the ongoing implications if a cure for the ailment could not be administered soon. The White House continued to downplay the seriousness of the ailment as it sought to allay the growing fears within the American public that the disease might soon decimate the bulk of their elected officials. A growing number of pundits continued to suggest that the President is in denial as to the severity of the ailment and what it might do to the Republican Party.
See a tongue-in-cheek visual spoofing an upcoming episode of Saturday Night Live featuring a guest appearance by “The President’s Prevaricators”…here:
There is a great post on The Carpetbagger Report today about the mainstream media’s (specifically Time magazine’s) ignoring the prosecutor purge scandal.
What explains the failure of the mainstream media to cover the purge scandal for so long, and so many other scandals? Do you think somebody just set up newspaper editors to cheat on their wives, and threatened to tell if the editors wouldn’t play ball when they come back some day and ask for something?
It wouldn’t be that hard to do, when you think about it. People wouldn’t talk about it.
Christy Hardin Smith was a guest on the Thom Hartmann Radio show earlier this afternoon. The following is one of those “rush transcripts”, but hopefully I’ve corrected any major typos. Here’s the link.
(She talked about the Kyle Sampson testimony, among other things, so this seemed like the best place to post this, absent an Open Thread.)