los lectores de este espacio recordarán cuando le dijimos español llamado gingrich del newt una lengua del ghetto.
vía ladrones & mentirosos, aquí está el vídeo del youtube del newt que se disculpa por esa observación… en español.
él parece más incómodo que cuando él tuvo que infierno su esposa en su cama del cáncer que él tenía un asunto con su staffer.
[nota del redactor: ¡recuerde, si usted necesita ayuda que traduce, aquí es la página de la traducción del babelfish!]
Over at orange that was put on front page by the owner. I agree with a post, that Newt should be aware how hard it is to learn another language–as his is “Espanol la cocina”. And that the difficulty of how it works in reverse for those native Spanish Speakers trying to learn English. After the age of 10, your Spanish ,or any other language, has a good chance of an accent or muy agringado like Newt.
And my own comment it is the messenger not the quality of Spanish. I know of a lady who, lives in the middle of Missouri, is retired.And learned to speak Spanish and sometimes she sounds like Newt. However, she used her Spanish start a Spanish Mission in her Church, reach out to the large Mexican & Central American Community in her small town, take persons to doctor,the immigration office. And by many is considered a living Saint.
But to compare Newt’s Spanish..just listen to BBC Londres
that was a good explanation and apology, but it doesn’t change, and actually reinforces, the fact that he said Spanish is the language of the ghetto, and that spanish-only speakers shouldn’t get spanish ballots.