It’s true. Based on my highly scientific analysis, the talking meatsticks who parade themselves across the airwaves patting themselves on the back for how great they are, are, in reality, just useless lazy douchebags who are hurtling towards irrelevancy.
I know a lot of people. And they say that people like Matt Lauer couldn’t report their way out of a paper bag. They also overwhelmingly say how Katie Couric actually runs on 10 AAA batteries and has no original thoughts of her own.
This vast segment of society also has said that Couric’s amateurish style and lack of substance are main contributors to CBS lagging far behind in the news department. There are many sources who think that Couric is not long for the primetime news world. You want proof? Oh sorry, I can’t divulge my sources, but rest assured that they exist.
Rumor also has it that Drudge and Rush Limbaugh get their information directly from Little Green Footballs and Free Republic. My sources tell me that since they can’t bother to do any verification of facts, they just go directly to the most creative of wingnuts to get their material. Some say that they are too lazy to even make up their own lies.
On that note, I have it on good authority that many former listeners and viewers of FOX News, CNN and MSNBC are turning to blogs for their news source. The general consensus is that blogs are now rated as “more trustworthy than mainstream news” by more than a 8 to 1 margin. I can’t find the support for that right now, but just know that I read it on a number of blogs, and they are all reputable sources.
What is even more shocking is how specific “venerable institutions” and “respected TV pundits” aren’t spared. According to a recent survey (sorry, I don’t have the link but I read it somewhere at some point. Or maybe I dreamt it – but either way, I am certain it is true), Chris Matthews was rated as “shill for the Republican party” by a whopping 63% of those polled. Tim Russert didn’t fare much better, as 56% deemed him to be “too close to the Bush administration” after his testimony and involvement in the Libby case.
76% of those polled said that they believe “most of what they read or see” in newspapers or on cable news shows are “anti-Democratic party propaganda” or “pro-republican distortions of fact”, and 92% of those polled indicated that the media has an “agenda of hiding the truth and covering up lies and misdeeds of this administration”.
Quite frankly, these are shocking numbers, even more so for a poll that is as highly scientific and trusted as the one that I dreamt about the other night, conjured up right now, heard about from a number of very reliable sources.
It is amazing – how so many people can say so many damning things about the “respected fourth estate”. I mean, you never would have thought it if you weren’t presented with such definitive information as that I have presented above.
I know I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it myself or hear it from the many sources I have.
also in orange
A douche bag here, a douche bag there — after a while they start to add up to a whole lotta douche bags.
Why is it “douchebage and not “scumbag”? Don’t ya think that it is about time that since the scumbags are so much more prevelant, wouldn’t it then follow that to lump them all as douchebags is blatantly unfair!
Seriously though, the truthseekers should be focusing on trying to get the TRUTH out to us seekers! If we can’t break through this barrier, we are doomed.
Just look at where we are at the present.
So, how about a full scale attack on all the scumbags and douchebages and continue it for as long as it takes to break down the corporate barrier. No letup, no excuses accepted, — Just pound the shit out af every single one the scummies and douchies!
Thanks much, clammy for the highly scientific analysis. Regardless what/who your sources are, you are totally right 😉
I was just working on a similar observation, see recent entry.
I would love to be able to divulge my sources, but they wish to remain anonymous.
But they are close to the situation…..
clammyc, if you want to be a REAL journalist, you have to ditch those links. That’s tantamount to revealing your sources, and it’s a big no-no. Just ask Judy Miller. Journalism must be untraceable, unverifiable, and unfalsifiable. It’s all about trust. it’s all about faith.
ps great diary.
Thank you Matt Lauer for your little hit piece on Pelosi…you and everyone else and I guess all their little dogs too. The media definitely got all their talking points straight from the WH didn’t they.
How bout talking about when Denny Hastert was Speaker under Clinton and took a delegation to Columbia(I think it was) and actually told them not to deal with Clinton but with Congress only……gee think the ‘media’ just might bring that story didn’t think so.
Lazy douchebags….way to kind, sellout, souless asshole pricks-for a start-might be more like it…along with that airhead Brian Williams whose saying that the Dems have voted against funding the troops..what a stupid fucking lying wanker.
You don’t have to listen to Faux news anymore to get your propaganda that’s for sure…bring back a hundred Walter Cronkite’s Please.
And Cheney’s still pushing the Saddam/Al Queda connection all intelligence and Pentagon reports to the contrary…does he get his jollies going out and knowingly lie or what? Does he get some sort of perverted sexual thrill by lying big time?
on “Countdown” last night — seems like Olbermann and his staff are the only voices crying out in a vast wilderness sometimes…
Oh, good for Keith, I missed part of Countdown last night…yeah he must really comb the Internet every day as he has on so much of what is talked about on the blogs daily. Crying in the Wilderness is quite apt..him, Stewart and Colbert.
you shoulda heard the conversation i JUST had with Lara jakes Jordan.
After explaining to me that I had misread this article (and upon review I hadn’t), she expressed her concern that I might call into question her accuracy. When I responded that the past 6 years have given people plenty of reason to be skeptical, she got huffy.
When I offered the example of Judy Miller, the media’s failure on WMD, Pat Tillamn, Jessica Lynch, she started berating me telling that she’s not responsible for others’ mistakes. I agreed, and said “would you like some examples from the AP?” and mentioned the “school bus terrorist plot that wasn’t” (Jordan herself wrote that one, but I didn’t name names). I didn’t even think to mention John Solomon.
And man, did she get angry. “Fine, fine. You have every right to call and criticize and say whatever you want. Fine, you do that, cus y’know if you’re reading I have a job ok, fine!”
And then she hung up. And I wasn’t even being a dick: I was totally polite, well-spoken, etc.
I think Glenn Greenwald was right on the money.
Because I read all that on the Internets, and you know if you read it on the Internets it has to be true, because it came from a computer and computers are never wrong. Right?
I know because I used to have a rubber stamp I used in a direct mail operation that said
Via The Try-Works, we learn that the Rocky Mountain News reports as “breaking” news a story from two years ago in its on-going effort to smear Ward Churchill.
Something I ran into yesterday. And as it turns out, Rocky Mountain News got its “scoop” from two right-wing bloggers who got it wrong (see here and here). Classic.