Progress Pond

Meanwhile, in Iraq …

Female suicide bomber kills 16 in Diyala province, and 5 others died in bomb attacks in Baghdad.

Four more US soldiers died.

Rear Admiral Mark Fox admitted that, despite “substantial progress” (whatever that means), “the past four years have also been disappointing, frustrating and increasingly dangerous in many parts of Iraq.”

15,000 troops better unpack their bags, because they probably won’t be coming home as soon as they thought.

Prime Minister Malaki doesn’t want the US to set a timetable to withdraw, while Jordan’s King Hussein says the US shouldn’t withdraw without a timetable.

Iran may not attend the next international conference on Iraq scheduled for May 3-4 in Egypt, and an Iranian official warned that Iran’s relations with the Iraqi government may deteriorate because of the five Iranians seized by American forces back in January who are still being held in captivity.

John McCain continues to insist that he sees signs of progress in Iraq.

And David Broder insists the Democrats must compromise on Iraq because they are in a weaker position than President Bush, despite recent polls that indicate the public supports the Democratic Congress’ position, because Bush is the Commander in Chief. Really. That’s his argument.

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