“Funding the troops” has become this idiotic Orwelliani double-speak slogan for politicians on both sides of the aisle.
The stark reality — the ugly truth — another “inconvenient truth” if you will — is that “funding the troops” is now a policy of homicide. “Funding the troops” is now equivalent to “killing the troops.”
We all know there is no military solution to what’s going on in Iraq. General Petraeus said it. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said it. The Iraq Study Group said it.
So why are there military personnel still there? Why are they still getting killed? Why are we putting up with this nonsense about “funding the troops” when the funding we have for them NOW is getting them KILLED?
Fourteen soldiers have died Sunday and Monday. One of those days was Easter Sunday, a day most of us were with our families, or enjoying a holiday. Fourteen well-funded soldiers were needlessly slaughtered.
And the only reason they died? Because they were in Iraq.
No other reason. Were they “defending our nation from a threat?” No.
Were they “defending our Constitution?” No.
Were they fighting a war that can ever be won? No.
There was absolutely no reason for these men to die. And now the people who insist on “funding the troops” have blood on their hands and are DELIBERATELY CHOOSING to have even more blood on their hands because they want to keep these men and women in harm’s way — on purpose — when there is no reason to have them there.
This is the brutal simple truth to the matter — if you want to “fund the troops” and I don’t care if you’re a Democrat or a Republican, the only kind of funding you better be talking about is funding to BRING THEM HOME because as long as there are military personnel in Iraq many of them are GOING TO DIE.
So it’s “fund the troops” = kill the troops.
There’s really no getting around it.
Troopkillers all.
There is needless blood on the hands of anyone who supports “funding the troops” to STAY IN IRAQ.
Crossposted from Dailykos.
Well put.