Heroes and villains, just see what you’ve done

— Brian Wilson

One of the things I hate most about the nature of the wars we’re fighting now is how easily our troops can become the bad guys.  The New York Times recently reported on yet another collateral damage incident, this time in Afghanistan.  

KABUL, Afghanistan, April 14–American marines reacted to a bomb ambush with excessive force in eastern Afghanistan last month, hitting groups of bystanders and vehicles with machine-gun fire in a series of attacks that covered 10 miles of highway and left 12 civilians dead, including an infant and three elderly men, according to a report published by an Afghan human rights commission on Saturday…

…One victim, a 16-year-old newly married girl, was cut down while she was carrying a bundle of grass to her family’s farmhouse, according to her family and the report. A 75-year-old man walking to his shop was hit by so many bullets that his son said he did not recognize the body when he came to the scene.

The incident took place on March 4 in Nangarhar Province.  The military began an investigation shortly afterwards, and is now considering criminal charges against the Marines.  I have no interest in condemning or condoning the Marines involved, and have no means of doing so.  The Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission report on the incident condemned the suicide bomb attack that started it, but also said that: “In failing to distinguish between civilians and legitimate military targets, the U.S. Marine Corps Special Forces employed indiscriminate force.  Their actions thus constitute a serious violation of international humanitarian standards.”

That might be true, but it appears that the Commission’s report is largely based on anecdotal evidence from eyewitnesses.  Eyewitness reports are seldom reliable, and we have no way of knowing the underlying motives of these particular eyewitnesses, most of whom are families and friends of the victims and who may or may not have direct or indirect connections with al-Qaeda and/or the Taliban.  That the U.S. military is in the final stages of approving condolence payments to the families of the killed and wounded doesn’t tell us much.  We’ve been doing that sort of thing for a long, long time.  

But the outrage among Afghanis seems to be genuine. “This is not an isolated case,” said Nader Nadery, deputy director of the human rights commission.  Nadery said this incident and others like it are defeating the U.S. goal of winning the hearts and minds of the Afghani people away from the Taliban.

Administrative Nightmare

The Afghan commission’s report has been forwarded to Admiral William Fallon, chief of Central Command, for review.  That’s just the kind of administrative headache Fallon and his staff need right now.  They’re already presiding over two failed wars, some kind of murky monkey business or other in Somalia, plus the possibility of an air and maritime operation against Iran.  

The Marines involved in the Nangarhar Province incident are still in theater, but the rest of their 120-man company has been pulled out of the country., but the rest of their 120-man company has been pulled out of the country.  The entire company will no doubt be subjected to intense scrutiny over the affair, and its morale and readiness will suffer for it.  Platoons of rear echelon merry fellows will wipe out mighty forests coming up with a library’s worth of lessons learned and corrective training syllabi that no one will ever read.  

The Marines involved in the incident may get a fair shake from the military justice system and they may not.  Military justice is always a crapshoot.  You could be Private Lynndie England who got 36 months in the Naval Brig in San Diego for her part in the Abu Ghraib scandal.  Or you could be Major General Geoffrey Miller, Donald Rumsfeld’s interrogation czar at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and elsewhere, who was allowed to retire as a two-star.  

Or you could be Donald Rumsfeld, the man perhaps most singularly responsible for every crime and disaster committed in our Middle East military misadventure, and retire as Secretary of Defense to a life of luxury that very few of us dare to dream of.  

Funny how that works, isn’t it? Lynndie England will be lucky to get back her civilian job at a fast food joint.  Miller and Rumsfeld will never have to eat at one.  

The Good, the Bad and the Guilty

Like I said, I won’t condone or condemn the Marines in this story because I don’t really know what happened.  But I find myself sympathizing with them because it’s a travesty that they were in Afghanistan in the first place.  The fourth anniversary of the Mesopotamia Mistake took most of the public’s eye off the fact that we’ve been flopping around in Afghanistan since October of 2001.  Five and a half years later, Afghanistan is a narco-state, the Taliban are launching a spring offensive, the Karzai government is a joke and, oh yeah, the tallest Arab ever wanted dead or alive by an American president is still on the loose.  None of that is the fault of the Marines being investigated for using “excessive force” at Nangarhar Province.  

None of those Marines concocted the elaborate hoax that led to our invasion of Iraq, none of them lied to us year after year about how well things were going there, and none of them tried to blame the “hostile media” or “Defeat-ocrats” for their own culpability in running the most mismanaged war in U.S. history.  Nor will they live comfortably the rest of their lives on the cushion of their war profits.  

Whatever the results of their investigation or trials, none of these Marines will land 7 figure book deals, or cushy fellowships with neoconservative think tanks, or high dollar jobs as pundits with Rupert Murdoch’s right wing media empire.  

And come January 2009, none of them will retire to their ranches in Texas and erect libraries dedicated to the preservation of their legacies.  


Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired) writes from Virginia Beach, Virginia.  Read his commentaries at Pen and Sword.