I don’t think we do enough celebrity blogging around here. Alec Baldwin called his eleven year-old daughter a ‘thoughtless little pig’? Wow!! That’s not very nice.
An enraged Alec Baldwin unleashed a volcanic tirade of threats and insults on his 11-year-old daughter, Ireland, calling her a “thoughtless little pig,” and bashing her mother Kim Basinger — and TMZ has obtained the whole thing unfiltered and raw. And we’ve learned, a family law judge was so alarmed after hearing the tape, she has temporarily barred Baldwin from having any contact with his child.
After Ireland failed to answer her father’s scheduled morning phone call from New York on April 11, Alec went berserk on her voice mail, saying “Once again, I have made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone,” adding, “you have insulted me for the last time.”
Switching his train of thought, Baldwin then exercised his incredible parenting skills and took a shot at his ex-wife, declaring, “I don’t give a damn that you’re 12-years-old or 11-years-old, or a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn’t care about what you do.” The irate Baldwin went on to say, “You’ve made me feel like s**t” and threatened to “straighten your ass out.”
Now that is what I call an ugly divorce. What the hell is wrong with Baldwin? No wonder his daughter screens her calls. Sounds like time for a little rehab.
Gee, I wonder why Kim divorced such a charmer.</snark>
And what’s with the “made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone”? Can’t he afford a cell phone? Pfft.
Well are we surprised here? Such is life for the grossly privledged, a lifestyle devoid of any shred of decency. Eventually it destroys people.
who can’t be bothered logging out & in, but wanted to say –
is there asshole rehab in the USA? Wow, you guys are advanced. 😉
One can only wish!
Of course, with such a huge unmet need, someone might develop such a thing. You could say that Christianity was founded for that purpose, before the marketing department took over, LOL.
There are entire states and corporations that I can think of where the vast majority are prime candidates for asshole rehab…
Hmm…maybe we should go into business. There does seem to be an endless supply of potential clients.
how many bitter divorces there are that we don’t hear about because the parents aren’t famous…and how many kids are caught in the crossfire (physical, mental and emotional) every day.
Chris Baldwin, however, retains a certain clear headed, sober minded sanity not often associated with people bearing the last name Baldwin.
When people refer to your ex-wife, Kim Basinger, as “the normal one”.
Alec Baldwin displays the classic pattern of an abusive partner.
However, he has also alleged that Ms. Basinger has turned his daughter against him.
Who knows what really happens in a marriage? Baldwin hasn’t made himself look very good here–in fact, he looks like a narcissistic jerk–but anybody who’s been through a divorce and then wrangled with an ex over child custody issues knows how incredibly frustrating it (almost always) is.
I’m not defending Baldwin, Booman, because he was verbally abusive to his child–that much is clear–and has a long-standing reputation as a man with a volcanic temper.
You left out a significant bit, Booman, which was not in the article you read but from a more complete account in The Chicago Sun Times story, other than the fact that it was Ms. Basinger who apparently made this voicemail public. Why one parent would choose to publicize the abusive behavior of another is beyond me. Isn’t this why we have family court–to settle these matters in the best interests of the child? Having this play out in public is not in Ireland’s best interest.
Here’s the bit you missed, Booman:
Sounds like Ms. Basinger is also seeking leverage in her ongoing legal disputes with her ex-husband, including this:
I say, a plague on both their houses. Sounds like two narcissistic children in adult bodies to me. Poor Ireland. I hate it when children are caught in the middle of two selfish parents.
After what is likely 6 years (more if you count the marriage) of that kind of verbally abusive crap from Baldwin, I don’t blame Basinger one bit for making that public. Abusers count on secrecy and shame to be able to continue their abuse. They’re like cockroaches, shine a light on their behavior, and eventually they slink away in search of more easily intimidated targets.
If Basinger’s in contempt, one hardly has to wonder why she wouldn’t force her own child to visit someone who refers to her (the child) as a thoughtless little pig whose ass needed straightening out. What do you think he says about the mother to the child? And then he wants to blame the the mother for alienation of affection?
Too bad the guy has 7 more years of being legally entitled to yell and scream at everyone involved if the court doesnn’t intervene.
Just my $0.02.
I wasn’t defending Alec Baldwin’s outbreak of Major Assholeism, CabinGirl.
Do you really think that Basinger’s publication of Baldwin’s verbal abuse of their daughter is motivated by a desire to make little Ireland’s life better? Do you really think that Baldwin is going to modify his behavior after this?
So it’s OK for Ms. Basinger to defy the court-ordered visitation arrangement? Why couldn’t she challenge it in court?
Since neither of us are privvy to what went on behind closed doors, we can only judge these people on their public actions.
Mr. Baldwin has verbally abused his daughter. I’m guessing this isn’t the first time.
Ms. Basinger has been charged with 12 counts of contempt of court. That’s no small matter. I’m guessing she’s trying to use Baldwin’s bad actions to weasel out of her responsibility for that.
Eh, honestly, I’m not that interested in this issue, nor do I have any real interest in defending Baldwin OR Basinger. As I said, it appears to me that BOTH parents are spoiled narcissists. I do feel sorry for their daughter, though. As a teacher, I’ve seen plenty of kids caught in the “custody crossfire”. Never a pretty sight.
I’ll say it again: a plague on both their houses.
Reading both Cabin Girl’s reaction and yours, as well as the article, I’m inclined toward “Send Ireland to live with a close friend’s family.”
I mean, my ex can be a royal bee-yotch, and I would NEVER speak to my kid like that.
On the other hand, as someone who has the shit end of the visit stick (note: visitation tends to imply court-supervision because one of the parents is irresponsible or has a record), i have certainly let fly with my own howls of unbridled rage when my ex didn’t call or told me she wanted to reschedule one of my son’s visits. And while I’ve tried to address those howls at the wall rather than my ex (we try to maintain good relations), that hasn’t always been the case. And I am not an abuser, verbal or otherwise.
That poor kid: caught in the middle of an ugly divorce.
But a friend’s personal experiences with a verbal abuser make me very sympathetic to the plight of that little girl and her mother. My friend has been dragged to court repeatedly by a convicted drug and alcohol abuser who doesn’t pay child support and behaves much like Mr. Baldwin; time after time, his complaints have been proven completely groundless and factually inaccurate (ie, he lies), and she still has to deal with the legal system every time he gets angry and needs someone to take it out on. It’s costly, mean-spirited, and destructive to all involved, especially the children, as you’ve noted.
And our court system allows such behavior to continue until the children turn 18.
It might have been better, if she was going to leak something, to leak something where he was abusive to HER, not her daughter… but not knowing anything beyond what this article says (since I didn’t even know they’d been married, much less divorced), that’s all I can say.
I worked for a divorce attorney for a few weeks in one temp job. I really, REALLY felt bad for one kid caught between warring parents… neither one was putting the child’s welfare ahead of their own vindictiveness and ego, and he was only about five years old. I feel bad for Ireland, or any kid caught in the middle of all that.
I do recall that Alex’s abusive behavior towards Kim was reason for divorce according to the papers at that time and custody battle….she fled New York to be away from him.
Baldwin sounds like he’s ready for major office to me…
He has Kennedy’s charisma, Reagan’s hair, and the wonky passion of Ralph Nader but he swears he’s not a politician. (Read more…MUCH more.)
JUST what we need.
Another Reagan.
From the left, this time.
Whadda buncha maroons!!!