First, watch this video of YoungTubersUnited on Earth Day 2007

There’s some good tips.

As some of you know, I worked a second job as a junk collector for nearly two years until I had to quit due to an injury.

People would call the company and we’d go out and haul their junk away.

One of our goals as a company out of a practical matter and as an environmental issue, was to recycle as much as we could, either scrap metal, plastics, tires, computers, good furniture and clothes.

There were many times I recycled entire truck loads and nothing went in the landfill.

You wouldn’t believe the things people buy and then throw out because they didn’t want it: a brand new entertainment surround sound systems still in the original packaging; never worn clothing; furniture in perfect condition that they had lost interest in; stacks of lumber, uncut and straight as the day they came out of the mill (that came home with me and is now a large treehouse in the back yard).

Most of the customers lived in McMansions. They bought things apparently expecting it to make them happy.

But it didn’t. And there’s so many people out there who don’t care their consumerism is damaging the planet.

Here’s some of the comments posted in response to the Young Tubers Earth Day video:

doodyl9 (3 minutes ago)
woohoo for pollution!

AlterGames (2 minutes ago)
you people are such fags

bassist51 (1 minute ago)
Fuck You motherfuckers you guys suck

rednbluematt (18 minutes ago)
Oh Pollution we love you!

Fucking treehugger hippies go cut your hair and wash.

That’s just a small sampling of what we’re dealing with.

If you intend to mark Earth Day, I make a suggestion you drive to your local landfill and take a look at it. To say we’re making mountains out of our spent consumerism is an understatement. And many of those items in there could have been recycled, could have put back into use, were not even needed. It took energy to produce the items and now they’re buried under other consumer debris. Energy that polluted the air and burnt fossil fuels in the production and transportation until it ends up as a man-made mountain and fine particle matter in the air.

So don’t buy what you don’t need.

Mother Earth is dirty and it’s up to us to clean her for if we don’t she’ll become even more ill and we’ll all eventually die.

I didn’t mean to end this diary on such a down note. I was going to describe how we’re taking our daughters to a park for a picnic.

Here’s The Pixies with a song appropriate for Earth Day

I was swimmin’ in the Carribean
Animals were hiding behind the rock
Except the little fish
But they told me, he swears
Tryin’ to talk to me

UPDATED: Many commenters in the Big Orange Satan version recommended Free Cycle.