I’ll have the final tally in a moment, and the roll-call in about an hour. But it looks like the Senate is about to pass the the Iraq War supplemental bill, which will put it on the President’s desk. Other than Gordon Smith and Chuck Hagel, I have not yet noticed any Republican defections…which means that the whole GOP just voted for permawar AND against raising the minimum wage…plus a lot of other popular stuff. The GOP seems hell-bent on giving us supermajorities.
Update [2007-4-26 13:19:4 by BooMan]: The final tally was 51-46, or 16 votes shy of an veto override.
Update [2007-4-26 14:1:18 by BooMan]: Here is the roll call.
..Bush’s 19th nervous breakdown. We’re coming to it, aren’t we- the fabled constitutional crisis?
…and McCain didn’t vote. Huh.
he’s such a coward.
Maybe he just had a brain fart. The dude is looking a bit like Reagan as far as senility goes.
nah, he thinks that by opting out of votes, he won’t have to be held accountable. It’s his latest magic trick
Not a single Democrat voted against this bill. I think that’s noteworthy (but the NY Times didn’t). This means that the US adventure in Iraq is over; the only question is when it will end. (Whether Dems are ready to give up the permanent bases in Iraq is another matter.)
Lieberman is not a Democrat, so he doesn’t count. Interestingly, two Repugs didn’t vote: Graham and McCain. I don’t know what’s up with McCain, since he’s such a staunch Shrub supporter of late. Must be off campaigning. Anyway, not voting on this simply further diminishes his credibility.
On a related note, Paul Begala trashes David Broder today, for Broder’s comparing Harry Reid to Alberto Gonzales, because Reid proved his “ineptitude” by stating the obvious, that the Iraq war is lost. Begala calls Broder a gasbag; he is a douche bag as well.
Dammit, now David Broder’s going to cry.