WASHINGTON D.C. (WaPo) 29 april – Allies offered $854 million in cash and in oil that was to be sold for cash. But only $40 million has been used so far for disaster victims or reconstruction, according to U.S. officials and contractors. Most of the aid went uncollected, including $400 million worth of oil. Some offers were withdrawn or redirected to private groups such as the Red Cross. The rest has been delayed by red tape and bureaucratic limits on how it can be spent.
As the winds and water of Hurricane Katrina were receding, presidential confidante Karen Hughes sent a cable from her State Department office to U.S. ambassadors worldwide.
Titled “Echo-Chamber Message ” — a public relations term for talking points designed to be repeated again and again — the Sept. 7, 2005, directive was unmistakable: Assure the scores of countries that had pledged or donated aid at the height of the disaster that their largesse had provided Americans “practical help and moral support” and “highlight the concrete benefits hurricane victims are receiving.”
Many of the U.S. diplomats who received the message, however, were beginning to witness a more embarrassing reality. They knew the U.S. government was turning down many allies’ offers of manpower, supplies and expertise worth untold millions of dollars. Eventually the United States also would fail to collect most of the unprecedented outpouring of international cash assistance for Katrina’s victims.
Woman sorts through the debris of her home, destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
In addition, valuable supplies and services — such as cellphone systems, medicine and cruise ships — were delayed or declined because the government could not handle them. In some cases, supplies were wasted.
● Reuters – Scant offered intl. aid helped Katrina victims
● MSNBC – U.S. didn’t accept most foreign Katrina aid
Remember the current reports back then:
Some foreign attempts to send U.S. aid stymied
Foreign aid to U.S. for Katrina relief
salt in the wound to those displaced by Katrina who now face evictions.
Also, what a slap in the face to those nations who reached out to us. I tend to think that places like Afghanistan and Bulgaria don’t have a lot of money in the first place.
Not Bulgaria but Armenia.
crass indifference…unbridled hubris , and of course karen hughes is right in the middle of it….what shamelessness.
that money could still be used to positive effects…but BushCo™ has a better plan…{Katrina Victims: Pay Up…boran2http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2007/4/27/132324/168]
in New Orleans yesterday that got almost nada/zip/zilch coverage in the Times-Picayune and elsewhere.
It was just another march to some media heads, I guess.
Try this report from NBC.
If folks had gotten that money, almost everyone would be back home, renters and homeowners.
Instead, Condi Rice wanted to go buy Ferragamo shoes and see Spamalot.
And with the Dutch knowing something about dikes and levees, there wouldn’t be this waiting for the next Big One to hit, this time with no pumps or levees working, thanks to Bush’s cronies.
Now, the whole world knows that Bush is no damn good to his own people. That they are expendable, particularly black people.
That’s criminal, really. That would have rebuilt a lot of homes/businesses. The irony is unbelievable though, they work so hard to bilk money out of people for their corporate cronies, but they can’t even take FREE MONEY that might actually help someone. Now that is making the committment to be an unmitigated bastard, you really have to go that extra mile…
I know I’ve mentioned this before but Castro offered to send 1,600 doctors with self contained mobile medical labs and some 35 tons of medical supplies..you can guess what happened with that offer…and how many people died because bush refused.