[Note from Larry C Johnson: I received the following tonight from Tyler Drumheller, a recently retired CIA officer. His book, On the Brink, is an important contribution to the history of our misguided war in Iraq. Tyler has first hand knowledge of George Tenet’s self-delusion and dissembling about his role in helping lead the march to war. It provides an important correction to the spin of George Tenet.]
Correcting the Record
by Tyler Drumheller
As people read through George Tenet’s “At the Center of the Storm” I hope the basic errors and misstatements of fact do not detract from the most important point, that the Bush administration came into office with the idea of attacking Iraq and they proceeded to misuse and manipulate intelligence to support their preconceived views, both before and after 9/11.
The problem for George is that he was not a peripheral player, he was”at the center of the storm” but apparently stood by as the Vice President, Secretary of Defense and others led the country into an ill conceived, ill planned war of choice. He was, after all DCI and as such had the responsibility for how intelligence was being used. I will not pretend to understand why he stood by when he knew what was at stake and had his own questions about the entire affair. In the end, although he served in many senior staff jobs, he was ill prepared to deal with the great crisis of his professional career. Taking lines out of individual presidential speeches and stopping one of many questionable speeches by the Vice President, simply does cut it when balanced against standing by as the country moved toward war.
Through his actions and inaction, George allowed the administratioen to pick and chose intelligence to fit their views, and to make matters worse he and his deputy, John Mclaughlin, were aware of the fact that key pieces of intelligence were flawed and should not be used in the decision making process. This includes not only the now infamous Curveball case, but other pieces of intelligence that are still classified and can not be openly discussed. As you have said, Larry, the standard for reporting to support the administration position was extremely low, while anything questioning the administration poistion was held to an extremely high standard of proof.
At the risk of diverting attention from the big picture, I am compelled to address the section of his book dealing with my role in the Curveball case where George falls back on faulty memory, facts taken out context and his inability to find documentation to defend his actions in this key matter. In point of fact he and John know that by early December 2002 and possibly as early as November 2002 the lead analyst on this issue knew and was already complaining about my meeting with the German official who had raised the first questions about Curveball in the Directorate of Operations.
They know very well that a series of meetings took place in December 2002 where the details of the Curveball case were fiercely debated by all of the DI and DO offices involved. These meetings were chaired by John’s chief of staff and the emails summarizing the results included the special assistants and chiefs of staff for both George and John. These emails exist at headquarters and some are paraphrased in Silberman-Robb.
These December meetings also resulted in a message being sent to the president of the German intelligence service (BND) at the request of John’s chief of staff, asking that they answer a number of questions related to Curveball and the use of his information in public statements. In the book George fails to mention that this German cable was in reply to a request from his office. The German reply is the letter George claims he never saw. In fact the text of the German letter came in a cable from Berlin. This cable was attached to an email and sent to the special assisstants and chiefs of staff for both George and John. There was no answer from George and Berlin sent the message a second time. Eventually the letter arrived in the pouch and a copy was forwarded to the office of the DCI but only later in Februray, long after George and John read its text in the cable. It is also important to remember that while we sent the message to the DCI attached to an email, his office would have recieved a direct copy of the original cable from communications, as is standard with any cable dealing with action involving the DCI. We recieved an acknowledgement of this responce and note of thanks from John’s chief of staff.
Most of this material is included in my book, but looking back in the light of what George has written, you have to wonder, if George had no concerns involving Curveball, why were they asking the BND president to vouch for his reporting.
In late January, after the State of the Union address, and a look at the draft of the Powell speech I realized that despite the meetings and other contacts, the DCI’s office had not come to grips with the serious concerns regarding Curveball himself. I met with John Mclaughlin the week before the Powell speech. John can say what ever he wants on this point but he, his chief of staff and George all know the meeting took place, and that I warned them that there were questions about the reporting. In the book George throws up a good bit of dust talking about fabricators and burn notices, reinforcing the fact that we sometimes forget, he is not a professional intelligence officer. If he were he would know that Curveball was a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) case and a BND source. We were not able determine that he was a fabricator until we obtained direct access to him in March 2004, but he should also know that while the issue of fabrication is being investigated you can not responsibly use the reporting the case produces. Also I know exactly what John said, “oh my I hope not.”
From an institutional perspective, the really disturbing part of the Curveball story is that if the DDO, Jim Pavitt, had not asked us to try to get access to Curveball, George and the other leaders of the intel community would have been happy to accept without question the reporting of this unknown source. What George describes sarcastically as DO officers having a “gut feeling” about Curveball were in fact the legitimate concerns raised by the failure of this case to rise to even the basic level of professional standards expected of any case by the directorate of operations, let alone one with the potential impact of Curveball.
This brings us to the final point of the Curveball drama as described by George. He discusses the memo over my signature for BND president Hanning’s visit to CIA headquarters in May 2003, where we asked George to thank him for Curveball and ask if we could have access to him. This was a diplomatic ploy, worked out with George’s input to get the German’s to allow us to have access to Curveball. George, citing White House interest had been pressing us to get this access. I suppose he has forgotten this context, but that is too bad, since, in this case his input had affect and set in motion the negotiations that led to us obtaining direct access and confirming that Curveball was a fabricator in March 2004.
I don’t want this to be a point by point study of George’s book, but it is also interesting to note that George completely ignores the fact that we had reporting from a separate sensitive source, refuting what Curveball was saying. In a real case of tragic irony, this reporting from a senior Iraqi official was manipulated, diluted and never properly used in the policy process.
The run up to the war on Iraq is a complicated and murky picture and it is important to remain focused on the main; the policy on Iraq was set by political leaders in the administration who then picked and chose intelligence, no matter what the source, to support their position. George’s role is equally complicated and in the end sad, as only he knows how he was able to stand by while the matter moved toward war.
“simply does [not] cut it when balanced against standing by as the country moved toward war.”
You may wish to add the missing negative-in-brackets to clarify the intention of the author. I’ve done this myself (dyslexic), and it was only on the second, more careful, reading that I noticed the absence.
The points are valid. Tenet is undeserving of any medals for freedom. Whether he could have stopped the unnecessary war is debatable, given the energy and determination of Cheney and his minions and the long-laid plans for dominion in the Middle East. However, he could have raised a public voice of protest at the time it could have influenced the pacing and direction of war.
If we were lied to and misled and deceived by our own government, if the intelligence was being twisted to fit the facts as the British put it, if reasons for going to war were focus-tested until they found something scary enough to use as propaganda, then surely the people inside who had proper intelligence had a great moral duty to speak truth and to speak it loudly and repeatedly.
So, Tenet wanted to be liked? He should have gone into stage-acting… rather than an arena where power turns upon a word and people’s lives are at risk.
Or perhaps he can better use his time reading poetry and reflecting upon that which he didn’t understand, and frankly may never understand. That is a harsh judgement, but history is not a gentle muse.
Here are two pertinant snippets:
Far off, no matter what good they intended,
The armies waited for a verbal error
With all the instruments for causing pain:
And on the issue of their charm depended
A land laid waste, with all its young men slain,
Its women weeping, and its towns in terror.
The Shield of Achilles
A plain without a feature, bare and brown,
No blade of grass, no sign of neighborhood,
Nothing to eat and nowhere to sit down,
Yet, congregated on its blankness, stood
An unintelligible multitude,
A million eyes, a million boots in line,
Without expression, waiting for a sign.
Out of the air a voice without a face
Proved by statistics that some cause was just
In tones as dry and level as the place:
No one was cheered and nothing was discussed;
Column by column in a cloud of dust
They marched away enduring a belief
Whose logic brought them, somewhere else, to grief.
What their foes like to do was done, their shame
Was all the worst could wish; they lost their pride
And died as men before their bodies died.
This is the legacy we have left Iraq. 7000 years of human culture and history turned to rubble because the war profiteers and the evangelists convinced a wanna-be-king that he was chosen by destiny to destroy another sovereign nation. A war of choice.
Will Tenet be there when Bush opens his Presidential Library and Propaganda Tank? History past and future rewritten and sanitized? He failed to speak truth, will he lend his name and approval to another ediface of lies?
While he frets at ridicule, how many thousands of families mourn their dead?
[I’ve tried preview and correction 3 times, but there is something squiggly in the formatting. sigh.]
Mr J-I have followed this insanity with the same intensity as I did with Nam and I gotta tell you– It is a Yogi Berra moment. Deja Vu all over again. I could care less about tenets book cause it is simply his way of attempting to cleanse his guilt. And Mr J, his statement during the CBS interview regarding Ms Plame was the clincher. One of his officers! My ass. She was one of our Heros! And he sold her out- in addition to all those who work silently to protect this country. I wouldn’t spit on tenet. However- his book is another coffin nail in this administration- but only if the people choose to act. That should be the focus. And impeachment is the answer.
Was Tenet director of the CIA at the time Mohammad Naeem Noor Khan was betrayed?
Tenet’s feeble attempts to justify his inaction could be laughable if they had not resulted in the death of perhaps a million people.
But the “800 pound gorilla” in the interview that remains unanswered: Tenet admits that while he met with the President every morning, he was not allowed to present new information without it “going through channels.” That implies that everything he said each morning was screened. By whom? I presume Cheney. But if that’s true, why doesn’t he just come out and say that Cheney is the president?
calvin has seen the tag-team of McGovern and Johnson on TV recently giving George “Slam Dunk” Tenet a major slap down. Congratulations to Mr. McGovern and Mr. Johnson for their courage in stepping up to this corrupt regime in such a public manner.
Mr. McGovern has hinted that he has some information that might prove very embarassing to the administration. That takes quite a bit of courage as well because it could make one a target. I am trusting that as an intelligence professional that, if such information does exist, that it is protected properly.
If enough information like this gets into the public domain and is widely disseminated, the move to impeach this cabal should come from their own party.