The Congress is going to deliver the Iraq War Supplemental Funding Bill to the White House today. It sounds like Bush is going to stare at it until Wednesday and then veto it. Bush doesn’t want to veto the bill today, on the 4th anniversary of Mission Accomplished. Whatever. Can we get serious in the country?

The heavily fortified Green Zone, where the American and British Embassies are, suffered its second serious mortar attack in two weeks on Monday night when it was hit by a volley of mortar shells. The attack set off sirens, and loudspeakers broadcast messages warning residents that “cellphones are for emergency use only” and to “duck and cover.”

The Green Zone in Baghdad is under mortar attack. Do you understand? This isn’t Khe Sahn…this isn’t 1968. This is right now. We’re hunkered down inside the Green Zone and afraid to use our cell phones. We don’t need to listen to happy talk about some surge restoring order in Iraq. Our embassy is under under mortar attack. Get it?

The largest bloc of Sunni Arabs in the Iraqi Parliament threatened to withdraw its ministers from the Shiite-dominated cabinet on Monday in frustration over the government’s failure to deal with Sunni concerns.

This is after Moqtada al-Sadr, a nationalist Shi’ite, removed his ministers some time ago (those positions remain unfilled).

We’re already in the post-mortem phase of the Iraq War. The former Director of Central Intelligence is on a book tour explaining what went wrong. Everyone from David Broder to Henry Kissinger to William F. Buckley have conceded that the war is unwinnable. The National Security Director is at such a loss that he is begging for someone to take over his responsibilities for overseeing the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan. AND NO ONE WILL ACCEPT THE JOB.

We really need to get real in this country. We’re all waiting on the Republicans to admit defeat and do the patriotic thing. Throw these bums out and let’s get to work fixing this mess.