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Question for everyone:
what’s the funniest thing a child has said to you?
what’s the funniest thing a child has said to you?
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Say hello to the newest member of the Frog Pond
My answer to the question: From the mouth of an onery five year old: “Okay, I’m in a better mood now! I went and pee’d the mean out!”
heh. A birdie told me that this particular user is one of the infamous spammers, so here’s a real human being to welcome instead of one of the robo-bots that preys on unsuspecting clickers with their viagra and mortgage loan links 🙂
Welcome, Laura!
I really liked Burning the Ice.
Great, a new (to me) sci-fi author! I just requested Burning the Ice from another library (we don’t have it where I work but that could change.)
Proxies is good, too.
Other good women scifi/speculative fiction
authors that you may not be familiar with
Nancy Kress
Joan Slonczewski
Gwyneth Jones
Rosemary Kirstein
Candace Jane Dorsey
Élisabeth Vonarburg
Julie Czerneda
Thanks, Andi! I think I’m due for one of my sci-fi binges. I’ve been re-reading Connie Willis in preparation (highly recommended if you haven’t read her.)
My favs are Doomsday Book and To Say Nothing of the Dog … good stuff.
I loooove Doomsday Book. Have you read Lincoln’s Dreams? I just finished it. It is so haunting.
Doomsday Book is my favorite, followed closely by To Say Nothing of the Dog, Bellwether, and the short story Fire Watch. But Lincoln’s Dreams made me cry almost as much as Passage did.
I wasn’t to big on Passage, but boy did I love Bellweather. I just reread Doomsday Book, and I hardly ever reread books. Beautiful.
haven’t read that one … will have to check it out!
… natch.
Oh and of course, go Sens!
and bye … it’s time! w00t!
What a great list. As a matter of fact, I’m reading “Maximum Light” by Nancy Kress right now. I’ve get several more of her works in the to-be-read pile, but I can’t seem to get a copy of “Beggars in Spain” <grrr>. I just finished reading a half-dozen books by Elizabeth Moon. I will have to check out a few of the authors you mention as I am not familiar with their work, but I love Joan Slonczewski.
It looks like your local public library has a couple of copies of Beggars in Spain. I know, I’m incorrigible with the library stuff. But now I want to read it too!
LOL! I will simply have to stop by then and check it out, but I so want a copy for my own collection.
The Beggars in Spain trilogy is fantastic as is the Probability trilogy (oh heck, as is just about everything she’s done).
I like Elizabeth Moon too. But I think the Speed of Dark was an amazing departure from her other books. (And I think Ky Vatta is the best series character she’s done; everything about her feels real and very organic.)
The Speed of Dark is just brilliant and what got me into Moon. I’ve now read the Probability Trilogy, the Ky Vatta trilogy, and the Serrano series. I love good Space Opera and while she isn’t as good as McMaster Bujold, Moon is pretty good.
FWIW, I’m really enjoying Maximum Light. I just started it this morning, and I can barely put it down.
This thread is a keeper. Thanks everyone! See you later. I’ve enjoyed the Welcome Wagon today.
My work has suffered though. Ah well, there’s always tomorrow.
Hah, I had already 0-rated that user (with dada).
Ok, a couple of the funnier things my kids have said recently:
Jake, 5 yrs. We were running late (real late) to a wrestling meet, and I skipped brushing (gross, I know, but we wouldn’t have made weigh-ins). Anyway, I started munching the breath mints two at a time. We’re out on the mat, and I’m talking to him, and he starts trying to pull away and says “Dad, your breath is minty and terrible!”
Conner, 7 yrs, upon seeing me with my shirt off:
“Dad, you’re really hairy”.
“Yeah, some day you will be too.”
“No, I’m going to stay in shape.”
I pull into the driveway and Jake is coming around the corner of the house, holding one of his skateboards in one hand and holding his side with the other.
“Dad, I need a band-aid.”
“Hey, buddy, what happened?” (I look at his scraped side)
“I wiped out riding my skateboard down the slide.” (the slide is five feet tall)
“Oh, buddy, you can’t do that, you could get really hurt.”
“But I landed it every other time.”
heee-larious 🙂 Jake’s lucky that he didn’t have access to the slides from year’s past. I recall the one at our elementary school being metal, extremely tall, with a slope that was near-vertical. If you weren’t freaked out about the height, you wondered whether your rear end would fry on the way down from the Az heat. good times, good times.
Yup, remember slides just like that one. Lucky he only has immediate access to the one in our yard…
OMG – those were brutal! They were 15 feet in the air, no sides so you could just fall right off the top when you were trying to sit down, and the metal would be like 170 degrees in the sun. My thighs remember.
you should be. It’s a hilarious web comic. Monday’s is apropos to today:
Click the comic for a full size image.
ahahahahahaha – today’s comic was great, too.
Yeah, I need to grab it and get a magnifying glass to see if I can find BMT on there. 🙂
Sometime you should just go through the entire back catalog. The guy is really, really funny.
I heard this one recently: “You will meet my every ridiculous need.”
I thought that was a refreshingly honest demand.
yeah, but was it met with indignation or resignation? 😉
I think it was met with dismissive laughter.
One day I was getting out of the shower, about 6 months pregnant, in front of my almost 3 year old son. Very seriously he said, “oh mom, you’re so pretty – just like a baby cow.”
and he still walks this earth – i admire your restraint 🙂
I knew that to him a baby cow WAS really pretty, so I took it as a compliment. Now if it happened today….
That is hilarious!
Kids are brutally honest–when they say pretty, they mean pretty. Even if it is a cow.
God that’s funny! And laughing when I read it made my headache feel better! Thanks, SN.
Glad I could help the circulation to your brain, Lil! 🙂
In the heat of an argument the other day my 15-year-old daughter told me I’m too supportive. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry so I did both at once.
Someday she’ll be in therapy over that. My darn mother was just TOO supportive!
She already is! heheh
did you make it to the Beach Impeach event last weekend? I saw the pix, they were awesome.
I didn’t go. <hangs head in shame> I planned to go with my daughter again, but she was feeling sick, and we had a zillion things to do, and buckets o’stress. So… we slept in! The pix are so cool, you’re right about that.
there is a famous bumpersticker that reads: “Sh*t Happens” for a reason, ya know 🙂
I did everything in power to make the immigration march yesterday, but there was no way to do it without sabotaging a month’s worth of work. Anywho, hope your daughter is feeling better and the stress evaporates soonest!
Ok, I have another one, also Owen – that kid was a regular yuk factory.
He was again, about 3 or 4 and I was crouched down on his level lecturing him about something very important, which of course I can’t remember now – and he was looking at me very intently, right in the eye, and I’m thinking to myself, “oh my gosh, this kid GETS it! He’s really listening to me!” Immediately when I finished he pointed to my face and said “Mom, you have a booger in your eye.”
You’ve given me some good belly laughs this afternoon!
Priceless stories.
ww too.
My son’s comment from a couple of years ago (age 5-6?): “Daddy, your nose looks like an alien.” (as in UFO alien.)
heh, did you warn him not to get too close lest the alien shoot out green goo in defense?
Howdy all. When KamaKid was 5, I tool her to a party. I was wearing a shirt with a fake name tag on it which read “Hello, my name is Satan”. Another person came up to me, read the shirt and said “Oh, so you’re Satan”. KamaKid looks up at me and says “You’re not Satan, you’re Mommy”. Now that KamaKid just turned 13, I think she thinks I really am Satan! :>)
hi K! (or should I say S?) My favorite thing to do is wear a nametag upside-down, and when asked why, say in a matter-of-fact way, “So I can read it.” – it builds smart ass street-cred 🙂
I’ve told this story before, but as far as I’m concerned it never gets old.
My oldest son was about 8 when the movie The Princess Bride came out. Not long after we went to go see it in the theater, he was scheduled to go on a field trip with his third-grade class. They gave the kids name tags that said “Hello, my name is . . .”
I am proud to say he put on his, in his best eight-year-old handwriting, “Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
That’s great!
Of course, if he did that in school today, he’d probably be led away in handcuffs for making death threats…
Well, Andrew is really just getting the hang of speaking, but lately he has really enjoyed telling me:
“Mama no a peepee (penis).”
Despite this obvious flaw, I think he still loves me.
I’m sorry for your birth defect, toni, but we love you too.
Thank you
Some years ago, we tried telling our son that if he didn’t behave Santa would bring him a bag of sticks and stones. He excitedly replied, “Oh, boy!!! What kinds?”
hi hens teeth – wittiness always trumps ungratefulness, imo 🙂
Story; me picking up oldest asklet from school (Copenhagen International School) back when she was 5. Her best friend was Brooke, whose older brother, Brandon, was 7.
Asklet to me, while I am strapping her into the seat: “Pappa, me and Brandon are getting married!”
Me (feigning surprise, I’m used to tales): “Really! Did he ask you?”
Asklet: “Yes!”
Me: : “Maybe you should wait till you’re a little bit older!”
She: “Like seven?”
Me (restraining a chuckle): “Yeah, well, and maybe you should ask your parents first!”
Asklet: “Can I? Can I?”
(this was the second proposal I had to deal with, the first involved two kids – one from Peru, the other from Germany, I think – literally fighting at a birthday party…)
hi ask – it’s funny what we do as kids to act all growed up. I remember having a serious girlfriend in kindergarten – too bad she was convinced that i had cooties (at least until high school, but that’s for a late-night cafe).
My Niece and Nephew went batshit crazy one day repeating the word “moose” and laughing hysterically each time. That was pretty funny. They were quickly corrected and now they know that moose are no joke.
You took my recommendation and got the FBC back on the Recommended List! Way to go. LOL! Just kidding.
We promised that the Wednesday Welcome Wagon would continue on and as you can say, we are very reliable folk. 🙂
Why does the Wednesday cafe get special treatment?
wolverine writer
cruz del sur
Second Nature
It’s not a “cafe” — it’s a welcome wagon.
Not to say that you couldn’t treat it like a cafe and post a flower picture. 😉
Some people will go to any extreme to put themselves in the right. LOL!!!
PS Look at the top of the diary. I think it says “Froggy Bottom Lounge” there.
… a lounge isn’t a cafe. 😛
but is a square a rectangle?
convinced me it’s time to fog out for the evening.
(nightie night AndiF!)
Hi, MM – I’m the only one here that doesn’t like sci fi. 🙁
Ah SN, there’s sci-fi and then there’s sci-fi. Genre is just a word, don’t ya know.
Heh…if she’s not careful, I will break out my list of Sci-Fi for people who hate Sci-Fi (which includes Connie Willis)!
What, don’t you want to be special?
My dumbness makes me special many times over.
I’m really buying the dumb specialness — next thing is you’ll be telling us all about being the church lady. 😛
Isn’t that special. 🙂
How’s your week going?
So-so. Kinda disorganized which I bugs me but it’s pretty low stress.
Manny found a picture of SN!
As you can see, the resemblance is remarkable.
I’m in baseball heaven these days – got the Tribe play by play on satellite radio.
I’ve been waiting so long for spring to show up I kind of forgot about it being time for baseball.
We just got home from our game a little while ago.
How’s Beantown in the spring?
I’m north of bean and it’s sort of green here, about 1-2 weeks behind us.
It was pretty dim by the time I got home tonight, but it looks like the greed day will be Friday.
It been raining on an off the last few days, which is a good thing, given the drought to date, for flora and fauna, but a bad thing for my mood.
We’re definately in winter mode. And I, child of southern California’s eternal summers, can’t help but feel a bit gloomy when the days are cold, damp and ever-shortening.
Luna hates being inside, and when a shower starts (as it has done several times each day) she holds out until she is damp to the skin before asking to come in – vigorous towelling insues. Calling her in earilier gets a look of disgust. Once she’s inside she looks for whatever trouble she can get into before finally sighing flopping and heavily on the floor.
how cold does it get, no snow right. It can’t be that bad, if there is no snow or ice.
We’ve only gotten snow a few times since we moved into our house two years ago. Our house sits almost a thousand feet above sea level, so we get the occassional dusting as a storm blows over. We get hail a bit more frequently. Winter days can hang about in the forties for quite some time. Nights can (and do) freeze, but usually hang just above freezing.
If it’s not cold and damp, I don’t mind so much. It’s the combination that gets to me. Thankfully, it’s not a persistant combination. Thankfully, we live in the driest part of the State.
Giddy and Luna have a lot in common except I don’t think Giddy has ever been wet to the skin. The combination of guard hairs and incredibly dense under fur means that only truly dedicated ticks can make it to the skin; water doesn’t stand a chance.
Yep, that malamutt hair is amazing. Luna’s hair keeps her very warm, but not terribly dry. Unfortunately, that means if she comes inside to get out of the rain she’s usually too hot.
When I lived in NM, my dogs used to have no problem sleeping in the snow. I think Luna would stay out in snow, as long as it wasn’t slushy snow (which is the only kind we get).
Welcome Laura,
I usually accompany that greeting with a photo for a newcomer. Here`s for you, enjoy. Taken yesterday.
Hey scarenec
I doubt I ever gave you a photo, so I hope you like this one.
This is a new rescue we got yesterday.
He`s a “lifer”, & we call him “ART”
Welcome to all newbies!