I had the timerity to point out inaccurate reporting in a diary written by a member who can be considered a member of the “Zionist” lobby on Kos. He claimed records released which included Nazi camp records would silence Holocaust deniers. I pointed out a couple of matter that meant I though that this was over optimistic and that any records would only reduce the range of estimates of deaths.

Of course this they took to be a Holocaust denial, presumably in an attempt to silence someone they see as anti-Israeli and therefore by extension anti-semitic. The usual tactics of character assassination by selective quotes, invented references etc are being employed by the usual suspects.

The comments are slipping in and out of hidden status so I will reproduce the discussion, with apologies for the space used (and the spacing not coming out, will try to fix it later)

[UPDATE: Now removed – see below re edits and a fuller exposition of the tactics used as a long response to a post]