There are some interesting tidbits in Robert Novak’s latest column. For example, there are some rumors that Mark Warner will not run for John Warner’s Senate seat because he wants to remain available as a vice-presidential pick if Hillary Clinton wins the nomination. A Clinton-Warner ticket would be quite formidable. I’d be very disappointed in that kind of New Democratic ticket but it would stand a good chance at turning the clock back to 2001.

Novak also reveals:

Speculation in Washington legal circles is that President Bush has been reluctant to get rid of Gonzales for fear that Senate Democrats would not confirm his successor without a commitment to name a special prosecutor in the U.S. attorneys case.

Well…duh. That’s a no-brainer.

Meanwhile, Eugene Robinson does a nice job of recounting the Don Corleone incident with Andy Card, Alberto Gonzales, and John Ashcroft’s hospital bed. Then he concludes:

This is the attorney general of the United States, ladies and gentlemen. Heaven help us.

John Dickerson is still an idiot. He thinks Democrats are stupid to shun Fox News because:

They’re missing a chance to look confident and full of conviction in front of tough questioning.

Right. Like it makes you look strong to get asked when you stopped beating your wife. Please. I agree with Dickerson about Ron Paul, however. And it is hilarious to see Michelle Malkin mocking Paul because he doesn’t believe the Warren Commission was a shining example of government sunshine. Need I remind everyone that Allan Dulles was a member of that commission? BTW- Another piece of that crappy report got called into serious question this week.

In challenging the evidence for the lone-gunman theory, Cliff Spiegelman, professor of statistics at Texas A&M and an expert in bullet-lead analysis, recently teamed with former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent and forensic scientist William A. Tobin of Forensic Engineering International in Virginia and William D. James, a research chemist with the Texas A&M Center for Chemical Characterization and Analysis (CCCA). Together, they conducted a chemical and forensic analysis of bullets reportedly derived from the same batch as those used by suspected assassin Lee Harvey Oswald to gun down Kennedy on that fateful day at Dealey Plaza.

Their findings, which show that evidence used to rule out a second assassin is fundamentally flawed, will be published in a forthcoming edition of “Annals of Applied Statistics.” The paper currently is available online at

There was also an interesting article this week about RFK’s quiet efforts to solve the case of his brother’s murder. Amazing how lively the controversy remains.

What’s news in your neck of the woods?