There are some interesting tidbits in Robert Novak’s latest column. For example, there are some rumors that Mark Warner will not run for John Warner’s Senate seat because he wants to remain available as a vice-presidential pick if Hillary Clinton wins the nomination. A Clinton-Warner ticket would be quite formidable. I’d be very disappointed in that kind of New Democratic ticket but it would stand a good chance at turning the clock back to 2001.
Novak also reveals:
Speculation in Washington legal circles is that President Bush has been reluctant to get rid of Gonzales for fear that Senate Democrats would not confirm his successor without a commitment to name a special prosecutor in the U.S. attorneys case.
Well…duh. That’s a no-brainer.
Meanwhile, Eugene Robinson does a nice job of recounting the Don Corleone incident with Andy Card, Alberto Gonzales, and John Ashcroft’s hospital bed. Then he concludes:
This is the attorney general of the United States, ladies and gentlemen. Heaven help us.
John Dickerson is still an idiot. He thinks Democrats are stupid to shun Fox News because:
They’re missing a chance to look confident and full of conviction in front of tough questioning.
Right. Like it makes you look strong to get asked when you stopped beating your wife. Please. I agree with Dickerson about Ron Paul, however. And it is hilarious to see Michelle Malkin mocking Paul because he doesn’t believe the Warren Commission was a shining example of government sunshine. Need I remind everyone that Allan Dulles was a member of that commission? BTW- Another piece of that crappy report got called into serious question this week.
In challenging the evidence for the lone-gunman theory, Cliff Spiegelman, professor of statistics at Texas A&M and an expert in bullet-lead analysis, recently teamed with former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent and forensic scientist William A. Tobin of Forensic Engineering International in Virginia and William D. James, a research chemist with the Texas A&M Center for Chemical Characterization and Analysis (CCCA). Together, they conducted a chemical and forensic analysis of bullets reportedly derived from the same batch as those used by suspected assassin Lee Harvey Oswald to gun down Kennedy on that fateful day at Dealey Plaza.
Their findings, which show that evidence used to rule out a second assassin is fundamentally flawed, will be published in a forthcoming edition of “Annals of Applied Statistics.” The paper currently is available online at
There was also an interesting article this week about RFK’s quiet efforts to solve the case of his brother’s murder. Amazing how lively the controversy remains.
What’s news in your neck of the woods?
I believe. It was when Nixon got rid of the AG that his troubles began, some have speculated. But I really think that of all the folks Bushco has jettisoned, Gonzo is the most problematic. He, like Rove has more info about Bushco than most and could quite literally bring it all down. But Bush cannot give “the judge” back his judgeship at this point.
I have been haunted by the kennedy’s killings because nothing has made sense to me. Osama I understand. I understand vengence, I can, with some effort, understand garnering power by offering vengence. I cannot understand the shadowy motives behind those killings. I have envied people in this day and age dealing with 9/11, terrible tragedy that it was – they know who and they understand some of the motives. We never were really given that with JFK or with his brother either. It was as if these killings were just brushed aside as if they didn’t matter. But they mattered terribly. And they added to the powerless feeling that we have in viewing our so-called leadership in DC.
I think this is certainly true, but I don’t think that is the real fear.
Nobody is closer to Bush than Gonzales. He was his AG when Bush was governor of Texas. I think the real fear isn’t that Gonzales will bring Bush down, but rather that if they get rid of Gonzales, they won’t be able to find anyone who could both a) justify what the administration has done and is doing and b) make it through the confirmation process of a Democratic Senate.
ps. BooMan – The one time I am rooting for late inning heroics from the Yankees, they let me down. Now I feel dirty for having rooted for them.
pps. What the hell was Billy Wagner thinking throwing to home? Does he have himself on his fantasy baseball team or something?
my jaw dropped when l heard this on the BBC…a scathing take down of both chief executives; Carter ripped them:
unfailingly polite, brutally honest expression of opinion of an ex-president regarding one still in office…unprecedented as far as l know.
here’s a portion of the audio from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette mp3.
just saw this on AP … was flabbergasted
What’s up is that I have some really sad news to report. jc, who was a member here under the username jaysea, died unexpectedly on Mother’s Day. I just received the news from her father earlier today.
I’m shocked, and at a loss for words. But I wanted to share the news with anyone here who might remember her from Blog for America. She created some amazing grassroots graphics during the Dean campaign, and after that too.
The emphasis is mine, the speculation is yours.
I could have come from Kansas instead of The Bronx, but I didn’t. Call me when someone says they have evidence that they did come from three bullets.
You’re missing the point.
The study shows that the analysis used to ‘prove’ the bullets all came from the same gun was flawed and that they ‘proved’ no such thing.
You’re definitely shifting the goalposts is you want the study to prove they did not come from the same gun. What they did was show that the government gave erroneous assurances to investigators.
The shot came from the front. The Dictatape recorded another shot, from another direction. The ballistics turned out not to have proven the bullets all came from the same gun.
The response? Some b.s. about heads snapping the reverse way, a bunch of CIA-funded studies to undermine the dictatape evidence, and now you say that the Texas A&M study is meaningless.
Add to this that LBJ didn’t buy the Oswald story, RFK didn’t buy it, E. Howard Hunt didn’t buy it, Nixon didn’t buy it.
If two Presidents and the AG at the time didn’t buy it, why do you?
I’ll leave you with this:
He never changed his mind.
You have no points.
“The shot came from the front.” – Where’s the bullet, where’s the gun?
“The Dictatape recorded another shot” – proven bullshit. See The Discovery Channel’s “Beyond the Magic Bullet”.
“The ballistics turned out not to have proven the bullets all came from the same gun.” – As I said “not to have proven” – find something you CAN prove.
Bobby Kennedy’s anguished phone call after his brother had just been murdered? Did he make any other phone calls seeking answers? I’d bet anything that he did. But those wouldn’t matter to you, would they? You’re CIA obsessed.
I could on for a long time. What is essential to know is what is on the LBJ tapes themselves. LBJ ordered an investigation and he ordered that that investigation now implicate either the commies or the far-right. The Warren Commission has its marching orders, and it wasn’t getting to the truth. That fact alone doesn’t tell you what happened, but it does tell you that the Warren Commission report is not credible.
All this conspiracy crap is based on what somebody’s brother said to somebody’s mother-in-law or whomever.
The Warren Commission has the rifle, the bullets and the killer with a history of assassination attempt. The other side has wild speculation.
Yeah…I guess you aren’t interested in debating since your style of argument is that things have been proven bullshit that haven’t been proven bullshit, and that the Warren Commission gave us the facts even though they were explicitly instructed to reassure the nation that neither the communists nor right-wingers were involved.