If it’s Tuesday in Philadelphia then it is Drinking Liberally night. One of the best things about Drinking Liberally in Philadelphia is that so many of us are writers/bloggers, so we all read each other’s stuff and then talk about how brilliant we all are. Oh, and who will give Noz a ride home. Here’s what the DL chapter is talking about today.

Noz discusses Al-Qaeda branding.
Susie discusses yoga and her new neighbor’s mom.
Sally discusses Krugman.
Brendan discusses an old friend and eating opossum.
Atrios laughs at al-Hurra.
Richard Blair discusses the second surge.
SpinDentist watches McCain and Romney mix it up.
Albert discusses Samsung’s latest wireless phone.
Chris Bowers discusses checks and balances in the progressive movement.
PhillyBits discusses SEPTA and fare transfers.

I’m not sure if our Chris is writing anything at the moment, but he’s sure to show up bearing adorable rodents any time now.

Drinking Liberally goes on every Tuesday at a bar named Tangier (18th and Lombard). See you there.