Is anyone else getting tired of listening to Joe Lieberman whine like a little child?
Senator Joe Lieberman, a Connecticut independent, says his disagreement with the Democrats over the Iraq war won’t prevent him from working with his former party. For now.
“I hope the moment doesn’t come that I feel so separated from the caucus” that he decides to shift allegiance to the Republicans, he said in an interview. Asked what Democratic actions might cause such a break, he invoked Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s famous 1964 definition of pornography: “I’ll know it when I see it.”
…Lieberman said he already has seen much he doesn’t like from the Democrats, particularly Majority Leader Harry Reid’s decision to co-sponsor, and then allow a vote last week on, legislation cutting off war funding by March.
How much have you seen from Joe Lieberman that you don’t like? If Lieberman would stop bashing Democrats in national press appearances and interviews maybe Democrats would treat him with a little respect. After all, Sens. Carper, Lincoln, Landrieu, Baucus, and Ben Nelson all have worse voting records and they don’t get beat up constantly by Democratic activists.
What, this hasn’t happened already?
Don’t you think it is just too perfect that we can’t end the war because the last election just happened to balance the Senate so perfectly as to prevent Congress from acting (or at least to provide cover for inaction)?
I love it when a plan comes together. It seems every election has the perfect result to balance suppression of domestic unrest and the execution of the agenda of empire.
it’s the goddamn founding fathers fault for making it so only a third of the Senate gets slammed for screwing the pooch.
I am totally serious here, we should amend the constitution with Jefferson’s brilliant thought that it should be rewritten each generation so that one generation’s ideals don’t hold back the next. It would be a terrifying process!
So there I was reading your latest post (to which I am directng this comment) and trying to see wher it is going. Initially, the focus is the point that Lieberman is once again threatenning to cross the aisle. The appears to be his ongoing method by which he hopes to retain his media position.
Now, that is crap. Given how weak the Dem majority is, to hell with lieberman.
Now, when I get to the last graf I discover that you are crying out for sympathy because other congress folks have worse records. Well Boo- what the hell are you talking about– Two Wrongs Don’t make It Right!!!
For crying out loud – this piece of garbage has only one position and that is to take care of good old Joe!
Get real Boo- The Dems should throw the prick out. Screw him. It wont make a bit of difference
That doesn’t make it right for regarding the other congress people.BUT that is a story for another day!
I wasn’t crying out for sympathy, I was telling him to STFU.
All I can say is at least the damn media is calling him an independent. I say good riddance.