Some brave soul in the U.S. military sent Pat Lang a memo issued Monday that shows the U.S. ability to support its troops is collapsing and very vulnerable to disruption. 

Download iraq_food_deliveries.pdf

The memo states:

Due to a theater-wide delay in food delivery, menu selections will be limited for the near future.  While every effort will be made to provide balanced meals, it may not be possible to offer the dishes you are used to seeing at each meal.  Fresh fruits and salad bar items will also be severely limited or unavailable.

The bottomline is that our troops depend on a ground supply line that runs from Kuwait to the various bases in Iraq.  When I was in Iraq last year at the U.S. base in Balad I had the chance to eat four meals a day–breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight rations (midrats).  If you like late nights the midrats were great–steak, eggs, pancakes.  Pretty good food.  Well, based on this memo, it looks like those were the good old days.  We don’t have enough convoys to give our troops three hot meals a day.  We want them to step up the patrolling.  We want them to search 24-7 for missing soldiers.  But, by God, they don’t deserve three hot meals a day. 

Excuse my rudeness, but that is fucked up.  Way to go General Petraeus.