I really do.

The Dems have BEEN folding whenever the Rats call their bluff…because that’s all it is and all it has been, a bluff…since Gore took his gutless, incompetent dive in 2000.

They posture, they moan, they complain…

And then they fold.

Going on 7 years now.

THIS go-round.


Stop, look and COUNT fer chrissake!!!

We have had 3 Dem presidents since 1952.

Three Dem Presidents for a total of…get this, folks…twelve years of effective governance!!!

If that.

Twelve out of fifty-seven.

Do the math.

No,…I’ll do the fucking math.

The Rats rule about 80% of the time.

Nice record, asshole Dems.

Nice going.

How do I get that figure?

Read on to find out.
JFK-2 years and a hail of bullets.

JBJ. He doesn’t count. He was complicit in JFK’s murder. Before or after the fact. Bet on it. A Rat in a hat. A cowboy hat.

Saaaay…HE was from Texas, too!!!


Then a few more assassinations just to make sure the coup held nicely. Don’t want the sauce to separate, y’know.

A couple of missteps on the Rats’ part…nobody’s perfect, after all…each one eventually very nicely remedied by the secret police of the corporatist interests.


Corporate Interest Action Squad.

A SWAT team for them BIG flies.

The MAKERS of new realities.

One way or another.

Jimmy Carter. 1977-’81. The Rats ran a new reality on him…Iran/Contra, helicopters mysteriously crashing in the desert, etc…and he was OUTTA there.


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You’re OUTTA here!!!


Nice try , Jimbo.

TOO nice.

Nice guys finish last in this game.

Bill Clinton. 1993-2000. In reality he was only “President” in any truly effective way for six of those years., Then came the honey trap…the successful honey trap, one of several attempts in my opinion…and HE was essentially finished. He did a good job when he could keep his fly zipped, his wits about him and his nuts out of the proverbial wringer..

I’ll betcha HE didn’t finish last.

Not very often, anyway.

Not enough time.

Pressures of the job, don’tcha know.

Wham, bam, THANK you, ma’am.

“I serve at your pleasure, Mr. President.”

“Yup. That you do, girl. That you do.”<p?
Too bad about ol’ Bill.

He could’a been a contendah.

But now he’s just a dirty joke.

Dassit, folks.

That’s all they allowed us to write.

And the current crop of Dems?

Most of them were babies when this Rat winning streak STARTED. They are so used to losing…they’ve been down so long it looks like up to them.

No heart.

With a VERY few exceptions.

No heart whatsoever.

The best explanation I have read for their latest cave-in…short term explanation, anyway?

I believe it was BooMan who wrote it.

They had no stomach for going home over Memorial Day and being accused of not supporting the troops.


The shame.


Short sighted, moral-less motherfuckers that they are.

This Butch punk and all of his little Rat helpers should have been under serious threat of impeachment two days after the Dems’ landslide in November. But like poker players who have become immured to losing, the Dems do not have the heart for any risk-taking. They simply protect their pile of chips and wait for a great hand.

Which rarely comes.

And when it DOES come?

The New Reality machine just keeps on grinding away on them.

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Grinding away. (Thank you, BooMan. A GREAT post. Required reading for any sane American, in my opinion.)


The Rats ain’t through yet.

Not by a LONG shot.


The Dems?

Afraid to face their constituents because they do not like having to answer the nasty questions?

They should have been on these motherfuckers from Day One of their new congressional majorities.

On ’em like white on rice.

In the media.

In the government.

In the courts


But they were not.

And you know what, folks?

All of us who have continued to support “The Democratic Party” in the face of 57 years of ineffectual 20% effort and achievement?

We are ALL guilty here.

All of us.

Sleep well, sleepers.

You’re gonna need it.

And the New Reality machine just keeps on grinding away.

Grinding away.


They ain’t through yet.

Not by a long shot.

Bet on it.

Sleep well.



Your choice.

This waking up thing is theoretically possible, at least.

Although I must admit that I begin to doubt even THAT idea.

On the evidence.

So it goes here in Spamerica.

Wake the fuck up, you dumb, sold-down-the-river-fifty-times Dem motherfuckers.

Or die.

Your choice.

Or not…whatever.

