I really do.
The Dems have BEEN folding whenever the Rats call their bluff…because that’s all it is and all it has been, a bluff…since Gore took his gutless, incompetent dive in 2000.
They posture, they moan, they complain…
And then they fold.
Going on 7 years now.
THIS go-round.
Stop, look and COUNT fer chrissake!!!
We have had 3 Dem presidents since 1952.
Three Dem Presidents for a total of…get this, folks…twelve years of effective governance!!!
If that.
Twelve out of fifty-seven.
Do the math.
No,…I’ll do the fucking math.
The Rats rule about 80% of the time.
Nice record, asshole Dems.
Nice going.
How do I get that figure?
Read on to find out.
JFK-2 years and a hail of bullets.
JBJ. He doesn’t count. He was complicit in JFK’s murder. Before or after the fact. Bet on it. A Rat in a hat. A cowboy hat.
Saaaay…HE was from Texas, too!!!
Then a few more assassinations just to make sure the coup held nicely. Don’t want the sauce to separate, y’know.
A couple of missteps on the Rats’ part…nobody’s perfect, after all…each one eventually very nicely remedied by the secret police of the corporatist interests.
Corporate Interest Action Squad.
A SWAT team for them BIG flies.
The MAKERS of new realities.
One way or another.
Jimmy Carter. 1977-’81. The Rats ran a new reality on him…Iran/Contra, helicopters mysteriously crashing in the desert, etc…and he was OUTTA there.
You’re OUTTA here!!!
Nice try , Jimbo.
TOO nice.
Nice guys finish last in this game.
Bill Clinton. 1993-2000. In reality he was only “President” in any truly effective way for six of those years., Then came the honey trap…the successful honey trap, one of several attempts in my opinion…and HE was essentially finished. He did a good job when he could keep his fly zipped, his wits about him and his nuts out of the proverbial wringer..
I’ll betcha HE didn’t finish last.
Not very often, anyway.
Not enough time.
Pressures of the job, don’tcha know.
Wham, bam, THANK you, ma’am.
“I serve at your pleasure, Mr. President.”
“Yup. That you do, girl. That you do.”<p?
Too bad about ol’ Bill.
He could’a been a contendah.
But now he’s just a dirty joke.
Dassit, folks.
That’s all they allowed us to write.
And the current crop of Dems?
Most of them were babies when this Rat winning streak STARTED. They are so used to losing…they’ve been down so long it looks like up to them.
No heart.
With a VERY few exceptions.
No heart whatsoever.
The best explanation I have read for their latest cave-in…short term explanation, anyway?
I believe it was BooMan who wrote it.
They had no stomach for going home over Memorial Day and being accused of not supporting the troops.
The shame.
Short sighted, moral-less motherfuckers that they are.
This Butch punk and all of his little Rat helpers should have been under serious threat of impeachment two days after the Dems’ landslide in November. But like poker players who have become immured to losing, the Dems do not have the heart for any risk-taking. They simply protect their pile of chips and wait for a great hand.
Which rarely comes.
And when it DOES come?
The New Reality machine just keeps on grinding away on them.
Grinding away. (Thank you, BooMan. A GREAT post. Required reading for any sane American, in my opinion.)
The Rats ain’t through yet.
Not by a LONG shot.
The Dems?
Afraid to face their constituents because they do not like having to answer the nasty questions?
They should have been on these motherfuckers from Day One of their new congressional majorities.
On ’em like white on rice.
In the media.
In the government.
In the courts
But they were not.
And you know what, folks?
All of us who have continued to support “The Democratic Party” in the face of 57 years of ineffectual 20% effort and achievement?
We are ALL guilty here.
All of us.
Sleep well, sleepers.
You’re gonna need it.
And the New Reality machine just keeps on grinding away.
Grinding away.
They ain’t through yet.
Not by a long shot.
Bet on it.
Sleep well.
Your choice.
This waking up thing is theoretically possible, at least.
Although I must admit that I begin to doubt even THAT idea.
On the evidence.
So it goes here in Spamerica.
Wake the fuck up, you dumb, sold-down-the-river-fifty-times Dem motherfuckers.
Or die.
Your choice.
Or not…whatever.
Do I hear an AMEN!!!???
Or at least a tip?
A rec?
C’mon, folks.
When are you going to see the woods for the faux trees?
It’s simple really. Pat Buchanan, of all people, laid it out well on Antiwar.com, of all places:
Their intent is to hang the stinking albatross of the war around the GOP’s neck, and take over the government decisively in 2008. They make political calculations. It’s what politicians do!
If there’s a road to impeachment, it leads through the congressional committee investigations. And personally, I think Waxman and Lehey are kicking some ass.
Even when Buchanan comes to the wrong conclusions he always makes sense getting there.
And this time…he is right on the money.
BUT…you say “They make political calculations. It’s what politicians do!”
It is about time that they stopped playing with peoples’ lives.
It really is.
They do not HAVE to do it this way.
Bush & Co. are amazingly vulnerable. At least they were a few weeks ago. But now the Dems have given the Rats a new lease on life.
I repeat….
Afraid to face their constituents because they do not like having to answer the nasty questions?
They should have been on these motherfuckers from Day One of their new congressional majorities.
On ’em like white on rice.
In the media.
In the government.
In the courts
But they were not.
And BECAUSE they were not truly aggressive…because they NEVER are…they stand a damned good chance of blowing it.
Once again.
They are 20 percenters.
.200 hittters with their vaunted “political calculations”.
You would think that this might eventually dawn on them.
But NOOOoooo…
From Paul Hackett, one of the people who would have resisted this sort of foolishness had he been elected and thus was offed by the Reids and Schumers and Rahms of this group.
It does NOT work, this approach.
“…not for the rest of us out here” it doesn’t.
Not for the blasted babies and bloody soldiers on BOTH sides.
It works for the Dems, though.
Not well enough to win, of course…but well enough to keep their well-paying positions in American society.
And you seem to be…seem to be what!!!???
Making excuses for them?
Because it’s “what they do”???!!!
Wake the fuck up.
Or…go volunteer to FIGHT in their goddamned war.
It’s what they do, eh?
I think you fail to understand the difference between “making excuses” and explaining behavior. If I reported that lions kill antelopes because they’re carnivores, would you say I was “making excuses” for lions? Not really, I’m just explaining the causes behind their behavior.
Politicians behave like politicians because they are politicians.
And the remark “Wake the fuck up. Or…go volunteer to FIGHT in their goddamned war” was rude and uncalled for. (For one thing, I’m 51 years old and they wouldn’t take me.)
There seems to be a tendency among many of my fellow progressives these days that if you are not 100% in agreement with them on everything, you must, by definition, be 100& against them. Frankly, I was getting a bit weary of ideologically pure political powerlessness. I’m enjoying watching Waxman grilling Cabinet officials and army brass. I can’t wait until he gets his hands on Rove.
What we see in Washington now is the cumulation of decades of planning by right wing idealologes, brought to a climax in the last six years. And you think that can be turned around in six months?
So what’s your plan? Six years ago Ralph Nader sold about 600 extra voters in Florida on the idea that there was absolutely no difference between having Al Gore as a president or George Bush as a president. I think we’ve pretty much debunked that theory by now, wouldn’t you say?
This is not the time to throw up your hands in disgust and run away. As Joe Hill said, “Don’t mourn, boys… ORGANIZE!”
Politicians behave like politicians because they are politicians.
So…the day that 5 gangbangers mistake your son or daughter for a legit target and splatter their brains all over the sidewalk are you going to be so calm? S
“Oh…well…that’s just what they DO!!!”
I think not.
Rude and uncalled for?
You are 51 years old!!!???
What an answer THAT is!!!
I can see you now. The image is coming clear.
A comfortable 51 year old American male, comfortably waiting for a bunch of other comfortable Americans to laze their way through the bureaucratic and political mazes to “end this war”. Which will really only mean redirecting the economic imperialist energies of this country in a more successful manner.
Number one…I am NOT one of your “fellow ‘progressives’ “. There seems to be a tendency among ALL of you “fellow progressives” to bury your heads in your well manicured lawns and think that you are somehow getting something done. Well, progessive fella, here’s a news bulletin for you. As I stated in my original post, you and all the REST of your Humbert H. Humphreys have failed TOTALLY over the past 60 years.
We are a murdering, warmongering, thieving country, dishonest on every level. From our so-called “culture” through our media and right on up to our entire political system.
“Progressive” my ASS!!!
Look around you, Joe.
AIN’T no “progress” here!!!
We are back in Vietnam again.
And headed directly towards fascism and/or nuclear war.
I got yer “progress”, right HERE!!!
Wake the fuck up.
Yes, you are correct.
You AND your fellow progressives argue and dither around 24/7. The good ol’ progressive circle jerk. It’s what YOU do. But I personally do not excuse you.
Because you are a distraction from the problem at hand.
All dither, no whither.
Go wring your hands elsewhere.
There is work to be done.
Bells to be rung.
Frankly, I do not think you would know the difference between real powerlessness and a hole in your head.
Turn your TV set fucking OFF, sir!!! While those pols run THEIR segment of the big circle jerk, children are being massacred in the Middle East.
You think that they are going to get to Rove?
You know what is going to happen?
Another version of the eternal Dem fold.
Bet on it.
The only question is how they are going to do it.
If Waxman, Leahey or any of the rest DO forget their role in this dumbshow, they will be shunted to the side just as have been Feingold, Kucinich and every OTHER Dem who has dared to raise his or her hand in real opposition to the ongoing economic strategy and the U. S. and its necessary military (overt AND covert) tactical support over the last 60 years.
And you question my LACK of sanguinity about how well your “fellow progressives” are going to do in THIS instance?
You are a bunch of mediocre, .200 hitters, just serving out your time in the Big Leagues until you can get your nice, fat pensions. On the evidence.
Well…maybe THIS will wake your asses up, if you can only hear what I am saying.
You are not going to live long enough to COLLECT your fucking pensions, This country is headed down, down, DOWN.
On ALL the evidence available.
We are one strong domestic attack away from either total societal collapse or martial law.
BET on it.
Put THAT in your split level pipe and smoke on it, sir.
While you watch the hearings on your lovely TV set in the safety of your well-mortgaged home.
This war is about to come to YOUR neighborhood.
And you and your “fellow progressives” do not have a CLUE.
No. I would NOT say that.
I have absolutely no faith that Gore would not have made the same mistakes or worse. Perhaps we would have gotten a kinder, gentler Plan A, but Plan A it still would have been. Sustain the economic imperialist system at all costs. And it is an UNsustainable plan.
Two years, ten years, however long it takes. Eventually Plan A is going to go down. Quite possibly in real, searing, blistering flames. YOU know…the kind that hurt??? Or have you ;lost all memory or concept of pain? We are outnumbered and soon to be outgunned, and we can no longer continue to bogart the joint of the world without SERIOUS consequences.
Gore may indeed have some dim realization of this, although I personally believe him to be a rich poseur playing celebrity politics and basking in the adulation of you and your “fellow progressives”.
Joe Hill was talking to the poor. To those who worked with their hands. To those who had VERY little left to lose.
You and your fellow so-called progressives are too well-off to know your ass from your elbow, and Joe and the boys would have seen through you in a Wobbly minute.
You and your allies disgust me, sir.
Weak, self-involved lefties with no apparent understanding of the pain and bloodshed that they tacitly condone when they say things like “They make political calculations. It’s what politicians do!” regarding the Losercrats in Washington.
My plan?
I WOULD organize if i thought that there was a group that would have me. So far…I see none. The only “group” that seems to have it right in this country is the Hispanic movement, and they do not really NEED the help someone from outside of La Raza.
So instead of organizing, I proselytize.
I tried at one time to organize a sort of mass movement among the blogging left to create a Newstrike…a boycott of the MSM disinfo system across the board…but I ran into thousands of sleepers like like yourself who are onlyy too happy to make a sandwich and sit in front of your TV sets while you are fed the left-wing versions of this dumbshow.
The Waxman and Leahey show this go-round. Soon to be replaced by ANOTHER show once the ratings fall as it becomes clear that they too are going to be total failures in their quest for truth, justice and the American way.
Why do they fail?
Because the “American” way has devolved into the OPPOSITE of truth and justice. If indeed it was ever about those things. (I have my doubts…)
It is now about lies and injustice.
Across the board.
Have a nice day, sir.
And treasure it, because I suspect your stock of nice days is numbered now.
The Dumbocrats have once again let the Ratpubs gain the upper hand, all in the name of political calculation. And just EXACTLY as have their previous calculations, this on eis going to fail as well.
3 to 1 against.
Twenty percenters right to the last big boom.
Bet on it.
Have fun watching…
I am disgusted. I invited my friend to this site and you just attacked him for no reason. He wasn’t fucking argueing with you for Flying Speghetti’s sake.
This is beyond the pale:
You have no fucking clue. We were just laughing that if the two of you got together in person, you would find a lot in common. He is a sound tech and former musician. Maxx has been around the music scene for decades.
Your interpretation that Maxx doesn’t care is absurd…he is a realist. He was simply saying that politicians are for politicians. He didn’t agree with it, he was just saying what he saw. Fuck, don’t shoot the messenger.
And this really annoys me:
You are so judgmental. He is a working stiff like you. He is not comfortable. He works hard trying to make a living in music and support his companion and child. And you’re so dense you didn’t even realize he was agreeing with you.
I’m so bummed that this site would back AG and dis my friend for simply speaking his ideas. He is on our side. I told him this was a friendly site and in his first few days he gets really negative shit for basically agreeing with y’all.
This whole post disgusts me. You are so fucking rude to a new person that its sad. I rate you a 2. And I am really sad that 3 people thought it was cool to shit on a newbie. Way to encourage new members.
I agree. Seems overly personal to me. Detracts from the artistry of the comments and doesn’t seem warranted from the thread.
When these cute little pols that this man is enabling fail to the point where there is a societal collapse and/or martial law in this country, will it still be too personal then, BooMan?
I think not.
I am fed up with excusing what has been going on in DC for 60 years.
One Party rule.
One party, two faces.
Coke or Pepsi.
BOTH poisonous.
And one voting public.
In a fucking trance.
You BET it’s personal.
Serious as death.
Just because it’s not HIS blood on the streets?
That of his children?
Nudge nudge?
Wink wink?
I am here to tell him…and anyone else who wants to engage me…that it soon WILL be their blood on the streeets if they keep on going along with the fold.
Sorry if I am too forceful.
Gentle sure the fuck doesn’t seem to be doing much.
take it easy. You can’t change the world by telling off another user at 11:30 on Memorial Day. I know where you’re coming from, but take it out on me if you want to beat up on someone tonight.
I took a much needed break this weekend. Went to the Zoo, went to the Spy Museum, saw some old friends. Everyone needs to recharge once in a while…especially when we lose a big one.
It’s all good to rant against “the man”, but if you don’t get real, you have no hope of changing shit. You are so wrapped up in your own little world, that you won’t listen to anything else and you swipe at anyone who confronts you, even if they are on your side.
I guess it is.
The NEW reality.
We done been hornswoggled, podna.
And you…?
You are in agreement.
And angry at me for pointing it out.
You’re it.
We have met the enemy, and it is us.
I want no part of your reality…a reality that has PUT us in the position we now occupy.
Riddle me no riddles and excuse me no excuses.
This war vote is just about the last straw.
If the Rats rebound…and I believe that their chances at such a rebound just shot up immeasurably…and prevail in ’08, this week will be seen as the turning point.
November, 6 months ago?
They were shot.
Bush Focuses on Soldiers’ Families in Memorial Day Speech.
Over and over and over and over again, in every MSM outlet of the land.
This week?
Cheney Says West Pointers Understand Need for War on Terrorism.
Over and over and over again.
The old Ratpub one-two.
Spinning those heads.
Leaching those votes back into the fold.
Implicit in ALL of this?
Democrats bowed to President Bush with Iraq funding bill.
And the caissons keep rolling along.
Nice enabling, folks.
And all you have to say is “They make political calculations. It’s what politicians do!”?
Have you no shame?
No idea of what is going on?
‘Atta way to get in there and fold.
Your position is inconceivable to me.
As is the position of the mainstream Democratic Party.
But…regrettably…quite true.
That’s where you are at.
And you do not even know it.
Is that what you call it?
“Whosoever fights monsters must take care not to become a monster himself. For, as you stand looking deep into the abyss, the abyss is looking deep into you.” — Fredrick Nietzsche
to people who enable the cowards in Washington to play their little calculation games with others’ lives.
Can’t do it.
WON’T do it.
No more.
He wrote
regarding this latest Dem betrayal of their real base.
That’s it.
I am through right there.
His acceptance of this as a matter of course is NOT “agreeing” with me. It is accepting betrayal and in this case its result. Literal murder.
And I repeat…would he be so calmly acquiescent if this murder touched him personally?
I sincerely hope that he would not.
Would you?
Compared to what?
Does he “support” this?
Betcha he doesn’t.
But it’s nudge nudge, wink wink about all ‘a them cute, mischeivous li’l ol’ politicians.
It’s just what they do.
A hard worker, is he?
MOST of the ‘good Americans” who allow this shit to continue are hardworking.
Again…compared to what?
Sorry, Kamakhya.
I am through being nice.
Insulted, eh?
Go to dKos.
NO ONE will call that shit there.
It’s what they do.
You so don’t know me.
I am done with Kos cause I hated the vitriol against alternative ideas…and guess what dude, you are just like Kos…you dis anyone who doesn’t say what you what you don’t want them to say.
‘Cuz it appears that it ain’t me.
Yeah, I get it. You have your ideas and won’t listen to anything else. It’s a sad part of being old…we won’t listen to anything, because we know it all. Are you a Taurus? :>)
I don’t know about AG, but I definitely am a Taurus… 🙂
Happy B-Day!!!
(if belated)
I think he’s an aries. ;>)
Do y’all really think it makes a damned bit of difference?
Go have a conference with Nancy Reagan.
Wow…your really have no sense of humor. I’m sorry.
you, not your…gods I hate typos.
was always upside down.
Impeachment HAS to come first. Then dealing with the Iraq war.
Why? Impeachment is clear-cut. It has reached the point where the Administration is committing high crimes and misdemeanors IN PUBLIC. To BRING charges, no investigation is needed, just a news-clipping service.
In contrast, issues of the War are murky–and not for its immorality, criminality, and failure, all of which are plain–but for the very good reason that at this point there is NOTHING that will work. Cutting and running–which can equally well be called DAMAGE LIMITATION–is just one in a whole chain of actions which will have to be taken, all better than prolonged dying followed by defeat, still, none of the actions in the chain are in any way pleasant. Moral, yes. Correct, yes. Necessary, yes–but not pleasant. Worse, legislate what you want, a lawless president can not be constrained from war-making by legislation: Ultimately, the pResident will wage exactly the wars he wants to wage until he is removed.
So you end up back at impeachment anyway.
It may be that we have misread the split in the powers that be: There may not be an anti-Bushco faction. All the same, they know they have a failing Executive and no back-up plan. That should open the window for change–specifically, impeachment.
Truly, I expected them to go that route, while making a big show of how the “system worked,” just like they did after Watergate.
They haven’t, and at this point they won’t. Maybe the “system” no longer has to appear to work.
Not a comforting thought. That would mean the next phase of the neo-con takeover has already happened.