Promoted by Steven D. Of all the current Democratic candidates who are officially running for President, I think Edwards comes closest to my own beliefs and principles. He’s far from perfect, but he seems a lot better than anyone else who is asking for my vote and fund-raising dollars, at least until Al Gore makes his final decision on whether to enter the race or not.
When I hear John Edwards speak I hear the voices of so many of the great statesmen of America. I hear the Kennedy brothers. I hear Martin Luther King, Jr. I hear some of the Greats from all walks of life who have struggled to make this world a better place for all and not just a chosen few. I also hear the unsung heroes who have marched in anti-war rallies, gay pride parades, women’s rights rallies and so many more. I have been involved in politics and civil rights since I was 8 years old and now 40 years later, I hear a voice of greatness than can lead us with a passion and sincerity that
has been missing for so many decades.
I also hear a leader who is not afraid to speak out on issues or things that need to change. John Edwards was the first to applaud the introduction of the bill to over turn Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. He has spoken out against Hate Speech with a sincerity and forcefulness that would make any civil rights activist proud. Check out his Human Rights Campaign Survey.
John Edwards was the first candidate to post a comprehensive health care plan. Sen. Edwards has led the charge on calling for an end to the war and for Congress to stand up to the Bush Regime. For these and many other reasons, I am supporting John Edwards for President in 2008. I hope you will check out the issues page on his campaign site.
I know it will not be all roses and sunshine just because we elect John Edwards as President but I do believe he has the vision and the will to help
America start the long and hard journey back from the abyss of heartless Callousness that has become the norm in America under the Bush Regime and the Repugnant Party’s rule of Fear, Lies, Hatred and Prejudice. This is a time for America to shine as she has never shined before. The task might seem daunting but it is one we must all embrace to preserve our Nation and to guarantee that future generations of Americans live in the Land of the Free and can lift their heads proudly and call America home.
Enjoy the videos!!!
Waiting For The World To Change
John Edwards For President 2008
Women For Edwards
Why I am Supporting John Edwards
Also, check out some of the different designs I have done supporting John Edwards.
A personal note for refinish69: It’s good to see you here. Very good indeed.
Thank you!!! and thank you for promoting this to the front page.
You’re most welcome.
I second Steven D’s comment;-) And Edwards is my pick too.
Here’s the administration’s big day to whip up war fervor, and John’s organized an anti-war protest. Boy, is Fox upset!
Fox will always be upset. I support the troops as does John Edwards and we want them brought HOME!!!!
wanting to bring them home IS “supporting them”. From the NYT:
Edwards’ view is the mainstream view.
Last evening on 60 Minutes in an otherwise thoughtful study of an Iowa regiment, were a number of unchallenged quotes like: “…I came to Iraq to fight the guys who attacked us on 9.11”
And in your times quote from above:
Whenever this meme is repeated unchallenged, we perpetuate the lies that got us into this mess to begin with.
But never fear; it appears Bush will do what he’s done in the past. The Republicans have told him they don’t want to run on war in ’08 (Sorry McCain) so he is already planning to “declare a victory and come home,” realizing that the inevitable chaos will hit right before the election. Of course, it’s chaos we caused, but do we expect to hear that on the television?
Nice work, RF. I’m with you – I can’t see anybody else out there that we need more than John Edwards.
Thank you!!!!
Nice work. And it’s good to see you here!
Thank you!!!!
Hey refinish,
Your enthusiasm leads me to believe you`re feeling much better.
That`s very good news.
Don`t overexert yourself, & enjoy what you`re doing, as is obviously the case.
Thanks, I am taking things easy and rebuilding my life day by day. LOL
Good to hear that RF.