How’s this for a first sentence from today’s column in the NY Times by Paul Krugman:
One of the lessons journalists should have learned from the 2000 election campaign is that what a candidate says about policy isn’t just a guide to his or her thinking about a specific issue — it’s the best way to get a true sense of the candidate’s character.
Krugman goes on to remark that all the stories from 2000 about what a great, folksy guy Bush seemed to be to the reporters who covered his campaign allowed him to hide his proposed governing style in plain sight. Because it was all there for anyone to see, if they had only taken the time to stop reporting on the “horse race” between George “Good Old Boy” Bush and Al “Mr. Stiff/Serial Liar” Gore. Georgie Boy’s policy pronouncements were nakedly dishonest and irresponsible (to use Krugman’s own words), and could have easily been exposed if the media covering him would have taken the time to examine his policy proposals, rather than figure out what brand of beer they would most like to drink with a former alcoholic.
But Bush isn’t really Krugman’s target in today’s column. He has his sights set on Barack Obama, and specifically on Obama’s health care proposals. As we all know, John Edwards laid down the first marker in this game when he put forward his own proposal for universal coverage (not to be confused with a single payer plan). Well, Obama’s team has finally released his version of the “Greatest Democratic Candidate’s Health Care Reform Package” and here is how Krugman assesses his effort:
First, the good news. […]
It … passes one basic test of courage. You can’t be serious about health care without proposing an injection of federal funds to help lower-income families pay for insurance, and that means advocating some kind of tax increase. Well, Mr. Obama is now on record calling for a partial rollback of the Bush tax cuts.
Also, in the Obama plan, insurance companies won’t be allowed to deny people coverage or charge them higher premiums based on their medical history. […]
Best of all, the Obama plan contains the same feature that makes the Edwards plan superior to, say, the Schwarzenegger proposal in California: it lets people choose between private plans and buying into a Medicare-type plan offered by the government.
Sounds great, right? Okay, it sounds like it’s better than nothing (the basic Republican default position) or minor little triangulated tweaks to the current system (the Clinton plan). But, as is always the case, when there’s the “good news” there’s also the “bad news.”
Now for the bad news. Although Mr. Obama says he has a plan for universal health care, he actually doesn’t — a point Mr. Edwards made in last night’s debate. The Obama plan doesn’t mandate insurance for adults. So some people would take their chances — and then end up receiving treatment at other people’s expense when they ended up in emergency rooms. In that regard it’s actually weaker than the Schwarzenegger plan.
That’s a cruel blow! Worse than Mr. “Grab and Squeeze” Schwarzenegger’s plan? Ouch! (By the way, as an aside, that clash between Obama and Edwards over Iraq was nicely played for dramatic effect in last night’s debate –but I digress). Still, what Obama has prposed is better than what Senator Clinton has put on th etable so far, or as Krugman puts it, the ball is now in her court to match what Edwards and Obama have done, and put her own reform plan before the public.
On the whole, the Obama plan is better than I feared but not as comprehensive as I would have liked. It doesn’t quell my worries that Mr. Obama’s dislike of “bitter and partisan” politics makes him too cautious. But at least he’s come out with a plan.
Senator Clinton, we’re waiting to hear from you.
My own fear (and assessment) is that if Obama or Clinton are elected, we can kiss serious health care reform goodbye. Clinton because she won’t want to dip her toes back in that poisoned well, now that all the big corporate money is coming her way. Obama, because, despite his great oratorical stylings and statesmanlike appearance, he simply won’t want to dirty his hands in a fight that will be seen as too “contentious” and “partisan” by his political advisers (and campaign contributors). Neither of them will be willing to spend the “political capital” or exert the will necessary to pass a truly comprehensive health care reform plan. Which makes them Eisenhower Republicans, at best, in my book.
The compassionate conservative alternative: send home first aid kits to all those without coverage.
Obama can remedy ailing healthcare system It’s in The Financial Times, subscription required.
The big problem with all the plans as I see it, is they do little to nothing to address the power of the insurance companies and the price gouging by big pharma.
As a small business owner I carry individual insurance at $3000 per year with a $3500 deductible and no coverage till it’s met. I haven’t had a physical since I left corporate America 2.5 years ago and my last one was 3 years ago. So I’m already in the system and paying, so what do these plans do for me and people in similar situations?
I finally got my former wife to put the kids on her company healthcare plan. Prior to that we paid $5K a year for the same coverage. Eye exams, glasses and sports physicals just about killed us.
Expand Medicare coverage and put everyone on it. We need health care, not health insurance.
Is it even possible? Most Dem and Repub healthcare reform advocates wish to keep the private insurance system in place either because they like the idea of choices or they make money indirectly from private healthcare insurance. Single payer advocates think their ideas are more fair because they are based on progressive taxation to pay for care, as well as much more efficient and access will be more fair. Well the Journal of Health Affairs has come out with an interesting study today which shows that you really cannot have universal coverage without making certain assumptions about what is fair and affordable coverage. An interesting read that shows how politicians are unlikely to escape the dilemma posed by single payer alternatives no matter how hard they try.
Senator Barack Obama’s voting record on Health Issues can be found at: Sen. Barack Obama’s Voting Record
Senator Barack Obama’s history of speeches on Health Care can be found at: Sen. Barack Obama’s Record of Speeches
Senator Barack Obama’s ratings from special interest groups on Health Issues can be found at: Sen. Barack Obama’s Interest Group Ratings
Project Vote Smart produces the National Political Awareness Test (NPAT), which essentially asks each candidate “Are you willing to tell citizens your positions on the issues you will most likely face on their behalf?” You can find Senator Barack Obama’s responses to the NPAT, including health issues, social issues, state taxes, and welfare at: Sen. Barack Obama’s NPAT
For more information about Sen. Barack Obama please visit Project Vote Smart or call our hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART.