Progress Pond

The Credulity Of The Lambs. Pt. XXXIV. Let Us Pray.

I originally wrote this screed in response to Booman’s post on Booman Tribune Can a Libby Pardon Be Justified? which is currently available on the front page. I hope that Booman does not take offense here, but I can no longer stand by and watch people uselessly argue over the actions of criminals while trying to ascribe to them the same goals and scruples as are common amongst right-thinking men and women the world over. It is a useless effort. Unless we DEFINE OUR TERMS CORRECTLY (“Know thine enemy” is a MOST useful piece of advice. Knowing precisely who they really are can also be…useful. To say the least.)

We are living in a two-party kleptocracy.

Governance by thieves.

Until we recognize that one simple fact…recognize it with every reference that we make to their actions.,..we are lost.

Lost in the maze of smoke and mirrors that has been miseducated and disinfoed into us since childhood by those very same criminals.

Read on for more.

MUCH more.

(It might do you well to go to Booman’s post  first. Just so’s you know where I am coming from.)
Your naivete is touching, Holmes. Touching.


Let me ask you a question, Boo.



As applied to the actions of these thieves and murderers?


Would you try to apply these same concepts if this situation involved a Mafia family that controlled say Providence, Rhode Island or Newark, New Jersey…or Philadelphia, for that matter…rather than involving the President of the United States and his closest advisors/allies/controllers?

YOU know how the mob operates in Philly, right, Booman…???

Say Philadelphia. You remember Nicky Scarfo, don’t you?



You write:

I mean, if you are George W. Bush, what principles would you rely upon to rationalize the neutering of the judicial process?

But, again, how can George W. Bush apply this information to justify a pardon for Libby? If true justice requires that someone else do the time that Libby is being forced to do, then wouldn’t Bush have to turn that person (or persons) in to the authorities at the same time that he springs Libby free?


And if Bush pardons Libby then we will know for certain that the President himself is the one that should be doing jail time for the crime that Libby covered up.

They are just GANGSTERS, Booman!!!

You use words that have the root “just” (as in justice) fourteen times regarding these people!!!

Would you waste your time trying to argue or reason in any way using the concept of justice as a potential benchmark regarding the actions of someone like Nicky Scarfo ?


Of course not.

The whole idea of “justice”  regarding the workings of the Federal Government as it has evolved since the JFK coup is simply an ongoing red herring/disinfo operation that has been MASSIVELY implanted in your mind and in the minds of nearly everyone else in this country by the establishment’s organs of hypno-propaganda.

Dems AND Ratpubs.

The Dems are the “good guy” mobsters. YOU know…the ones who run the suburbs. Smooooth. A little…weak…maybe. But SMOOOOOOTH!!!

The Rats are the down and dirty guys. The ones who control the nitty gritty shit and are therefore the REAL power.

Every once in a while…about 20% of the time, as I have established in many previous posts here… the “bad” bad guys fuck up and lose a few to the”good” bad guys, but very soon thereafter the “bad” bad guys’ total lack of scruples or conscience sleazes to the forefront once more…witness the Clinton honeytrap affair for all you need to know about THAT shit…and there they are again, sitting in the catbird seat,  killing for fun and profit.

You wrote a thing about the Libby pardon yesterday, and I included in my reply a list of the most egregious Clinton pardons, I will reprint it here, lest you think that perhaps my characterization of what is up with our lovely two party system here in Scamerica Central is way off base.

Henry Cisneros (former HUD Secretary

John Deutch (former Director of Central Intelligence Agency)

  Melvin J. Reynolds – Democratic Congressman from Illinois – bank fraud and obstruction of justice

Susan H. McDougal

Dorothy Rivers – lead official in Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, plead guilty to theft of 1.2 million dollars in federal grant money

Roger Clinton, Jr. (half-brother of President Bill Clinton)

Samuel Loring Morison

Marc Rich – tax evasion fugitive + Pincus Green (1936 – )  an oil and gas commodities trader whose net worth is estimated by Forbes magazine at $1.2 billion USD. Green fled the United States in 1983, along with partner Marc Rich, after being indicted by U.S. Attorney and future mayor of New York City Rudolph Giuliani, on charges of tax evasion and illegal trading with Iran

Fife Symington III – former Arizona governor

Christopher “Chris” Wade-a former Whitewater real estate broker.

It ain’t just “who ya know”. folkses.

It is also what you know but ain’t sayin’.

In BOTH gangs.

Bet on it.

C’mon, Boo.

Step away from the media with your brains in the air.

You done been hoodwinked.

They are almost ALL the bad guys.

Their continuing actions prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Look at the last vote on the war.

You cannot “justify” that vote, although you have certainly tried to do so.

Reid…the Senator form the Crookedest Little State In America. What starts in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas.

Bet on it.


The daughter of a most ASSUREDLY mob-connected family of Baltimore pols.

Am I being anti-Italian here?

Bullshit. Anyone who has lived in an eastern seaboard city over the past 100 years who has an OUNCE of brains knows exactly what was up with the various mobs…Italian, Irish and Jewish particularly… and the politicians who fronted for them.



If we trust them to do anything other than try to climb back into power in order to get their 20% of the cream, we are fools.




OH well!!! OUR mob is better than THEIR mob. At least OUR mob will take care of us.



We cannot change things without first recognizing the truth of the matter. We are using wrong terms to try to solve this equation, and the answers will NEVER come out right until we realize just what is up here.

Just for STARTERS.

We need another party.

You want things to get better?

Start now.

2008 is ALREADY fucked.

Down the tubes.

The fix is in, in, IN!!!

We will get some SMOOOOTH jazz for a while until we retreat back into our media-induced comas, and then the hammerfist will once again appear out of the velveteen rabbit’s mouth as if by magic.

And there we will be once again, saying “WHA” HAPPENED!!!??? Things were going along so SMOOOOOTHLY!!!”

You want to know the single most encouraging thing that I have heard from a major politician over the past several years?

Here it is.

Bear in mind that I have by NO means been a supporter of Mayor Bloomberg.

But yesterday he said something that sounded suspiciously like a declaration of war on the entire hypnomedia scam that is being run on this country from BOTH sides of the aisle.

Regarding the latest Three Stooges/Keystone Kops “terror” bust? You know…the one where they were going to blow up most of Queens, NY by lighting up the jet fuel pipeline that runs to JFK only THEY DIDN’T EVEN HAVE A  FUNCTIONING CIGARETTE LIGHTER, A PACK OF FUCKING MATCHES OR ANY OTHER GODDAMNED CLUES ABOUT HOW TO GO ABOUT THIS ACT!!!???

The one that was instigated by a busted drug dealer/informant who was working for the US Secret Police?


That one.

Mayor Mike Bloomberg…mind you this is the guy who has enough money in his personal checking account to fund a first class run at the Presidency without recourse to ANY outside contributions…said:

There are lots of threats to you in the world. There’s the threat of a heart attack for genetic reasons. You can’t sit there and worry about everything. Get a life. You have a much greater danger of being hit by lightning than being struck by a terrorist.



And…quite predictably…he got SLAMMED by the local hypnomedia.

From WCBS. (CBS. The CIA Broadcasting System. BET on it.):

While questions continue to arise about the alleged plot to blow up a fuel pipeline beneath JFK Airport and surrounding neighborhoods, some are questioning why New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg hasn’t had a louder voice since the plot was foiled on Saturday.

On Monday, Bloomberg finally weighed in, but his response was not what some would have expected.

“There are lots of threats to you in the world. There’s the threat of a heart attack for genetic reasons. You can’t sit there and worry about everything. Get a life,” he said.

That “What, me worry?” attitude pretty much sums up Bloomberg’s advice to New Yorkers on the terror plot. As far as he was concerned, the professionals were on it, so New Yorkers shouldn’t let it tax their brains.

“You have a much greater danger of being hit by lightning than being struck by a terrorist,” he added.

New Yorkers say Bloomberg is entitled to his opinions, but not everybody agrees with him.

“I feel that he’s definitely wrong about that because terrorism right now is at its all-time high since 9/11. Everybody wants to be a terrorist and blow something up,” one New Yorker told CBS 2 HD.

“We’re always going to be a major hit for terrorism. After 9/11, you never know,” another added.


He also said:

In terms of what you as individual on the streets should worry about is not whether the person sitting next to you on the subway is a terrorist. The likelihood of that is so small it is not something you should worry about.

VERY nice.

Do you think that perhaps I am being a little too…negative about the Dems, etc?

I’ll tell you what.

The first time that I hear anything regarding the terror scam/Iraq War justifications other than the drivel I am now hearing  (“If we do not fight them there…/”We must stay in Iraq to keep the peace…”) come out of the yaps of the Dem front-runners for the Presidential nomination and the so-called Dem “spokesmen”, I will publicly apologize to y’all.

Until then…I cry BULLSHIT!!!

And await a real third party movement in this country.

And y’know what?

I ain’t holding my breath.


Outlaw broadcasting station WTFU now signing off.

“That’s the news!!!”

And…have fun.

Because you gonna need some before THIS bull is finished shitting.

Bet on it.



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