Now I have nothing against lesbians, personally. I’ve even been known to watch the odd episode of The L Word (if it was a better show I’d watch it more often — but I digress).

However, I have to tell you guys, James Dobson is not so forgiving of your “lifestyle.” I thought it was just male homosexuals that scared the crap out of homophobic Christian Fundamentalists, but apparently they aren’t too keen on the female version, either. Like the aforementioned Pastor Dobson, who recently endorsed, and broadcast, this prophecy regarding the responsibility for our Nation’s “next” terrorist attack by Pastor John MacArthur, of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California:


I don’t believe we’re waiting for God’s wrath in this society. We haven’t had a massive calamity such as the destruction of an entire city. We certainly don’t want that to happen — pray that does not happen — but it could happen. And God would be just in any calamity that he brought upon us. We have not entered into eschatological wrath; that comes in the end times. We are experiencing — all of us do — consequential wrath of sin. But this massive concept of the wrath of abandonment, I’m convinced, is now at work in our society. We like to talk about the fact that America was founded on Christian principles, God was at the center of it, and all of that — whatever it might have been in our founding, it’s no longer the way it is, and I want to show you how you know that has happened. […]

So the first thing that you look for in a society if you’re trying to discern whether God has abandoned that society is whether or not that society has gone through a sexual revolution so that illicit sex, adultery, every form of immorality is accepted as normal in that society. And we’re there. The second step in the progression, [Romans, chapter 1] verse 26: “God gave them over not just to passions that are explicable,” because they’re men and women, “but to inexplicable, degrading passions. For their women exchange the natural function for that which is unnatural.” You know a society has been abandoned by God when it celebrates lesbian sex. God has given them over — gross affections, unnatural, unthinkable. So you follow a sexual revolution with a homosexual revolution. And homosexuality becomes normalized. […]

It’s not just homosexual men who are being scapegoated by these zealots, it’s homosexual women, too. Note the language used to demonize lesbians: “gross affections” (as if what you do is disgusting and vile — as opposed to married heterosexual activity); “unnatural” (someone should tell these damn, dirty apes to stop making liars out of these boobs!); and “unthinkable” (which always makes me question the intentions of anyone who would use such a word to describe a human sexual behavior which happens all the time).

What’s also surprising is how these fundamentalist nutcases just can’t help themselves. God forbid they blame George “Seven Minute Man” Bush for 9/11. Back then two of their most prominent leaders went through the same tired song and dance routine before the national media, blaming America’s gays and lesbians (among others) for the criminal misdeeds of other religious nutcases crashing airplanes into buildings and killing people.

You would have thought these people would have learned their lesson after the first time, but Nooooo! Here we go again with more slurs and hatred based on the most extreme version of Christianity being directed at other human beings, whose only difference between themselves and heterosexuals are the people they choose to love and go to bed with. And there is a simple reason why. They can’t bear to imagine blaming their Dear Leader, the man whose overreaction to 9/11 led us into the quagmire of Iraq, the greatest recruiting tool ever for Al Qaeda among Muslims. After all, they in their attitudes toward gays and lesbians aren’t all that different from Islamic fundamentalists, are they?

So instead of blaming Bush’s screw-ups (such as his failure to adequately fund homeland defense) when the next terror attack comes to our shores, Pastor MacArthur and his good friend James Dobson have decided to make a “pre-emptive strike” against all those gross, unnatural and unthinkable lesbians in the blame game which is sure to follow any such atrocity.

What can I say, Mr. Dobson, but that I find you and your endorsement of this vile slander by Pastor (and I use the term loosely) MacArthur, against gay and lesbian Americans gross and unnatural. And disgusting, vile and immoral, to boot.

It’s just too bad it wasn’t unspeakable, also.