It’s almost too crazy to believe, but the newest attack on progressivism seems to be coming from those who purport to love Israel, but who seem to want to prevent any genuine and unhaltered criticism of Israel! This phenomenon is discussed in wikipedia .
I’ve recently also seen a couple of examples at Daily Kos.
This one is by Nonpartisan:
I see Nonpartisan’s piece, published yesterday, as a monstrous exercise in bigotry so extreme it’s hard to read through (though, admittedly, it is – in a sick way – funny):
I’ll quote just a bit:
“Jews Eat Babies
Yeah, you heard that right. They eat babies. Moreover, they eat Christian babies. And Muslim babies too. The jury is still out on whether they eat Jewish babies, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
In addition, it should be noted that Jews are directly responsible for the destruction of our environment. Every carbon dioxide atom that is contributing to global warming today was exhaled by a Jew. The rest of our exhalations are absorbed by plants or something.
Israel is directly responsible for the reelection of George W. Bush, because they made some Arabs really, really mad, which made some other Arabs reall, really mad, who decided to blow up the World Trade Center, which caused Americans to decide that terrorists were the single worst problem facing America today, which made Bush really popular, which made other Americans decide Howard Dean was too wimpy, and John Kerry was too wimpy too, to beat Bush, which made Bush win. Still with me? Shorter version: it’s all the Jews’ fault.
Ok, so he’s making fun of the extremes that people sometimes go to in criticizing the Jews or Israel. I get that and it makes sense to me. But NOWHERE in the piece does he lampoon similar tendencies to blame Muslims or Palestinians, or Illegal Immigrants, or anyone else, for everything from shark attacks to dingleberries.
His take home message? It seems me that his take home message is that criticizing jews or Israel is always extremism, but criticizing muslims or palestinians (or anyone else) is ok.
Jews and Israel are to be exempt from unrestrained criticism.
That’s bigotry, is it not? Bigotry is intolerance, particularly intolerance of criticism.
Nonpartisan uses an absurdist approach. Dhonig tries to be more subtle. His argument is that if you write anything critical of jews, or of Israel, that resembles some of the smears used against them in the past, you are antisemitic.
Dhonig claims that he is not accusing anyone in particular of antisemitism – and that’s hard to deny, since his piece is about general principles, not so much about specific instances. But his opening lays out very clearly that he isn’t just talking about APPEARANCES of antisemitism; he’s talking about actual antisemitism, about it being hidden. He’s saying, ‘if it quacks, it’s a duck’:
… I am going to write about the “dog whistles” of anti-Semitism.
A dog whistle is a whistle used to train dogs- it works in a frequency inaudible to human ears.
“Dog Whistle Politics” plays on the term, defining words in speeches intended only for a limited crowd, words that just slip by everybody else. Gorge W. Bush (or his speechwriters, to be exact) is a master of dog whistle politics when addressing the nation but speaking to his “base.” His mention of the Dred Scott decision in the ’04 State of the Union Address is a perfect example- most people just said “Whaaaat?,” but the anti-choice crowd heard If elected to another term, I promise that I will nominate Supreme Court Justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade.
Curiously, the concept of the dog whistle, in a negative use, can explain both how anti-Semitism can be hidden within apparently legitimate debate , and how those who can’t hear in the right frequency INSIST that it’s just not there.There are really four classic anti-Semitic themes that have been for centuries to justify mass murder, mass expulsion, or both. They are that Jews have control the world’s media, that Jews have an international conspiracy to control the world’s money, that Jews join national governments and undermine them from within for their own purposes, and the “blood libel,” a claim that Jews use the blood of Gentiles, usually children, to bake their Passover matzoh.
See, what dhonig saying here is that folks using criticisms of Israel or of jews that resemble classic anti-semitic themes, are hiding ongoing anti-semitism. But those themes he mentions are so broad and cover so many possible criticisms, that taking them as a guide makes any serious criticism close to impossible. Allegation of broad media control, or financial control, just for starters, are the bread and butter of progressive criticism. Take them away and how do you have progressive criticism at all?
A progressive might say, for example, that the reason for the way the recent election in France turned out was the control of the media by a handful of financial powerhouses. If those powerhouses turned out also to be associated with Jews, however likely or unlikely that is (I have no idea, since I’ve not particularly studied French finances), would we have to immediately ditch that line of progressive criticism? I think dhonig and Nonpartisan and their fans would insist that we do so.
Dhonig’s piece was intensely popular at Daily Kos, one of the most popular diaries I’ve seen there. I find that frightening. Apparently a large percentage of people at Daily Kos (probably the most popular quasi-progressive site on the internet), are willing, if not eager, to submit criticisms they might have of Israel or of jews to dhonig’s historical litmus test. That’s bigotry. That’s intolerance for open and uncensored criticism.
There IS a litmus test that works for antisemitism as it does for any other kind of prejudice. When someone expresses a criticsm of a group that is based on qualities supposedly inherent to that group that are categorically not inherent to that group, then we can safely call it prejudice. Jews are greedy. Blacks are lazy. Blonds are slutty.
Prejudice can be positive too, and it’s just as destructive when it’s positive. Chinese are smart. Irish are good fighters.
Yes, sometimes finding the prejudice in a criticism takes some analysis, but the basic principle is simple. Elaborate litmus tests are not needed. They are more like bigoted barriers to honest criticism than barriers to prejudice.
Where is there a progressive movement that is willing to discard, with revulsion, such bigotry? If Daily Kos has indeed accepted the idea that criticism of Israel must pass the muster offered by people like dhonig, then I wonder what is to stop Israel from rolling right over what remains of Palestine, from bombing Lebanon back to the Stone Age for the third time, or even from bombing Iran, as Cheney supposedly wants Israel to do. By the time we are done having our criticisms checked by the pro-Israel criticism gatekeepers, there’ll be nothing left of them, and whatever Israel wanted to do will be a fait accompi anyway.
At this point, I can only pray that there is a progressive movement in Israel that can put to shame the pro-Israel bigotry manifested by Dhonig and Nonpartisan and others, if there is no progressive movement in the US and elsewhere that will do it.
Or perhaps the deeper truth is that folks like Nonpartisan and dhonig and those at Daily Kos and elsewhere would like us to forget is that transnational progressivism is a growing force that cares about the fates and needs of all people, and not just one country. Even in Israel, acccording to Wikipedia, anyway, such a movement is taking shape:
In Israel, a “post-Zionist” intelligentsia has proposed that Israel consider itself multicultural and deconstruct its identity as a Jewish state. Even Israeli foreign minister Shimon Peres sounded the post-Zionist trumpet in his 1993 book , in which he deemphasized “sovereignty” and called for regional “elected central bodies,” a type of Middle Eastern EU.
Have Nonpartisan and dhonig and others at Daily Kos and in the American progressive movement considered that much of the pro-Israel bigotry they seem to support stems not from Jews even, but from the extreme religious right in America? Have they considered that they may be carrying water for the extreme religious right?
Chris Hedges says this at Znet:
The Israeli lobby in the United States is captive to the far right of Israeli politics. It exerts influence not on behalf of the Jewish state but an ideological strain within Israel that believes it can crush Palestinian aspirations through force. The self-defeating policies of the Bush administration are mirrored in the self-defeating policies championed by the hard-right administration of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Jerusalem. Israel flouts international law and dismisses Security Council resolutions to respect the integrity of Palestinian territory. It has instead trapped Palestinians in squalid, barricaded ghettos where they barely survive. It is not in Israel’s interest-or our own-to continue to fuel increased Palestinian strife and rising militancy.
What I wonder is how much is the Israel Lobby in fact captive to the far right of AMERICAN politics? Here is James Hagee at AIPAC:
He speaks of 15 million evangelicals joining in with 5 million Jews in Israel, in supporting Israel. He talks about a huge evangelical organization supporting “the map of Israel” and about the importance of Jerusalem itself. Quoting Churchill he implies that the only choice for Israel is “victory” if it is to survive.
So WHO is driving the militancy, the warmongering and the apartheid of the current regime in Israel? WHO are we progressive supporting when we label other progressives antisemites for insisting that the Palestinians too be regarded as human and that Israel cannot be above criticism, or cannot be insulated from honest and candid criticsm?
First published:
Here is an interesting related piece:;sid=2007/6/5/63352/11978
Here’s the link to dhonig’s dKos diary that, for reasons soon to become clear, you neglected to provide.
What you left out is dhonig’s statement of purpose, which gives the lie to your tendentious misreading:
I didn’t misrepresent him. I quoted him correctly , right where he made his essential point, which was that he was talking about hidden and real anti-semitism, not accidental appearances of anti-semitism. Why do you insist on justifying his bigotry?
to support dhonig’s bigotry. I can’t help that. I can’t stop the Democratic Party from drifting further and further to the left, from being the party that will probably attempt to elect Hillary, who thought that it was aok for Israel to bomb Lebanon to shit. I cant’ stop any of that.
But it amazes me that you people get by with this kind of bullshit:
As if a whole paragraph telling people to self-censor their writing is somehow made up for by one sentence disclaiming intent to censor.
And that’s ignoring the part I quoted in my article, which explicitly states that dhonig ISN’T just writing about appearances of anti-semitism, but is talking about (what he purports to be) ACTUAL, hidden antisemitism.
I actually managed to pen two rather long responses to your f-you comment at dailykos. (I think that’s a fair label for what your diary was.)
Let me try to say something far shorter than my previous attempts. It perhaps hinges on the word progressive. There is a progressive wing within the US. It isn’t at daily Kos though some progressives write there. There are progressives who vote democrat and support the Democratic Party, but in no way is the Democratic Party progressive.
The Democratic Party is not democratic, and the two party system is not democratic now and probably never was. The US is not a democracy though it has democratic tendencies. The extreme extent of racism shows a rather weak understanding of human rights. In the US individual liberty seems to trump human rights.
Basically, it looks like a large number of Americans don’t understand the meaning of democracy, theocracy, freedom of speech, religion, and so on. To make it worse, I rather suspect that there really isn’t that much support for these concepts – except of course theocracy. If the US had found weapons of mass destruction – or even if the US was winning how many folks at Dailykos would be questioning the invasion? The ends justify the means and everyone likes a winner. This should explain the support for Israel in a nutshell.
Politically the Democratic Party runs from right wing to far right wing. With the current ring wing movement of the Republican Party, some Democratic supporters are now within the realm of fascism.
The political battleground is right wing in the US is somewhere in-between the Democrats and Republicans. The left is firmly in the Democratic camp. Who are they going to vote for? Republicans? There is no need to do more than mouth a few platitudes now and then. The real battle is for corporate dollars and potential left wing Republicans.
The creation myths of Israel and the US are similar (and similar to white South Africa). I suspect a lot of Americans see themselves in that plucky state of Israel bravely surviving against the tyranny of Hitler – with guest appearances by the Palestinians as stand-ins.
This is getting long yet again. You should not be so surprised. Let go of the millstone you are clinging to and continue on trying to make the world a better place.
The real political battleground is not between the two parties, but to the left of either of them. Only Dem self-censorship keeps the CW sliding steadily to the right.
Yes, Americans have sympathy with Israel. That does not mean they justify everything Israel does, or that they would agree with all of Israel’s actions if they knew more about them.
What political battleground to the left? The left in the US has been thoroughly crushed, when not actually shot. Left wing political parties are now a joke. Then there are the roughly 100,000 I suspect mostly left wing refugees who left/fled in the 60’s – like my family.
There are a lot of people struggling on the left, but that does not make it a battleground. It may be your (and my) battleground, but it is not the Democratic Party’s. If it were the Democratic Party would implement various left-wing laws like medical care. You can see the right wing battleground in action when the Democratic Party refused to support as a matter of principle the two key clauses of the Magna Carta.
As Canada has shown, it does not even require a majority to implement these laws, but it does require the left to be a true battleground.
I think the left has been excluded from the media, which makes it seem invisible, but doesn’t make it not exist.
The only answer I know of is to support alternative media. If they grow, the left could quickly, I think, become the new center.
The Internet certainly offers new hope – freedom of the press in a way that we haven’t had in a very long time – ever?
It also allows individuals to participate in the news process.
It is an exciting time, at least until the powers figure out how to control the Internet.
know darn well they are working on it. I’m sure the net nuetrality issue is just one tack – possibly even just a feint.
antisemitism. When challenged to provide examples, accusers invariably come up short. What people object to are efforts to demonize and delegitimize Israel. Indeed, most people here regarded as supporters of Israel are themselves critical of important aspects of Israeli policy. As I wrote the other day, for example,
This sentence of yours says it all:
It is exactly the kind of thing that Cheney and Bush say when they object to criticism of their Iraq policy.
No, it’s the tired old diary pimping that is guilty here. Israel has taken about 10% of the West Bank with its land confiscating Wall (actually controls about 50%), but your map shows a modest 2%. Your plan does not contends that Israel will remove ALL the settlements, but it doesn’t remark on the fact that Israel is colonizing more and more land in the West Bank everyday.
At this point, it is just a distraction of little worth. That you do not support the End the Occupation protests on June 10-11 in America and around the world suggests that you are all talk and no action. Strangely, that seems to mimic Israeli propaganda.
There seem to be a thousand different maps from different sources from different periods, each one a form of propaganda.
Collectively, they are testimony to part of the essential problem.
No, what it is is a parallel that is to the point.
[raises hand] That’s me! Just a self-hating Jew!
One of the driving forces behind anti-Semitism in the US was the large left wing following among Jews. For those who don’t like generalisations, too bad. It was true, and I’m proud of it. Looks to me that the more things change, the more they remain the same.
Dkos is not a left wing site.
Less left wing all the time, I think.
I just love these anti-semitism post, and all the comments particularly the ones by the pro Israel folks becuase they are proof positive that some people never learn.
For instance…the pro Israelis game is one of “offense to make the Israel critics have to play “defense”. They want you to spend 12 paragraphs explaining that you aren’t really an anti-semite so they don’t have to talk about Israel’s famous occupation or AIPAC or explain why they spend all their time advocating for a foreign country.
All the anti-semitism slurs are just yada,yada,yada, to throw you off course..if the Jews posting all this stuff really thought that anti-semitism was so prevelant they would all be posting from Israel…”the only safe place in the world for Jews”. Wasn’t that the idea? so really they make no sense.
I am really curious what these folks are gonna do when the day comes that Israel and the US part ways….it will eventually come over some reason or another.
You put it very well. Trying to explain why criticizing AIPAC isn’t antisemitism for the 100th time is like trying to explain for the 100th time why it’s obvious that Bush lied about Iraq – it’s nothing but pro-Israel flack.
NOW I SAY, you want to call me an anti-semite? YOU prove it!!!!!
YOU show where I said that jews are greedy, jews drink the blood of children, jews plot world domination – IF YOU THINK I’M AN ANTI-SEMITE YOU CAN DAMN WELL SHOW WHERE I’VE SAID SUCH THINGS!!
I don’t mean that personally, since, so far, I’ve not been accused of being an anti-semite. But what I have in mind is the way people like dhonig and nonpartisan seem to want to widen the definition of anti-semitism to the point where it eliminates candid criticism of Israel, or at least marginalizes it.
And the irony of it is that I’m fairly certain the religious right is behind all this, not jews, not Israel. The yearly AIPAC festival seems to be more about the Religious Right than it is about Israel.
From the Nation:
I don’t know why I can’t get it to work, but here’s the link for dhonig’s story, which I initially left out accidentally:
Insightful diary.
dhonig, aAmerican, and the rest of their compatriots at Daily Kos are primarily interested in stopping any direct or indirect criticism of Israel, including even any mention of the peace movement in Israel, the US, and around the world. Dhonig went so far as to imply the MSOC’s site has become antiSemitic for permitting diaries that reveal the basis of the Palestinian cause. At the same time, they have also been prone to denigrating Palestinians, and have frequently employed Orwellian (Israeli) propaganda to blame the Palestinians for their own military occupation, while Israel continues to ethnically cleanse them and colonize their lands.
Criticism of Israel is antiSemitic has been the basis of most of their attacks.
I was thinking that I don’t so much want to emphasize specific individuals, though it’s hard to avoid talking about dhonig since he has brought this up several times.
The way I see it, prejudice is fundementally the same, be it relating to Jews, or Palestinians, or Irish, or whatever: it’s the attribution of qualities to a group that are categorically not inherent to that group (can be good qualities, not just negative ones).
Ultimately, we all bleed when cut, and that blood is red. ( ok – almost always )
and you’d have little to no war.