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The rest of this New York Times ad, which will appear on June 10 (not readable at this resolution), says,


American troops are no longer welcome in Iraq. Sen. Barak Obama has introduced legislation calling for all American troops to leave Iraq by March 2008 and redeploy to friendly neighboring countries, such as Kuwait. Yet, Israeli troops are even less welcome in the West Bank and Gaza, but none of the candidates is willing to cross the Israel lobby by talking about it. If the United States can get out of Iraq in five years, why can’t Israel get out of the West Bank and Golan Heights and free up Gaza after four decades? Call your candidate and demand an end to both occupations.


Join thousands of Americans TODAY, Sunday, June 10th, for the first mass protest in Washington, DC to call for an end to Israel’s brutal military occupation, which began on June 9th, 1967, forty years ago. For more information about the rally, march, and lobbying day, visit the website for the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation at, a coalition that includes the CNI Foundation.

WHAT: The World Says `No!’ to Occupation Rally, March, and Lobbying Day
WHERE: West Lawn of the Capitol Building, Washington, DC
WHEN: TODAY, Sunday, June 10th, 2-4 pm (Rally) and 4-6 pm (Protest march); Monday, June 11th, Lobbying day on Capitol Hill

The ad is sponsored by the Council for the National Interest:

Washington, DC (June 6, 2007) – To mark the fortieth anniversary of the Israeli occupation, the CNI Foundation will publish the (above) full-page advertisement nationwide in the New York Times on Sunday, June 10th, which will run opposite the editorial page in the “Week in Review” section of the paper. This will be the seventh full-page New York Times advertisement that the CNI Foundation has published nationwide in the last fourteen months in the same section, one every two months.

The ad, titled Forty Years is Long Enough. End the Israeli Occupation Now!, is timed to coincide with the first mass protest rally, march, and lobbying day in Washington, DC to oppose the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights, and East Jerusalem, which began on June 9th, 1967. The June 10th protest is being organized by the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and United for Peace and Justice. Former CNI Foundation Chairman Amb. Edward Peck will be one of the featured speakers at the rally from 2 to 4 pm on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol Building.

The cartoon was drawn by Khalil Bendib and depicts the U.S. presidential candidates fighting each other to reach the podium in front of an AIPAC-assembled audience. The cartoon is titled “The Israel Lobby Sign Up: Campaign 2008” and includes a running Bendib character at the bottom, who says, “They’re competing to be president of which country?”

By permission of CNI.

(PS: That is Obama, Clinton, McCain, Guliani, Richardson, and Romney on stage, and that is Edwards under the stage.)