Progress Pond

President Brownback: Tough Luck Rape and Incest Victims

Well, the Good* Senator from the State of Kansas isn’t President yet, and let’s hope he never will be. You see, President Brownback would force rape and incest victims to bear the children of the monsters who sexually assaulted them, because — well, because he thinks that’s the only moral thing they can do:

[Brownback] proved his pro-life bona fides again over the weekend when he said he opposed abortion in cases of rape or incest.

Brownback’s comments came during the National Catholic Men’s Conference.

He said that encouraging a woman who has been a victim of sexual abuse to have an abortion doesn’t address the problems she faces as a result of the rape and does nothing to prosecute the rapist.

“Rape is terrible. Rape is awful. Is it made any better by killing an innocent child? Does it solve the problem for the woman that’s been raped?” Brownback said, according to an AP report.

“We need to protect innocent life. Period,” he added, which brought the crowd of 500 people to its feet.

Yes, innocent life, as long as it’s in the womb. Then of course, it’s no longer so innocent (Doctrine of Original Sin and all that). And if that young life should be raped by her father, or brother or the friendly neighbor next door, well, you can’t say she’s innocent anymore, now can you? Hell, maybe she even deserved it, maybe she was “asking for it.”

At least here in America we don’t have honor killings for the shame such a defiled sinful woman brings on her family. At least, not the “kill the bitch” immediately variety. Though, the possibility of a Christian community taking up the practice isn’t completely verboten. Biblical law does authorize the stoning of adulterers, after all.

Meanwhile, guess how Senator Sam “I’m Pro-Life” Brownback voted on some other issues to help people after they are born. For example, he voted against funding stem cell research, research that may eventually lead to the cure of many life threatening and/or chronic diseases. He voted against increasing the enrollment period for Medicare D. Voted for canceling federal rules regarding repetitive motion injuries in the workplace. Voted against increasing the tax deduction for college tuition. Voted against requiring background checks at gun shows. Voted against including oil & gas smokestacks in mercury regulations. He voted against a federal minimum wage increase, until it was part of the “War on Terror” supplemental bill that gave Bush no restrictions on funding for the Iraq war. He also voted against setting a deadline for leaving Iraq.

But then, once you are born, Sam Brownback doesn’t much care about your life. It’s no longer innocent anymore, after all. So, why should we expect him to feel anything is different about rape and incest victims?

* “Good” is used for ironic effect only.

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