Progress Pond

Should I write the book

Charolette wrote about the deliberate dumbing down of America and in a related theme my idea is the deliberate productivity reduction of American business.  
The research would be extensive and difficult but I could reinforce that with cases from my own 20 years in a manufacturing oriented business.

I bring this up because today I got a phone call for a renewal of a trade magazine.  The female caller definitely came from India.  She sort of spoke English and the other 97 people speaking in the background sounded like an echo chamber. This was on top of periodic complete drop outs of the connection.
Gee, are we making progress with our “enhanced” technology?

Then there was this.

We have been notified that Homeboy Security has compiled a list of chemicals requiring “special handling procedures”. Our saftey department representative says that “you won’t like the regulations” so she is arrainging a lab pack to dispose of these chemicals before the regulation takes effect.
It was apparently not enough to reduce the productivity of American corporations with Sarbanes-Oxley they now have to seal the tomb with a blacklist of chemicals.

I’m quite sure China will be more than willing to pick up yet another giant sucking sound of industry leaving America.

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