Cross Posted on The Disputed Truth and Other Progressive Blogs
Lately there has been a lot of talk in the Blog world about diversity and its place in the world. There are voices that say all whites, liberal and conservative are basically the same and share the same agenda. There are voices that say that all whites are bred to feel superior and therefore are inherently racist, whether they acknowledge it or not. It’s in the DNA. There are voices that say because of our troubled history we can never have true unity as a nation and that the best we can hope for is an uneasy co-existence. There are voices that say because a person is born a certain race they can never truly identify with anyone from another race or their plight. What do you believe?
The first question we must ask ourselves is do we want diversity and why? Do I want diversity because it is the PC thing to do or do I honestly feel that we are strengthened as a nation, when all voices are heard, even those that do not echo my own? Why do we seek the comfort of likeminded in our dwellings, in our relationships, and jobs? Why is something different always to be feared? Can I only trust those of like mind and complexion? Why are we so divided? Can we ever truly be united as a nation?
These are questions I ponder all the time and I wish I could say that I have it all figured out, but I don’t. Sometimes the more I think I know, the less I really know about people. What I do know is the atrocity that was slavery cannot be compensated for. It is time we all got honest and admitted this fact. No matter what is offered it will never be enough and whatever is asked will be too much. Do you think that the casinos make up for the genocidal treatment that the Native Americans received? Do you think that they would trade them for their past, for their culture back? We as Black and White must move beyond this argument and come to a mutual understanding and equitable arrangement to help combat the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow in America. While nothing can ever remove the stain of it, there are definite vestiges of its insidious nature that must be dealt with in a constructive way if we are to achieve any type of lasting peace and unity.
There are concrete things that we can do as a nation to begin the healing process that has for too long been ignored for various reasons. The things that divide us are so deeply entrenched that we as men and women can never overcome them of ourselves. Look at us on Sunday mornings, today it is still the most segregated time in America. We can’t even worship God together, how can we live together?
Gandhi was asked by a Hindu who had killed a Muslim child’s family and orphaned him, how can the Hindu make up for what he had done? Gandhi told him that if he were truly serious and repentant that he should raise the orphan, but not as a Hindu. He was to raise him as a Muslim, like his dead father would have done. The simplicity of this answer is powerful and yet most people miss it. Today, we want solutions that don’t require any work. We basically have become lazy.
We sit behind these computers and bang out all these ideas and theories and yet what do we actually physically do to change things? The message that Gandhi was relating is that in order to know a man you have to walk as that man walks, live as that man lives. So often today, due to our laziness we just readily accept stereotypes, rhetoric, and demagoguery. How much do we really know about each other? How much are we willing to learn?
Until we get enough people willing to do the things that are uncomfortable, we will merely continue to have an exercise in futility when it comes to race relations in America. Black people can’t force the issue and White people won’t. If you want to know what is wrong in the world all you have to do is just look inside your own heart. We all suffer from the same fears, insecurities, and shortcomings. I am every man and every man is me. Until, we recognize that we have more that unites us than divides us we will continue to fall into the same old traps. We need to stop allowing those that are exploiting the poor and the working class to continue to foster this false racial identity game. So long as they are able to divide and conquer they will remain free to continue their price gouging, profit stealing, and Wall Street inside trading. While we fight over the crumbs, they reap the gourmet meals.
I for one find it fascinating how those things we despise in others we someday become. I know for myself I use to say as a child I would never treat my children this way in response to some perceived slight of my father. Well, a few years later and a couple of kids and guess what. I say that to say, that we as people can sometimes make the same mistakes we find fault with in others, it isn’t that we are bad, we are just human and it is a part of our nature to do so. Do I think all Progressives are racists? No. Do I think that we all can learn lessons from each other? Yes, but you have to acknowledge that you have need of knowledge to get it. If I believe that I am not a racist, then I won’t look at myself and see where maybe I have been insensitive or could use more self evaluation from another’s perspective. If I say I am without sin, then I am a liar and the truth is not in me. Am I the worst sinner ever? Maybe, it will depend on who you talk to. My ex-wife has me somewhere near the top. In my mind I can always find someone worse than me, but does that make me innocent? The point being is that until I acknowledge I have fallen short in some area, I will continue to lull myself into a false sense of security. (I have friends who are…)
Einstein said it best, “It is all relative.” To the man who has been cheated over and over; can you blame him for being suspicious? If you are White think about how it feels when you are in a situation where you are the minority. Now imagine that feeling every day. If you are Black think about how it feels to be falsely accused just because you are Black or lumped into the generalization pot. He’s Black of course he can play basketball. We will never find unity if we can’t get past the fear and the stereotypes that continue to define us. This is a marathon, not a sprint. There has been a lot of mistrust, fear, and social conditioning to overcome. There are many who will not want to, but for those who want to build a better world we must overcome our prejudice and fears. It is going to take a lot of work and many years. I have had many white friends who truly believed that they were not prejudiced, and then they would say you are handsome or smart for a Black man…Articulate
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest — but the myth — persistent, persuasive and unrealistic – John F. Kennedy
Diversity AND commonality. Both need to be embraced and celebrated. Yin and Yang. Light and shadow giving the world focus. Fear often leads to courage, but may also stifle empathy. We are complicated — all of us.
article regarding this essay.
White self-flagellation. OOOooo, it hurts SO GOOD!!!
I am sure that your intentions are good.
Intentions with which it is well known the road to hell is paved.
Gotta be said.
So…I said it.
Forgive me, Forgiven.
As Clint Eastwood said so succinctly in his magnum opus, The Unforgiven, “We ALL got it comin’, kid.”
Bet on it.
I am Black…
I don’t get what it is you are trying to say! You seem to have picked and chose the parts of my diary that fit into your nice little neat vision of the world and completely ignored the rest. How many of your race can share your experiences? You are guilty of the same thing you accuse me of, “that your experiences mirror those of others and are somehow more valid and more important”.
The point of my diary was to address an issue and a dialog that was being carried out concerning the place of minority bloggers in the overall “blogosphere”. The questions I raised were rhetorical, questions that each one needs to ask themselves. What may be true for you may not be true for others. But based on your signature you are in possession of all facts.
The main point of my diary is the following, which you obviously missed:
Until we get enough people willing to do the things that are uncomfortable, we will merely continue to have an exercise in futility when it comes to race relations in America. Black people can’t force the issue and White people won’t. If you want to know what is wrong in the world all you have to do is just look inside your own heart. We all suffer from the same fears, insecurities, and shortcomings. I am every man and every man is me. Until, we recognize that we have more that unites us than divides us we will continue to fall into the same old traps. We need to stop allowing those that are exploiting the poor and the working class to continue to foster this false racial identity game. So long as they are able to divide and conquer they will remain free to continue their price gouging, profit stealing, and Wall Street inside trading. While we fight over the crumbs, they reap the gourmet meals.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. – Daniel Patrick Moynihan
The Disputed Truth
No matter what your race, your diary plays into the failings of the predominantly white left as far as I am concerned.
You ask how many of my race can share my experiences?
However many wish to get their asses up off of their comfortable middle class couches and engage.
I ask…how many have DONE so?
So far…very damned few.
In possession of all the facts?
Well…I’ve got THAT fact down. For SURE. With the possible exception of some percentage of those white people who teach in minority schools or serve social functions for a living…and most of THEM are just there for the gig, believe it…how many white so-called lefties EVER go to minority neighborhoods in any other function than possibly to “get out the vote” when it’s time to try to round up them darkies to get somebody fucking elected?
Listen, Forgiven. We have just seen a number of articles by white people on these blogs regarding their fears.
Fear of minorities.
Fear of their own guilt.
Fear of the FEAR of their own guilt.
Fear of…fear of the unknown, when you get right down to it.
Fear of what they have been HYPNOTIZED into fearing.
Your “rhetorical” questions do not cut it as far as I am concerned.
The left rhetorics itself to DEATH.
And I posted an idea that I consider to be a possibly effective antidote to that ongoing self-poisoning. The same thing that Marcus Garvey was trying to tell Black Americans to do 80+ years ago.
Go out and learn what is REALLY happening.
Yoiu write:
Sorry, Mr./Ms. Forgiven.
I do not buy that.
I WILL not buy that.
I do NOT suffer from “the same fears, insecurities, and shortcomings” as George Bush. Or a whole lot of OTHER people. And I refuse to be tarred by the same brush.
Further…I think that an idea like that ENABLES those who wish to cop out.
“Ah hell…I’m as lame as everybody else. Why bother?”
The fact is, being possessed by certain fears, insecurities, and shortcomings is damned near a JOB description for power in our current system.
And emphasizing/continuing/and especially spreading those fears and insecurities is a major business here.
It is also known as “working in the media”.
Sorry to have offended you.
But I will no longer sit idly by and watch these guilt and self-fear memes spread.
They are too dangerous.
You are more dangerous than the white liberals and conservatives that you attempt to divorce yourself from. You are still caught up in the race mentality you accuse them of only from the reverse side. You are merely the other side of the same coin. You have no clue what it’s like to be a minority in America and your tirade shows this to be true…
You present yourself as the great white father with knowledge to free us poor “darkies” from ourselves and the other white exploiters, when you yourself suffer from the same disease. Your post did not offend me for I did not write this for self gratification. My point in writing this is to say that underneath all the demagoguery and rhetoric we are all human and suffer from the same failings, how we choose to play out these failings is what distinguishes us. Not that I don’t have them. Basically we all are looking for the same things and ask ourselves the same questions, what makes us different is where we go to find the answers.
If you don’t suffer from the same fears, shortcomings, and insecurities as the rest of us then congratulations I will put you up for sainthood. For the rest of us stuck on planet Earth, we will continue to drudge along trying to make sense of all this and hopefully make some positive changes in other people’s lives…
From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth; from the laziness that is content with half-truths; from the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth – oh God of Truth deliver us!– Unknown
The Disputed Truth
More bullshit.
You write:
I was not WRITING to a block audience.
I want to free the whities, podna.
MORE bullshit.
I did not say that I do not suffer from personal failings.
Just not the ones described in your post.
And judging from your gratuitously nasty gay-baiting answer to dataguy’s comment below, I would suggest that you may as well just back off and deal with your OWN shortcomings.
Leave mine to me.
I am INTIMATELY familiar with them.
Do not ascribe YOURS to me.
We are not all alike.
Bet on it.
I did that white guilt thing in college one night. I got intimidated into some crapola by some black moron. It wasn’t true then and it ain’t true now.
For the black author, I have an uncomfortable thing to say: There are a LOT of racists around today, and they are mostly black teenagers. My children have been raised correctly, but riding the bus with black children has made them somewhat racist. The black kids cry “racist” every single time some bad thing happens to them. For instance, when they get a bad grade on a test, it’s racist sho’nuff.
What’s going on is that the racism charge has freed blacks from actual responsibility for anything. Whenever something bad happens, it’s racism.
That’s a bad situation, for the black kids.
I suggest that a careful examination of the contents of our character is in order, and nobody is exempt.
And, no, I ain’t no fucking racist, and fuck you very much for asking.
I’m sorry dataguy that some blacks made you “kiss their ass” one night in college, but that has nothing to do with this post…I believe what one does in the privacy of their dorm room is their business. I don’t condone it myself though…maybe therapy might help? I hear they can reprogram gays, maybe they can help you?
There are many more wrong answers than right ones, and they are easier to find – Michael Friedlander
The Disputed Truth
I rated this comment a “2” not because I think its wrong to talk about these things. But we are never going to get anywhere until we talk about it with an openess that puts our thoughts out there followed by a willingness to listen and maybe learn. Instead, your words are all about anger and defensivness. There will not be much talking and learning if we approach each other like this.