Progress Pond

Libby to Jail

Judge Walton says ‘Do not pass Go, go directly to jail‘. Scooter Libby will not be free on bail pending appeal. It will still take six to eight weeks before Libby has to turn himself in and report to prison. The horror, the horror…a rich white dude might have to spend time behind bars. This could upset David Broder’s whole universe.

I expect a huge outpouring of outrage over this tremendous injustice. After all, if a made man like Scooter Libby can be put in prison with common arsonists and pederasts then a lot of other white dudes could go to prison, too. Who will protect their bungholes?

I’m sorry to make this about race and class, but I am really, really, really tired of hearing people make arguments that this man doesn’t deserve to do jail time. There is only one argument that makes any sense for why Libby shouldn’t do his jail time. And that is that he was only obstructing justice to protect his bosses, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. But that is not an argument for pardoning Libby; that is an argument for Bush and Cheney to do jail time as well.

It may well be that Bush is a heartless bastard that will let his fall guy do hard time while he pretends to be innocent. But that is a problem with Bush, not an excuse for Libby.

If Bush pardons him it should be an impeachable offense. Of course, the pardon is legal, but it amounts to a reward for obstruction of justice. It would be proof that Bush suborned perjury. And that is an impeachable offense.

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